Kenneth Weiss


Portrait of  Kenneth Weiss
  • Title
    Computer Scientist
  • Email
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    (925) 423-1483
  • Organization
    Not Available

Kenneth is the group leader of the Numerics, Modular Applications and Performance (NuMAP) group in Computing's Applications, Simulations and Quality (ASQ) division. He is also the Computer Science lead for the Multiphysics on Applied Platforms Project (MAPP) and the deputy lead of the Axom computer science toolkit project. Previously, he was a postdoctoral research associate in the Center for Applied Scientific Computing working with Peter Lindstrom.

Kenneth earned a Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Maryland, College Park and holds a dual degree in computer science and mathematics from Binghamton University. His research interests include scientific visualization, spatial data structures, computational topology and shape modeling. He is also the information director for the ACM journal Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems.

  • K. Weiss. Diamond-based models for scientific visualization. Ph.D. Thesis: University of Maryland, College Park, 2011. doi | pdf
  • K. Weiss and P. Lindstrom. Adaptive multilinear tensor product wavelets. In proceedings IEEE Visualization 2015. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics , 2015. doi | pdf
  • R. Fellegara, F. Iuricich, L. De Floriani, K. Weiss. Efficient computation and simplification of discrete Morse decompositions on triangulated terrains. In proceedings ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS pp. 223-232, 2014. doi | pdf
  • K. Weiss, F. Iuricich, R. Fellegara and L. De Floriani. A primal/dual representation for discrete Morse complexes on tetrahedral meshes. In proceedings Eurovis 2013. Computer Graphics Forum 32(3):361--370, 2013.  doi | pdf
  • L. De Floriani, F. Iuricich, P. Magillo, M.M. Mesmoudi and K. Weiss. Discrete distortion for 3D data analysis. Chapter in book: Visualization in Medicine and Life Sciences II (VMLS II), 2012. doi | pdf
  • K. Weiss, R. Fellegara, L. De Floriani and M. Velloso. The PR-star Octree: A spatio-topological data structure for tetrahedral meshes. In proceedings ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS  pp. 92--101, 2011.  doi | pdf
  • D. Canino, L De Floriani and K. Weiss. IA*: An adjacency-based representation for non-manifold simplicial shapes in arbitrary dimensions. In proceedings Shape Modeling International (SMI '11). Computers & Graphics 35(3):747—753, 2011. doi | pdf
  • K. Weiss and L. De Floriani. Simplex and diamond hierarchies: Models and applications. Computer Graphics Forum 30(8):2127--2155, 2011. doi | pdf
  • K. Weiss, L. De Floriani. Isodiamond hierarchies: An efficient multiresolution representation for isosurfaces and interval volumes. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 16(4):583--598, 2010. doi | pdf
  • K. Weiss, L. De Floriani. Diamond hierarchies of arbitrary dimension. In proceedings Symposium on Geometry Processing 2009. Computer Graphics Forum 28(5):1289--1300, 2009. doi | pdf
  • K. Weiss, L. De Floriani. Supercubes: A high-level primitive for diamond hierarchies. In proceedings IEEE Visualization 2009. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 15(6):1603--1610, 2009. doi | pdf
  • K. Weiss, L. De Floriani. Sparse terrain pyramids. In proceedings ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS pp. 115-124, 2008. doi | pdf

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