Quinn Ryan Shollenberger

Portrait of  Quinn Ryan Shollenberger
  • Title
    Postdoctoral Researcher
  • Email
  • Phone
    (925) 423-7528
  • Organization
    Not Available

Professional Experience  

  • Postdoctoral Researcher, Chemical & Isotopic Signatures Group, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (2021–present) 

  • Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences, University of California Los Angeles (2020–2021) 

  • Graduate Student, Institut für Planetologie, University of Münster (2015–2019) 

  • Graduate Intern, Chemical & Isotopic Signatures Group, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (2014, 2017) 

  • Post Collegiate Appointment, Environmental Radiochemistry Group, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (2014–2015) 

Research Interests  

Quinn Shollenberger is a cosmochemist who uses chemical and isotopic signatures to investigate samples of meteorites and nuclear materials. Her past and current cosmochemistry research has focused on examining meteorites and their components to reconstruct the birth environment of the solar system and how the solar system evolved to its current configuration. In addition to cosmochemistry research, Quinn is making high-precision measurements of various isotopic systems in nuclear materials with applications in nuclear safeguards and deterrence efforts. 

PhD, Geochemistry, University of Münster, 2015-2019

BS, Chemistry, Arizona State University, 2010-2014

Google Scholar 

  1. Q.R. Shollenberger, L.E. Borg, E.C. Ramon, M.A. Sharp, G.A. Brennecka (2021) Samarium isotope compositions of uranium ore concentrates: A novel nuclear forensic signature. Talanta 221, 121431. 
  2. Q.R. Shollenberger and G.A. Brennecka (2020) Dy, Er, and Yb isotope compositions of meteorites and their components: Constraints on presolar carriers of the rare earth elements. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 529, 115866. 
  3. Q.R. Shollenberger, A. Wittke, J. Render, P. Mane, S. Schuth, S. Weyer, N. Gussone, M. Wadhwa, G.A. Brennecka (2019) Combined mass-dependent and nucleosynthetic isotope variations in refractory inclusions and their mineral separates to determine their original Fe isotope compositions. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta 263, 215-234. 
  4. J.M. Rolison, M. Druce, Q.R. Shollenberger, T.M. Kayzar-Boggs, R.E. Lindvall, J. Wimpenny (2019) Molybdenum isotope compositions of uranium ore concentrates by double spike MC-ICP-MS. Applied Geochemistry 103, 97-105. 
  5. Q.R. Shollenberger, J. Render, G.A. Brennecka (2018) Er, Yb, and Hf isotopic compositions of refractory inclusions: An integrated isotopic fingerprint of the Solar System’s earliest reservoir. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 495, 12-23. 
  6. Q.R. Shollenberger, L.E. Borg, J. Render, S. Ebert, A. Bischoff, S.S. Russell, G.A. Brennecka (2018) Isotopic coherence of refractory inclusions from CV and CK meteorites: Evidence from multiple isotope systems. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta 228, 62-80. 
  7. G.A. Brennecka, L.E. Borg, S. J. Romaniello, A.K. Souders, Q.R. Shollenberger, N. Marks, M. Wadhwa (2017) A renewed search for short-lived 126Sn in the early Solar System: Hydride generation MC-ICPMS for high sensitivity Te isotopic analysis. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta 201, 331-344. 
  8. C. Burkhardt, L.E. Borg, G.A. Brennecka, Q.R. Shollenberger, N. Dauphas, T. Kleine (2016) A Nucleosynthetic Origin for the Earth’s anomalous 142Nd Composition. Nature 537, 394-398. 


  • German Science Foundation (DFG), Research Fellowship (carried out at UCLA) (2020–2021) 

  • Meteoritical Society Goldschmidt Award (2020) 

  • The Barringer Crater Company Travel Award, Meteoritical Society Meeting (2016)