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    Research Staff
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Research Experience

  • Staff Physicist, LLNL, 1996–Present
  • Postdoctoral, LLNL, 1993–1996

Xueqiao Xu is a theoretical and computational plasma physicist, specialized in boundary plasma physics, large-scale computing, and Artificial Intelligent / Machine Learning. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society, and has published  about 168 publications and 26 conference proceedings in theoretical, computational and experimental plasma physics, with a total citation of 8217, an h-index of 44, and an i10-index of 117 (Google Scholar). He is co-author of 2014 Nuclear Fusion Prize paper with Phil Snyder. He is the original developer of the BOUT code and co-developer of the BOUT++ code, jointly with University of York and with extensive experience of mentoring 27 PhD students, 22 postdocs and junior staff. He leads an international collaboration for ongoing development of the BOUT++ code on pedestal and the SOL physics, ELMs, edge turbulence, and divertor heat flux simulations with collaborative groups from the U.S., U.K., China, South Korea, and Japan.


  • Co-invented new Monte Carlo scheme for usual gyro-kinetic δf particle-in-cell plasma micro-turbulence simulations for modeling Coulomb collisions
  • Developed the BOUT two-fluid edge turbulence code
  • Lead physics developer for 5D continuum edge gyrokinetic code TEMPEST
  • Co-developed the BOUT++ two-fluid edge turbulence code

Postdoctoral, University of California, Berkeley, 1990–1993

Ph.D., Plasma Physics, University of Texas at Austin, 1990

M.A., Plasma Physics, Institute of Plasma Physics, Academia Sinica, Hefei - Anhui, China, 1985

Dr. Xu has over 150 refereed publications.

Chenhao Ma , Ben Zhu , Xue-Qiao Xu , and Weixing Wang, Machine learning surrogate models for Landau fluid closure, Phys. Plasmas 27, 042502 (2020).

X.Q. Xu, N.M. Li, Z.Y. Li, B. Chen, T.Y. Xia, T.F. Tang, B. Zhu, and V.S. Chan, Simulations of tokamak boundary plasma turbulence transport in setting the divertor heat flux width, Nucl. Fusion 59 (2019).

X. Q. Xu, T. Y. Xia, N. Yan, Z. X. Liu, D. F. Kong, A. Diallo, R. J. Groebner, A. E. Hubbard and J. W. Hughes, Toward integrated multi-scale pedestal simulations including edge-localized-mode dynamics, evolution of edge-localized-mode cycles, and continuous fluctuations, Physics of Plasmas 23, 055901 (2016).

X. Q. Xu, J. F. Ma, G. Q. Li, Impact of the pedestal plasma density on dynamics of edge localized mode crashes and energy loss scaling, Phys. Plasmas 21, 120704 (2014).

P. W. Xi, P. W. Xi, X. Q. Xu, P.H. Diamond, Phase Dynamics Criterion for Fast Relaxation of High-Confinement-Mode Plasmas, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 085001 (2014).

X. Q. Xu, P. W. Xi, A. Dimits, I. Joseph, M. V. Umansky et al., Gyro-fluid and two-fluid theory and simulations of edge-localized-modes, Physics of Plasmas 20, 056113 (2013).

X.Q. Xu, B. Dudson, P.B. Snyder, M.V. Umansky, and H. Wilson, Nonlinear Simulations of Peeling-Ballooning Modes with Anomalous Electron Viscosity and their Role in Edge Localized Mode Crashes, Physical Review Letters, Vol. 105, 175005.

B. D. Dudson, M. V. Umansky, X. Q. Xu, P. B. Snyder, and H. R. Wilson, BOUT++: a framework for parallel plasma fluid simulations, Computer Physics Communications, Vol. 180, 1467 (2009).

X.Q. Xu, E. Belli, K. Bodi, et al., Dynamics of kinetic geodesic-acoustic modes and the radial electric field in tokamak neoclassical plasmas, NUCLEAR FUSION, VOL. 49, 065023 (2009).

X. Q. Xu, Z. Xiong, Z. Gao, W. M. Nevins, and G. R. McKee. "TEMPEST Simulations of Collisionless Damping of the Geodesic-Acoustic Mode", Phys. Rev. Lett., 100, (2008).

X. Q. Xu, M. V. Umansky, B. Dudson, and P. B. Snyder. "Boundary Plasma Turbulence Simulations for Tokamaks", Communication in Computational Physics, 4 (2008) 949-979.

X. Q. Xu "Neoclassical Simulation of Tokamak Plasmas using Continuum", Phys. Rev. E, V.78, 016406 (2008).

Z. Xiong, R.H. Cohen,T.D. Rognlien, X.Q. Xu. "A High-Order Finite-Volume Algorithm for Fokker-Planck Collisions in Magnetized Plasmas", J. Comput. Phys., V. 227, (2008) 7192-7205.

Umansky, MV; Cohen, RH; LoDestro, LL; Xu, XQ. "Suite of verification test problems for edge turbulence simulations", Contrib. Plasma. Phys., 48, 27-31, (2008).

Cohen, RH; Xu, XQ. "Progress in kinetic simulation of edge plasmas", Contrib. Plasm. Phys., 48, 212-223, (2008).

X. Q. Xu; Xiong, Z; Dorr, MR; Hittinger, JA, et al., "Edge gyrokinetic theory and continuum simulations", Nucl. Fusion, 47, 809-816, (2007).

Qin, H; Cohen, RH; Nevins, WM; Xu, XQ. "Geometric gyrokinetic theory for edge plasmas", Phys. Plasmas, 14, (2007).

X. Q. Xu, R.H.Cohen, T.D.ROGNLIEN, and J.R.Myra, L-H transitions simulations in Divertor Geometry, Physics of Plasma, Vol. 7, no. 5 1951-1958 (2000).

X. Q. Xu, M. N. Rosenbluth, Numerical simulation of ion-temperature-gradient-driven modes, Phys. Fluids, B 3, 627-643 (1991).


Full Publications record can be found the website: https://bout.llnl.gov/publications