Staff Scientist -
tao4@llnl.gov -
(925) 424-2698 -
Not Available
Research Interests
- Convection and precipitation
- Land-atmosphere interactions
- Objective variational data analysis
- Climate model development and evaluation
Ph.D. Atmospheric Sciences, Florida International University
B.S. Atmospheric Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University
For a full list, see: Google Scholar
Selected publications
Tao, C., Xie, S., Ma, H.-Y., Bechtold, P., Cui, Z., Vaillancourt, P.A., et al. (2024) Diurnal cycle of precipitation over the tropics and central United States: intercomparison of general circulation models. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 1–26. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1002/qj.4629.
Zheng, X., C. Tao, C. Zhang, S. Xie, Y. Zhang, B. Xi, and X. Dong, 2023: Assessment of CMIP5 and CMIP6 AMIP Simulated Clouds and Surface Shortwave Radiation Using ARM Observations over Different Climate Regions. J. Climate, 36, 8475–8495, https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-23-0247.1.
Lee, J. M., C. Tao, W. M. Hannah, S. Xie, and D. C. Bader, 2023: Assessment of Warm and Dry Bias over ARM SGP Site in E3SMv2 and E3SM-MMF. J. Atmos. Sci., 80, 2545–2556, https://doi.org/10.1175/JAS-D-23-0062.1.
Tao, C., Xie, S., Tang, S. et al. Diurnal cycle of precipitation over global monsoon systems in CMIP6 simulations. Clim Dyn (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-022-06546-0.
Zhang, C., S. Xie, C. Tao, and Coauthors, 2021: Evaluating Climate Models: The ARM Data-Oriented Metrics and Diagnostics Toolkit. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 102, 347–350, https://doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0282.A.
Tao, C., Y. Zhang, Q. Tang, H. Ma, V. P. Ghate, S. Tang, S. Xie, and J. A. Santanello, 2021: Land–Atmosphere Coupling at the U.S. Southern Great Plains: A Comparison on Local Convective Regimes between ARM Observations, Reanalysis, and Climate Model Simulations. J. Hydrometeor., 22, 463–481, https://doi.org/10.1175/JHM-D-20-0078.1.
Tao, C., Zhang, Y., Tang, S., Tang, Q., Ma, H.-Y., Xie, S., & Zhang, M. (2019). Regional moisture budget and land-atmosphere coupling over the U.S. Southern Great Plains inferred from the ARM long-term observations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124, 10091–10108. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JD030585.
Tao, C., H. Jiang, and J. Zawislak, 2017: The Relative Importance of Stratiform and Convective Rainfall in Rapidly Intensifying Tropical Cyclones. Mon. Wea. Rev., 145, 795–809, https://doi.org/10.1175/MWR-D-16-0316.1.
Tao, C., and H. Jiang, 2015: Distributions of Shallow to Very Deep Precipitation–Convection in Rapidly Intensifying Tropical Cyclones. J. Climate, 28, 8791–8824, https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00448.1.