Antoine Snijders

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Antoine Snijders is the Division Leader of the Biosciences and Biotechnology (BBTD) Division in the Physical and Life Sciences Directorate. Antoine holds a Ph.D. in Cancer and Molecular Biology from Utrecht University and an M.S. in Biomedical Sciences from VU University Amsterdam (both in the Netherlands). After appointments as a Postgraduate Researcher and Postdoctoral Scholar at the Cancer Research Institute at the University of California, San Francisco, Antoine joined Lawrence Berkeley National Lab where he served as the Head of the Bioengineering and Biomedical Sciences Department. Antoine’s research focused on understanding the complex interactions among genetic background, environmental exposures, and the microbiome in determining disease risk. 

Ph.D. (cum laude) Cancer and Molecular Biology, Utrecht University, 2004

M.S. Biomedical Sciences, VU University Amsterdam, 1999

  1. Ryan A, Zweemer R, Snijders AM, Hermsen MAJA, Meijer GA, Beler U, Menko FH, Jacobs IJ, Verheijen R, Kenemans P and van Diest PJ (2001). Comparative Genomic Hybridisation of Microdissected Familial Ovarian Carcinoma: Two Deleted Regions on Chromosomes 15q Not Previously Identified in Sporadic Ovarian Carcinoma. Laboratory Invest. 81, no.10, 1363-1370.
  2. Cheung VG, Nowak N, Jang W, Kirsch, IR, Zhao S, Chen X-N, Furey TS, Kim U-J, Kuo W-L, Olivier M, Conroy J, Kasprzyk A, Massa H, Yonescu R, Sait S, Thoreen C, Snijders A, Lemyre E, Bailey JA, Bruzel A, Burrill WD, Clegg SM, Collins S, Dhami P, Friedman C, Han CS, Herrick S, Lee J, Ligon AH, Lowry S, Morley M, Narasimhan S, Osoegawa K, Peng Z, et al. (2001).  Integration of Cytogenetic Landmarks into the Draft Sequence of the Human Genome.  Nature 409, 953-958.
  3. Snijders AM, Nowak N, Segraves R, Blackwood S, Brown N, Conroy J, Hamilton G, Hindle AK, Huey B, Kimura K, Law S, Myambo K, Palmer J, Ylstra B, Yue JP, Gray JW, Jain AN, Pinkel D and Albertson DG (2001). Assembly of Microarrays for Genome-Wide Measurement of DNA Copy Number by CGH. Nature Genet. 29, 263-264.
  4. Jain AN, Tokuyasu TA, Snijders AM, Segraves R, Albertson DG, Pinkel D (2002). Fully Automated Quantification of Microarray Image Data. Genome Res. 12(2):325-32.
  5. Weiss MM, Kuipers EJ, Postma C, Snijders AM, Siccama I, Pinkel D, Westerga J, Meuwissen SG, Albertson DG, Meijer GA (2003). Genomic profiling of gastric cancer predicts lymph node status and survival. Oncogene 27;22(12):1872-9.
  6. Weiss MM, Snijders AM, Kuipers EJ, Ylstra B, Pinkel D, Meuwissen SG, van Diest PJ, Albertson DG, Meijer GA. (2003). Determination of amplicon boundaries at 20q13.2 in tissue samples of human gastric adenocarcinomas by high-resolution microarray comparative genomic hybridization. Journal of Pathology 200(3), 320-326.
  7. Snijders AM, Fridlyand J, Mans DA, Segraves R, Jain AN, Pinkel D and Albertson DG (2003). Shaping of Tumor and Drug Resistant Genomes by Instability and Selection. Oncogene 22, 4370-4379.
  8. Snijders AM, Nowee ME, Fridlyand J, Piek JMJ, Dorsman JC, Jain AN, Pinkel D, van Diest PJ, Verheijen RHM and Albertson DG (2003). Genome-wide array based comparative genomic hybridization reveals genetic homogeneity and frequent copy number increases encompassing CCNE1 in Fallopian tube carcinoma. Oncogene 22, 4281-4286.
  9. Weiss MM, Kuipers EJ, Postma C, Snijders AM, Stolte M, Vieth M, Pinkel D, Meuwissen SG, Albertson D, Meijer GA (2003). Genome wide array comparative genomic hybridisation analysis of premalignant lesions of the stomach. Mol Pathol. 56(5):293-298.
  10. Fridlyand J, Snijders AM, Pinkel D, Albertson DG and Jain AN (2003). Understanding Array CGH data. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Special issue on microarrays, 90: 132-153.
  11. Ishkanian AS, Malloff CA, Watson SK, deLeeuw RJ, Chi B, Coe BP, Snijders A, Albertson DG, Pinkel D, Marra MA, Ling V, MacAulay C, Lam WL (2004). A tiling resolution DNA microarray with complete coverage of the human genome. Nature Genet. 33, 299-303.
  12. Weiss MM, Kuipers EJ, Postma C, Snijders AM, Pinkel D, Meuwissen SG, Albertson D, Meijer GA (2004). Genomic alterations in primary gastric adenocarcinomas correlate with clinicopathological characteristics and survival. Cellular Oncology 26, 307-317.
  13. Snijders AM, Nowak NJ, Huey B, Fridlyand J, Law S, Conroy J, Tokuyasu T, Demir K, Chiu R, Mao J-H, Jain AN, Jones SJ, Balmain A, Pinkel D and Albertson DG (2005). Mapping segmental and sequence variations among laboratory mice using BAC array CGH. Genome Res 15(2):302-11.
  14. Zhang XX, Snijders AM, Zhang X, Segraves R, Niebuhr A, Albertson D, Yang H, Gray J, Niebuhr E, Bolund L, Pinkel D. (2005). High resolution mapping of genotype-phenotype relationships in Cri du Chat syndrome using array CGH. Am J Hum Genet 76(2):312-26.
  15. Hermsen M, Snijders A, Guervòs MA, Tänzer S, Körner U, Baak J, Pinkel D, Albertson D, van Diest P, Meijer G, Schröck E. (2005). Centromeric chromosomal translocations show tissue-specific differences between squamous cell carcinomas and adenocarcinomas. Oncogene 24;24(9):1571-9.
  16. Snijders AM*, Schmidt BL*, Fridlyand J, Dekker N, Pinkel D, Jordan RCK, Albertson DG. (2005). Rare amplicons implicate frequent misspecification of cell fate in oral squamous cell carcinoma. Oncogene 16;24(26):4232-42. *These authors contributed equally.
  17. Wilting SM, Snijders PJF, Meijer GA, Ylstra B, van den IJssel PRLA, Snijders AM, Albertson DG, Coffa J, Schouten JP, van de Wiel MA, Meijer CJLM and Steenbergen RDM. (2006). Increased gene copy numbers at chromosome 20q are frequent in both squamous cell carcinomas and adenocarcinomas of the cervix. J Pathol. 14;209(2):220-230.
  18. Albertson DG, Snijders AM, Fridlyand J, Jordan R, Pinkel D, Schmidt BL. (2006) Genomic analysis of tumors by array comparative genomic hybridization: more is better. Cancer Res. 66(7):3955-6. (Author reply)
  19. Snijders AM*, Fridlyand J*, Ylstra B*, Li H, Olshen A, Segraves R, Dairkee S, Tokuyasu T, et al. (2006). Breast tumor copy number aberration phenotypes and genomic instability. BMC Cancer 6 (96).
  20. Trautmann K, Terdiman JP, French AJ, Roydasgupta R, Sein N, Kakar S, Fridlyand J, Snijders AM, Albertson DG, Thibodeau SN, and Waldman FM. (2006)  Chromosomal Instability in Microsatellite-Unstable and Stable Colon Cancer. Clin Cancer Res. 12: 6379-6385.
  21. Gajduskova P, Snijders AM, Kwek S, Roydasgupta R, Fridlyand J, Tokuyasu T, Pinkel D, Albertson DG. (2007) Genome position and gene amplification. Genome Biol. 8(6):R120
  22. Nowee M, Snijders A, Rockx D, de Wit R, Kosma V, Hamalainen K, Schouten J, Verheijen R, van Diest P, Albertson D, Dorsman J. (2007). DNA profiling of primary serous ovarian and Fallopian tube carcinomas with array comparative genomic hybridization and multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification. J. Pathol. Sep;213(1):46-55.
  23. Byrd KN, Huey B, Roydasgupta R, Fridlyand J, Snijders AM, Albertson DG. (2008). FBXW7 and DNA copy number instability. Breast Cancer Res Treat. May;109(1):47-54.
  24. Snijders AM, Hermsen MA, Baughman J, Buffart TE, Huey B, Gajduskova P, Roydasgupta R, Tokuyasu T, Meijer GA, Fridlyand J, Albertson DG. (2008). Acquired genomic aberrations associated with methotrexate resistance vary with background genomic instability. Genes Chromosomes Cancer 47(1):71-83.
  25. Snijders AM, Huey B, Roydasgupta R, Jordan RCK, Schmidt BL and Albertson DG. (2009). Stromal control of oncogenic traits expressed in response to the overexpression of GLI2, a pleiotropic oncogene. Oncogene 28(5): 625-37.
  26. Kuijper A, Snijders AM, Berns EM, Kuenen-Boumeester V, van der Wall E, Albertson DG, van Diest PJ. (2009). Genomic profiling by array CGH reveals novel DNA copy number changes in breast phyllodes tumours. Cell Oncol. 31(1):31-9.
  27. Nowee ME, Seeber LM, Horree N, Snijders AM, Van Diest PJ, Verheijen RH and Dorsman JC. (2010). Array comparative genomic hybridizations analysis indicates that serous carcinomas of the ovary, fallopian tube and endometrium are distinct entities. Histopathology, 57(4): 634-637.
  28. Bhattacharya A*, Roy R*, Snijders AM*, Hamilton G, Paquette J, Tokuyasu, T, Bengtsson H, Jordan RCK, Olshen AB, Pinkel D, Schmidt BL and Albertson DG. (2011) Two distinct routs to oral cancer differing in genomic instability and risk for cervical node metastasis. Clinical Cancer Res. 17(22): 7024-7034.  *These authors contributed equally.
  29. Snijders AM, Marchetti F, Bhatnagar S, Duru N, Han J, Hu Z, Mao JH, Gray JW, Wyrobek AJ. (2012). Genetic differences in transcript responses to low-dose ionizing radiation identify tissue functions associated with breast cancer susceptibility. PLoS ONE 7(10):e45394.
  30. Budworth H*, Snijders AM*, Marchetti F, Mannion B, Bhatnagar S, Kwoh E, Tan Y, Wang SX, Blakely WF, Coleman M, Peterson L and Wyrobek AJ.  (2012). DNA Repair and Cell Cycle Biomarkers of Radiation Exposure and Inflammation Stress in Human Blood. PLoS ONE 7(11): e48619. *These authors contributed equally.
  31. Kim D, Marchetti F, Chen Z, Zaric S, Wilson RJ, Hall DA, Gaster RS, Lee JR, Wang J, Osterfeld SJ, Yu H, White RM, Blakely WF, Peterson LE, Bhatnagar S, Mannion B, Tseng S, Roth K, Coleman M, Snijders AM, Wyrobek AJ, Wang SX. (2013) Nanosensor dosimetry of mouse blood proteins after exposure to ionizing radiation. Sci Rep. 3:2234.
  32. Snijders AM*, Langley S, Mao JH, Bhatnagar S, Bjornstad KA, Rosen CJ, Lo A, Huang Y, Blakely EA, Karpen GH, Bissell MJ, Wyrobek AJ. (2014) An interferon signature identified by RNA-sequencing of mammary tissues varies across the estrous cycle and is predictive of metastasis-free survival. Oncotarget 5(12):4011-25. *corresponding author
  33. Snijders AM, Mannion BJ, Leung SG, Moon SC, Kronenberg A, Wiese C. (2014) Micronucleus formation in human keratinocytes is dependent on radiation quality and tissue architecture. Environ Mol Mutagen. 2015 Jan;56(1):22-31.
  34. Sridharan DM, Asaithamby A, Bailey SM, Costes SV, Doetsch PW, Dynan WS, Kronenberg A, Rithidech KN, Saha J, Snijders AM, Werner E, Wiese C, Cucinotta FA, Pluth JM. (2015) Understanding cancer development processes after HZE-particle exposure: roles of ROS, DNA damage repair and inflammation. Radiat Res. 183(1):1-26. Review.
  35. Zhang P, Lo A, Huang Y, Huang G, Liang G, Mott J, Karpen GH, Blakely EA, Bissell MJ, Barcellos-Hoff MH, Snijders AM, Mao JH. (2015) Identification of genetic loci that control mammary tumor susceptibility through the host microenvironment. Sci Rep. 9;5:8919..
  36. Tang J, Huang Y, Nguyen DH, Costes SV, Snijders AM*, Mao JH*. (2015) Genetic Background Modulates lncRNA-Coordinated Tissue Response to Low Dose Ionizing Radiation. Int J Genomics 461038. * co-corresponding author
  37. Hang M, Huang Y, Snijders AM*, Mao JH*. (2015) Genetic background influences loss of heterozygosity patterns in radiation-induced mouse thymic lymphoma. J Nat Sci. 1(5):e96. * co-corresponding author
  38. Snijders AM*, Liu Y, Su L, Huang Y, Mao JH*. (2015) Expression profiling reveals transcriptional regulation by Fbxw7/mTOR pathway in radiation-induced mouse thymic lymphomas. Oncotarget 6(42):44794-805. * co-corresponding author
  39. Mao JH, Langley SA, Huang Y, Hang M, Bouchard KE, Celniker SE, Brown JB, Jansson JK, Karpen GH, Snijders AM. (2015) Identification of genetic factors that modify motor performance and body weight using Collaborative Cross mice. Sci Rep. 9;5:16247.
  40. Snijders AM* and Mao JH*. (2016) Co-Expression Network Analysis of Fbxw7-Associated LncRNAs Reveals Their Functions in Radiation-Induced Thymic Lymphoma. Insights in Cancer Research. 1(1):1-5. * co-corresponding author
  41. Sridharan DM, Asaithamby A, Blattnig SR, et al. (2016) Evaluating biomarkers to model cancer risk post cosmic ray exposure.              Life Sciences in Space Research. Life Sci Space Res (Amst) 9:19-47.
  42. Snijders AM* and Mao JH*. (2016)  Multi-omics approach to infer cancer therapeutic targets on chromosome 20q across tumor types.  Advances in Modern Oncology Research. Adv Mod Oncol Res. 2(4):215-223. * co-corresponding author
  43. Snijders AM, Langley SA, Kim YM, Brislawn CJ, Noecker C, Zink EM, Fansler SJ, Casey CP, Miller DR, Huang H, Karpen GH, Celniker SE, Brown JB, Borenstein E, Jansson JK, Metz TO, Mao JH (2016) Influence of early life exposure, host genetics and diet on the mouse gut microbiome and metabolome. Nature Microbiology 28;2:16221
  44. Snijders AM*, Lee SY, Hang B, Hao W, Bissell MJ*, Mao JH* (2017) FAM83 family oncogenes are broadly involved in human cancers: an integrative multi-omics approach. Mol Oncol. 11(2):167-179. * co-corresponding author
  45. Hang B, Snijders AM, Huang Y, Schick SF, Wang P, Xia Y, Havel C, Jacob P 3rd, Benowitz N, Destaillats H, Gundel LA, Mao JH (2017) Early exposure to thirdhand cigarette smoke affects body mass and the development of immunity in mice. Sci Rep. 3;7:41915.
  46. Chang H, Han J, Zhong C, Snijders AM, Mao JH (2017) Unsupervised Transfer Learning via Multi-Scale Convolutional Sparse Coding for Biomedical Applications. Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 40(5):1182-1194.
  47. Mao XY, Lee MJ, Zhu J, Zhu C, Law SM, Snijders AM (2017) Genome-wide screen identifies a novel prognostic signature for breast cancer survival. Oncotarget 21;8(8):14003-14016.
  48. Yan H, Bi L, Wang Y, Zhang X, Hou Z, Wang Q, Snijders AM, Mao JH (2017) Integrative analysis of multi-omics data reveals distinct impacts of DDB1-CUL4 associated factors in human lung adenocarcinomas Sci Rep. 23;7(1):333
  49. Turker MS, Grygoryev D, Lasarev M, Ohlrich A, Rwatambuga FA, Johnson S, Dan C, Eckelmann B, Hryciw G, Mao JH, Snijders AM, Gauny S, Kronenberg A. (2017) Simulated space radiation-induced mutants in the mouse kidney display widespread genomic change. PLoS One. 6;12(7):e0180412
  50. Hang B, Wang P, Zhao Y, Sarker A, Chenna A, Xia Y, Snijders AM, Mao JH. (2017) Adverse Health Effects of Thirdhand Smoke: From Cell to Animal Models. Int J Mol Sci. 28;18(5)
  51. Mao JH, Diest PJV, Perez-Losada J, Snijders AM. (2017) Revisiting the impact of age and molecular subtype on overall survival after radiotherapy in breast cancer patients. Sci Rep. 7(1):12587
  52. Bouchard KE, Bujan AF, Roosta-Khorasani F, Prabhat, Snijders AM, Mao JH, Chang EF, Mahoney MW and Bhattacharyya S. (2017) The Union of Intersections (UoI) Method for Interpretable Data Driven Discovery and Prediction. Neural Information Processing Systems
  53. Chen EG, Wang P, Lou H, Wang Y, Yan H, Bi L, Liu L, Li B, Snijders AM, Mao JH and Hang B. (2018) A robust gene expression-based prognostic risk score predicts overall survival of lung adenocarcinoma patients. Oncotarget 9(6):6862-6871.
  54. Xiao Y, Yin C, Wang Y, Lv H, Wang W, Huang Y, Perez-Losada J, Snijders AM, Mao JH, Zhang P. (2018) FBXW7 deletion contributes to lung tumor development and confers resistance to gefitinib therapy. Molecular Oncology 12(6):883-895.
  55. Hang B, Wang Y, Huang Y, Wang P, Langley SA, Bi L, Sarker AH, Schick SF, Havel C, Jacob III P, Benowitz N, Destaillats H, Tang X, Xia Y, Jen KY, Gundel LA, Mao JH and Snijders AM. (2018) Short-term early exposure to thirdhand cigarette smoke increases lung cancer incidence in mice. Clinical Science: 32(4):475-488.
  56. Chen Y, Mao P, Snijders AM, Wang D. (2018) Senescence chips for ultrahigh-throughput isolation and removal of senescent cells. Aging Cell.
  57. Hang B, Mao JH, Snijders AM. (2019) Genetic Susceptibility to Thirdhand Smoke induced Lung Cancer Development. Nicotine Tob Res. 21(9):1294-1296.
  58. Zhou YX, Fuentes-Creollo G, Ponce F, Langley SA, Jen KY, Celniker SE, Mao JH, Snijders AM. (2019) No difference in 4-nitroquinoline induced tumorigenesis between germ-free and colonized mice. Mol Carcinog. 58(5):627-632.
  59. Chen K*, Luan X*, Liu Q*, Wang J*, Chang X*, Snijders AM*, Mao JH, Secombe J, Dan Z, Chen JH, Wang Z, Dong X, Qiu C, Chang X, Zhang D, Celniker SE, and Liu X. (2019) Drosophila KDM5 regulates social behavior through immune control and gut microbiota maintenance. Cell Host & Microbe. 25(4):537-552.e8. *Equal contributor
  60. Wang P, Wang Y, Langley SA, Zhou YX, Jen KY, Sun Q, Brislawn CJ, Rojas CM, Wahl KL, Wang T, Fan X, Jansson JK, Celniker SE, Zou X, Threadgill DW, Snijders AM*, Mao JH*. (2019) Diverse tumor susceptibility in Collaborative Cross mice:  Identification of a new mouse model for human gastric tumorigenesis. GUT. 68(11):1942-1952. * co-corresponding author
  61. Kim YM*, Snijders AM*, Brislawn CJ, Stratton KG, Zink EM, Fansler SJ, Metz TO, Mao JH, Jansson JK. (2019) Light-Stress Influences the Composition of the Murine Gut Microbiome, Memory Function, and Plasma Metabolome. Front Mol Biosci. 6:108. *Equal contributor
  62. Zhao Y, Yang SM, Jin YL, Xiong GW, Wang P, Snijders AM, Mao JH, Zhang XW, Hang B. (2019) A Robust Gene Expression Prognostic Signature for Overall Survival in High-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer. J Oncol. 2019:3614207.
  63. Hang B, Wang P, Zhao Y, Chang H, Mao JH, Snijders AM. (2019) Thirdhand smoke: Genotoxicity and carcinogenic potential. Chronic Dis Transl Med. 6(1):27-34.
  64. Sarker AH, Trego KS, Zhang W, Jacob P 3rd, Snijders AM, Mao JH, Schick SF, Cooper PK, Hang B. (2020) Thirdhand smoke exposure causes replication stress and impaired transcription in human lung cells. Environ Mol Mutagen. 61(6):635-646.
  65. Yin C, Lin X, Wang Y, Liu X, Xiao Y, Liu J, Snijders AM, Wei G, Mao JH, Zhang P. (2020) FAM83D promotes epithelial-mesenchymal transition, invasion and cisplatin resistance through regulating the AKT/mTOR pathway in non-small-cell lung cancer. Cell Oncol (Dordr). 43(3):395-407.
  66. Zargar A, Chang S, Kothari A, Snijders AM, Mao JH, Wang J, Hernández AC, Keasling JD, Bivona TG. (2020) Overcoming the challenges of cancer drug resistance through bacterial-mediated therapy. Chronic Dis Transl Med. 5(4):258-266.
  67. Tang W, Su Y, Yuan C, Zhang Y, Zhou L, Peng L, Wang P, Chen G, Li Y, Li H, Zhi Z, Chang H, Hang B, Mao JH, Snijders AM*, Xia Y*. (2020) Prospective study reveals a microbiome signature that predicts the occurrence of post-operative enterocolitis in Hirschsprung disease (HSCR) patients. Gut Microbes. 11(4):842-854. * co-corresponding author
  68. Liang Y, Dong T, Chen M, He L, Wang T, Liu X, Chang H, Mao JH, Hang B, Snijders AM*, Xia Y*. (2020) Systematic Analysis of Impact of Sampling Regions and Storage Methods on Fecal Gut Microbiome and Metabolome Profiles. mSphere. 5(1):e00763-19. * co-corresponding author
  69. Mao JH, Kim YM, Zhou YX, Hu D, Zhong C, Chang H, Brislawn C, Langley S, Wang Y, Peisl BYL, Celniker SE, Threadgill DW, Wilmes P, Orr G, Metz TO, Jansson JK*, Snijders AM*. (2020) Genetic and metabolic links between the murine microbiome and memory. Microbiome. 8(1):53. * co-corresponding author
  70. Lu C, Zhang Y, Qin Y, Xu Q, Zhou R, Cui Y, Zhu Y, Zhang X, Zhang J, Wei X, Wang M, Hang B, Mao JH, Snijders AM, Liu M, Hu Z, Shen H, Zhou Z, Guo X, Wu X, Wang X, Xia Y. (2020) Human X chromosome exome sequencing identifies BCORL1 as contributor to spermatogenesis. J Med Genet. jmedgenet-2019-106598.
  71. Pariset E, Penninckx S, Kerbaul CD, Guiet E, Macha AL, Cekanaviciute E, Snijders AM, Mao JH, Paris F, Costes SV. (2020) 53BP1 Repair Kinetics for Prediction of In Vivo Radiation Susceptibility in 15 Mouse Strains. Radiat Res. 194(5):485-499.
  72. Cai TT, Ye XL, Li RR, Chen H, Wang YY, Yong HJ, Pan ML, Lu W, Tang Y, Miao H, Snijders AM, Mao JH, Liu XY, Lu YB, Ding DF. (2020) Resveratrol Modulates the Gut Microbiota and Inflammation to Protect Against Diabetic Nephropathy in Mice. Front Pharmacol.11:1249.
  73. Wiedmeyer B, To J, Sridharan DM, Chien LC, Snijders AM, Mori H, Pluth J. (2020) Dose Fractionation During Puberty is More Detrimental to Mammary Gland Development Than an Equivalent Acute Dose of Radiation Exposure. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. S0360-3016(20)34561-2.
  74. Liu KX, Ioakeim-Ioannidou M, Susko MS, Rao AD, Yeap BY, Snijders AM, Ladra MM, Vogel J, Zaslowe-Dude C, Marcus KJ, Yock TI, Grassberger C, Braunstein SE, Haas-Kogan DA, Terezakis SA, MacDonald S. (2021) A Multi-institutional Comparative Analysis of Proton and Photon Therapy-Induced Hematologic Toxicity in Patients With Medulloblastoma. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 109(3):726-735.
  75. Jiang C, Zhao Y, Yuan B, Chang H, Hang B, Snijders AM, Mao JH, Zou X, Wang P. (2020) Identification of a novel 15-gene expression signature predicting overall survival of human colorectal cancer. Clin Transl Med. 10(8):e258.
  76. Jin X, Zhang Y, Celniker SE, Xia Y, Mao JH, Snijders AM*, Chang H*. (2021) Gut microbiome partially mediates and coordinates the effects of genetics on anxiety-like behavior in Collaborative Cross mice. Sci Rep. 11(1):270. * co-corresponding author
  77. Zhong C, He L, Lee SY, Chang H, Zhang Y, Threadgill DW, Yuan Y, Zhou F, Celniker SE, Xia Y, Snijders AM*, Mao JH*. (2021) Host genetics and gut microbiota cooperatively contribute to azoxymethane-induced acute toxicity in Collaborative Cross mice. Arch Toxicol. 95(3):949-958 * co-corresponding author
  78. Snijders AM, Zhou M, Whitehead TP, Fitch B, Pandey P, Hechmer A, Huang A, Schick SF, de Smith AJ, Olshen AB, Metayer C, Mao JH, Wiemels JL, Kogan SC. (2021) In utero and early-life exposure to thirdhand smoke causes profound changes to the immune system. Clin Sci (Lond) 135(8):1053-1063.
  79. Uppal T, Khazaieli A, Snijders AM, Verma SC. (2021) Inactivation of Human Coronavirus by FATHHOME's Dry Sanitizer Device: Rapid and Eco-Friendly Ozone-Based Disinfection of SARS-CoV-2. Pathogens. 10(3):339.
  80. Zhang Y, Chen T, Zhang Y, Hu Q, Wang X, Chang H, Mao JH, Snijders AM*, Xia Y*. (2021) Contribution of trace element exposure to gestational diabetes mellitus through disturbing the gut microbiome. Environ Int. 153:106520. * co-corresponding author
  81. He L, Zhou YX, Zhang Y, Hang B, Chang H, Schick SF, Celniker SE, Xia Y, Snijders AM*, Mao JH*. (2021) Thirdhand cigarette smoke leads to age-dependent and persistent alterations in caecal microbiome in mice. Microbiology Open. 10(3):e1198. * co-corresponding author
  82. He L, Wang P, Schick SF, Huang A, Jacob P 3rd, Yang X, Xia Y, Snijders AM, Mao JH, Chang H, Hang B. (2021) Genetic background influences the effect of thirdhand smoke exposure on anxiety and memory in Collaborative Cross mice. Sci Rep. 11(1):13285
  83. Brown JB, Langley SA, Snijders AM, Wan KH, Morris SNS, Booth BW, Fisher WW, Hammonds AS, Park S, Weiszmann R, Yu C, Kirwan JA, Weber RJM, Viant MR, Mao JH, Celniker SE. (2021) An integrated host-microbiome response to atrazine exposure mediates toxicity in Drosophila. Commun Biol. 4(1):1324.
  84. He L, Zhou YX, Zhang Y, Hang B, Chang H, Schick SF, Celniker SE, Xia Y, Snijders AM, Mao JH. (2021) Thirdhand cigarette smoke leads to age-dependent and persistent alterations in the cecal microbiome of mice. Microbiology Open. 10(3):e1198.
  85. Yeh PY, Snijders AM, Wang D. (2022) ViaChip for Size-based Enrichment of Viable Cells. Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical. 353:131159. 
  86. Bin J, Obst-Huebl L, Mao JH, Nakamura K, Geulig LD, Chang H, Ji Q, He L, De Chant J, Kober Z, Gonsalves AJ, Bulanov S, Celniker SE, Schroeder CB, Geddes CGR, Esarey E, Simmons BA, Schenkel T, Blakely EA, Steinke S, Snijders AM. (2022) A new platform for ultra-high dose rate radiobiological research using the BELLA PW laser proton beamline. Sci Rep. 2022 12(1):1484.
  87. Chang H, Yang X, Moore J, Liu XP, Jen KY, Snijders AM, Ma L, Chou W, Corchado-Cobos R, García-Sancha N, Mendiburu-Eliçabe M, Pérez-Losada J, Barcellos-Hoff MH, Mao JH. (2022) From Mouse to Human: Cellular Morphometric Subtype Learned From Mouse Mammary Tumors Provides Prognostic Value in Human Breast Cancer. Front Oncol. 11:819565. 
  88. Boucher S, Esarey E, Geddes CGR, Johnstone C, Kutsaev S, Loo BW, Méot F, Mustapha B, Nakamura K, Nanni E, Obst-Huebl L, Sampayan SE, Schroeder C, Schulte R, Sheng K, Snijders A, Snively E, Tantawi SG, van Tilborg J. (2022) Transformative Technology for FLASH Radiation Therapy: A Snowmass 2021 White Paper for the Particle Physics Community Planning Exercise.
  89. Geulig LD, Obst-Huebl, L, Nakamura K, Bin J, Ji Q, Steinke S, Snijders AM, Mao JH, Blakely EA, Gonsalves AJ, Bulanov S, van Tilborg J, Schroeder CB, Geddes CGR, Esarey E, Roth M and Schenkel T. (2022) Online Charge Measurement for Petawatt Laser-Driven Ion Acceleration. Review of Scientific Instruments. 93, 103301.
  90. Zhang Y, Wang X, Yang X, Hu Q, Chawla K, Hang B, Mao JH, Snijders AM, Chang H, Xia Y. (2022) Chemical mixture exposure patterns and obesity among U.S. adults in NHANES 2005-2012. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 248:114309.
  91. Kenneally R, Lawrence Q, Brydon E, Wan KH, Mao JH, Verma SC, Khazaieli A, Celniker SE, Snijders AM. (2022) Inactivation of multiple human pathogens by Fathhome's dry sanitizer device: Rapid and eco-friendly ozone-based disinfection. Med Microecol. 14:100059.
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