Christopher M. Spadaccini

Portrait of  Christopher M. Spadaccini
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    Division Leader, Materials Engineering Division
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    (925) 423-3185
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Division Leader, Materials Engineering Division

Christopher Spadaccini is currently the Materials Engineering Division Leader in the Engineering Directorate at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. He has been working in advanced additive manufacturing process development and architected materials for over 14 years and has over 70 peer-reviewed publications including 4 book chapters, more than 100 invited presentations, and over 50 patents awarded or pending.

Spadaccini founded several new fabrication laboratories at LLNL for process development focused on micro and nano-scale features and mixed material printing, as well as scale-up for higher throughput. He was the founding Director of the Center for Engineered Materials and Manufacturing prior to becoming a division leader and co-led efforts to establish the Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory, a new facility in the Livermore Valley Open Campus. He has been a member of the LLNL technical staff for 18 years.

Spadaccini has also been a lecturer in the Chemical, Materials, and Biomedical Engineering Department at San Jose State University, where he taught graduate courses in heat, mass, and momentum transport. He is currently an adjunct faculty member at the University of California, Davis, in the Chemical Engineering Department. 

Ph.D., Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2004

M.S., Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1999

B.S., Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1997

Zheng, X., Lee, H., Weisgraber, T. H., Shusteff, M., DeOtte, J., Duoss, E., Kuntz, J., Biener, M. M., Ge, Q., Jackson, J., Kucheyev, S. O., Fang, N. X., and Spadaccini, C. M., “Ultralight, Ultrastiff Mechanical Metamaterials,” Science 344, 1373, June 20, 2014.

Duoss, E. B., Weisgraber, T. H., Hearon, M. K., Zhu, C., Small, IV, W., Metz, T. R., Vericella, J. J., Barth, H. D., Kuntz, J. D., Maxwell, R. S., Spadaccini, C. M., and Wilson, T. S., “Three-dimensional Printing of Elastomeric, Cellular Architectures with Negative Stiffness,” Advanced Functional Materials, accepted and in press, published online April 2014.

Zheng, X., DeOtte, J., Alonso, M., Farquar, G., Weisgraber, T., Gemberling, S., Lee, H., Fang, N., and Spadaccini, C. M., “Design and Optimization of an LED Projection Micro-Stereolithography (PμSL) Three-Dimensional Manufacturing System,” Review of Scientific Instruments 83, 125001, 2012.

Hopkins, J. B., Lange, K. J., and Spadaccini, C. M., “Designing the Microstructure of Thermally Actuated Materials using Freedom, Actuation, and Constraint Topologies,” Journal of Mechanical Design 35, June, 2013.

Lorang, D. J., Tanaka, D., Rose, K. A., Cherepy, N., Spadaccini, C. M., and Lewis, J. A., “Photocurable liquid core-fugitive shell printing of optical waveguides,” Advanced Materials 23, 5055–5058, 2011.