Amanda S. Wu

Portrait of  Amanda S. Wu
  • Title
    Materials Scientist
  • Email
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    (925) 422-0573
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Research Interests

  • Hydrodynamic behavior of metals
  • Fragmentation and fracture
  • Polymer reinforced composites
  • Metals additive manufacturing

Ph.D., Materials Science and Engineering, University of Delaware, DE 2009

B.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of Southern California, CA 2004

Invited—Landa A, Soderlind P, Wu AS (2020) Phase stability in U-6Nb alloy doped with Ti from the first principles theory. Applied Sciences 10(10):3417

Elmer JW, Wu AS, DebRoy T (2019) Laser weld geometry and microstructure of cast uranium-6 wt% niobium alloy. Journal of Nuclear Materials 514:224-237

Invited--Brosha E, Romero CJ, Poppe D, Williamson T, Kreller C, Mukundan H, Glass R, Wu AS (2017) Field Trials Testing of Mixed Potential Electrochemical Hydrogen Safety Sensors at Commercial California Hydrogen Filling Stations. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 164(13):B681-B689

Wu AS, Small W, Bryson TM, Cheng E, Schulze S, Duoss E, Wilson TS (2017) 3D printed silicones with shape memory. Nature Scientific Reports 7:4664

Wu AS, Brown DW, Clausen B, Elmer JW (2017) The influence of impurities on the microstructure and mechanical properties of additively manufactured U-6 wt. % Nb alloy. Scripta Materialia 130:59-63

Wu AS, Brown DW, Kumar M, Gallegos GF, King WE (2014) An experimental investigation into additive manufacturing- induced residual stresses in 316L stainless steel. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 45A:6260-6270

Wu AS, Chou T-W (2012) Carbon nanotube fibers for advanced composites. Materials Today 15(7-8):302–310

Wu AS, Nie X, Hudspeth MC, Chen WW, Chou T-W, Lashmore D, Schauer M, Tolle E, Rioux J (2012) Strain rate-dependent tensile properties and dynamic electromechanical response of carbon nanotube fibers. Carbon 50(10):3876–3881

Lim AS, Lopatnikov SL, Wagner NJ, Gillespie Jr. JW (2010) Investigating the transient response of a shear thickening fluid using the split-Hopkinson pressure bar technique. Rheologica Acta 49:879-890

For a full list, see: Google Scholar | ResearchGate | Scopus | ORCID

  • Secretary's Honor Award, Department of Energy, 2021
  • Secretary's Honor Award, High-Value Component Design and Manufacture Team, Department of Energy, 2018
  • Director’s S&T Award, Additive Manufacturing of Unique Metal Alloys, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 2018
  • R&D 100 Winner, Zirconia Electrochemical Hydrogen Safety Sensors—LANL with LLNL and Hydrogen Frontier, Inc., 2017
  • Director’s S&T Award, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 2016
  • Award of Excellence for Significant Contributions to the Stockpile Stewardship Program, National Nuclear Security Administration, 2015
  • Award of Excellence for Significant Contributions to the Stockpile Stewardship Program, National Nuclear Security Administration, 2015 (separate award from above)
  • Center for Composite Materials R. L. McCullough Scholars Award, University of Delaware 2010
  • Ph.D. Scholarship Award, American Society for Composites 2008
  • 1st Place, Student paper symposium, 11th International Congress of the SEM 2008
  • 1st Place, Student paper symposium, 53rd International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition 2008
  • Center for Composite Materials Director’s Award, University of Delaware 2008
  • 1st Place, Student paper competition, Baltimore-Washington SAMPE Student Nite 2008
  • Center for Composite Materials Progress Award, University of Delaware 2007
  • 1st Place, Student poster competition, ASC 21st Annual Technical Conference 2006
  • Presidential Scholarship, University of Southern California 2000-2004


Wu AS, Wilson TS, Small IV W, Duoss E, Bryson TM, Metz TR, Cheng E, Schulze S, inventor;  Elastomeric shape memory polymer composites. U.S. Patent WO2019006029, 2019