Trevor Willey

Portrait of  Trevor Willey
  • Title
    Group Leader, Nanoscale, Surface, & Interface Science
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    (925) 424-6084
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Research Interests

  • Synchrotron Radiation techniques for materials characterization including:
    • Time-resolved x-ray techniques to interrogate nanoscale and nanosecond phenomena during detonation.
    • X-ray microtomography for microstructure of engineered materials.
    • X-ray spectroscopies to investigate structural, orientational, and electronic properties of molecular and nanoscale materials.

Graduate Certificate, National Security Affairs, Texas A&M University, 2014

Ph.D., Physics, University of California Davis, 2004

M.S., Physics, University of California Davis, 1999

B.S., Physics, Utah State University, 1997

Selected recent scientific publications:

Oscar A Paredes-Mellone, Michael H Nielsen, John Vinson, Konmeng Moua, K Dean Skoien, Dimosthenis Sokaras, Trevor M Willey, “Investigating the electronic structure of high explosives with X-ray Raman spectroscopy,” Scientific Reports, 12(1) 19460 (2022).

Kyle M. Champley, Trevor M. Willey, Hyojin Kim, Karina Bond, Steven M. Glenn, Jerel A. Smith, Jeffrey S. Kallman, William D. Brown, Isaac M. Seetho, Lionel Keene, Stephen G. Azevedo, Larry D. McMichael, George Overturf, Harry E. Martz, “Livermore tomography tools: Accurate, fast, and flexible software for tomographic science,” NDT & E International, 126, 102595 (2022).

Trevor M. Willey, Jonathan RI Lee, Daniel Brehmer, Oscar A Paredes Mellone, Lasse Landt, Peter R Schreiner, Andrey A Fokin, Boryslav A Tkachenko, Armin de Meijere, Sergei Kozhushkov, Anthony W van Buuren, “X-ray spectroscopic identification of strain and structure-based resonances in a series of saturated carbon-cage molecules: Adamantane, twistane, octahedrane, and cubane,” Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films, 39(5) 053208 (2021).

Joshua A. Hammons, Michael H. Nielsen, Michael Bagge-Hansen, Sorin Bastea, Chadd May, William L. Shaw, Aiden Martin, Yuelin Li, Nicholas Sinclair, Lisa M. Lauderbach, Ralph L. Hodgin, Daniel A. Orlikowski, Laurence E. Fried, and Trevor M. Willey, “Submicrosecond Aggregation during Detonation Synthesis of Nanodiamond,” The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 12 (22), 5286-5293 (2021).

Saad A Khairallah, Aiden A Martin, Jonathan RI Lee, Gabe Guss, Nicholas P Calta, Joshua A Hammons, Michael H Nielsen, Kevin Chaput, Edwin Schwalbach, Megna N Shah, Michael G Chapman, Trevor M Willey, Alexander M Rubenchik, Andrew T Anderson, Y Morris Wang, Manyalibo J Matthews, Wayne E King, “Controlling interdependent meso-nanosecond dynamics and defect generation in metal 3D printing,” Science, 368(6491), 660-665, (2020).

Joshua A Hammons, Michael H Nielsen, Michael Bagge‐Hansen, Lisa M Lauderbach, Ralph L Hodgin, Sorin Bastea, Laurence E Fried, Matthew R Cowan, Daniel A Orlikowski, Trevor M Willey, “Observation of variations in condensed carbon morphology dependent on composition B detonation conditions,” Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics, 45(2), 347-355, (2020).

Elissaios Stavrou, Michael Bagge-Hansen, Joshua A Hammons, Michael H Nielsen, Bradley A Steele, Penghao Xiao, Matthew P Kroonblawd, Matthew D Nelms, William L Shaw, Will Bassett, Sorin Bastea, Lisa M Lauderbach, Ralph L Hodgin, Nicholas A Perez-Marty, Saransh Singh, Pinaki Das, Yuelin Li, Adam Schuman, Nicholas Sinclair, Kamel Fezzaa, Alex Deriy, Lara D Leininger, Trevor M Willey, “Detonation-induced transformation of graphite to hexagonal diamond,” Physical Review B, 102(10) 104116 (2020).

M Bagge-Hansen, S Bastea, JA Hammons, MH Nielsen, LM Lauderbach, RL Hodgin, P Pagoria, C May, S Aloni, A Jones, WL Shaw, EV Bukovsky, N Sinclair, Richard L Gustavsen, Erik Benjamin Watkins, Brian J Jensen, DM Dattelbaum, Millicent Anne Firestone, Rachel Colleen Huber, Bryan Scott Ringstrand, JRI Lee, T van Buuren, LE Fried, TM Willey, “Detonation synthesis of carbon nano-onions via liquid carbon condensation,” Nature Communications, 10(1), 3819 (2019).

Joshua A Hammons, Michael H Nielsen, Michael Bagge-Hansen, Sorin Bastea, William L Shaw, Jonathan RI Lee, Jan Ilavsky, Nicholas Sinclair, Kamel Fezzaa, Lisa M Lauderbach, Ralph L Hodgin, Daniel A Orlikowski, Laurence E Fried, Trevor M Willey, “Resolving detonation nanodiamond size evolution and morphology at sub-microsecond timescales during high-explosive detonations,” The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123 (31) 19153-19164 (2019).

Aiden A Martin, Nicholas P Calta, Joshua A Hammons, Saad A Khairallah, Michael H Nielsen, Richard M Shuttlesworth, Nicholas Sinclair, Manyalibo J Matthews, Jason R Jeffries, Trevor M Willey, Jonathan RI Lee, “Ultrafast dynamics of laser-metal interactions in additive manufacturing alloys captured by in situ X-ray imaging,” Materials Today Advances, 1, 100002 (2019).

M.H. Nielsen, J.A. Hammons, M. Bagge-Hansen, L.M. Lauderbach, R.L. Hodgin, K.M. Champley, W.L. Shaw, N. Sinclair, J.A. Klug, Y.L. Li, A. Schuman, A.W. van Buuren, E.B. Watkins, R.L. Gustavsen, R.C. Huber, and T.M. Willey, Single-bunch imaging of detonation fronts using scattered synchrotron radiation, Journal of Applied Physics 123 (22), 225902 (2018),

For a full list, see:

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  • Early- and Mid-Career Award, LLNL, 2019
  • Director’s Science & Technology Awards, LLNL, 2017, 2016, 2013
  • Department of Energy, Office of Science, Outstanding Mentor Award, 2010