Raul Viera Mercado


Portrait of  Raul Viera Mercado
  • Title
    Group Leader and Software Developer
  • Email
  • Phone
    (925) 423-6376
  • Organization

Raul Viera-Mercado started at LLNL in 2012 as a summer student in the Security & Protection (S&P) Program working with the Argus physical security system. Raul worked during the school year and transitioned to a full-time software developer after completing a B.S. in Computer Science from the University of Puerto Rico, Arecibo, in May 2013. After 7 years with S&P, Raul moved to split time as Software Developer and Technical Lead with the Geophysical Monitoring Program (GMP) and North American Energy Resilience Modeling (NAERM) Program to work on nonproliferation and energy resilience respectively. In addition to supporting GMP and NAERM, Raul is currently a Group Leader in the Global Security Computing Applications Division (GS-CAD). While working full-time, Raul completed an M.S. in Computer Science from Georgia Tech in December 2020. His areas of interest are in distributed systems, system/software architecture, and backend development.

During his career at LLNL, Raul has been passionate about DEI and has volunteered in external and internal activities and initiatives. Raul is a member of the Amigos Unidos Hispanics in Partnership (AUHIP) Employee Resource Group (ERG) leadership team. He has also been an active attendee, program committee member and/or reviewer for the Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference for the last 10 years. In his spare time, Raul enjoys riding motorcycles, watching sports, especially baseball and basketball, and is a baseball card collector.

M.S. Computer Science, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, Georgia

B.S Computer Science, University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo, Arecibo, Puerto Rico