Zachary Seeley
Research Scientist -
Email -
(925) 423-0346 -
Not Available
Research Interests
- Advanced ceramic powder synthesis, consolidation, and characterization
- Transparent ceramics for functional applications
- Solid state solar cells and gas sensors
Ph.D., Materials Science, Washington State University, 2009
M.S., Materials Science & Engineering, Washington State University, 2005
B.S., Mathematics-Physics, Whitman College, 2003
- Z. Seeley*, T. Yee, N. Cherepy, A. Drobshoff, O. Herrera, R. Ryerson, S.A. Payne, "3D printed transparent ceramic YAG laser rods: Matching the core-clad refractive index" Optical Materials 107 (2020)
- R.A. Osborne, N.J. Cherepy,∗ D. Åberg, F. Zhou, Z.M. Seeley, S.A. Payne, A.D. Drobshoff, H.A. Comanzo, A.M. Srivastava,
"Ba(1-x)SrxMg3SiN4:Eu narrowband red phosphor" Optical Materials, 84 (2018) p130. - Ivy Krystal Jones, Zachary M. Seeley, Nerine J. Cherepy, Eric B. Duoss, Stephen A. Payne, Direct ink write fabrication of transparent ceramic gain media, Optical Materials 75 (2018) 19-25
- Zachary Seeley, Nerine Cherepy, Steve Payne, “Expanded phase stability of Gd-based garnet transparent ceramic scintillators,” J. Mater. Res., 29 (2014) 2332.
- Zachary Seeley, Nerine Cherepy, Steve Payne, “Homogeneity of Gd-based transparent ceramics scintillators for gamma spectroscopy,” J. Cryst. Growth, 379 (2013) 79.
- Z. Seeley, Z. Dai, J. Kuntz, N. Cherepy, S. Payne, “Phase stabilization in transparent Lu2O3:Eu ceramics by lattice expansion,” Optical Materials 35 (2012) 74-78.
- Z. Seeley, J. Kuntz, N. Cherepy, S. Payne, Transparent Lu2O3:Eu ceramics by sinter and HIP optimization, Optical Materials 33 (2011) 1721Seeley Z., Bandyopadhyay A., Bose S., Titanium dioxide thin films for high temperature gas sensors, Thin Solid Films (2010)
- Seeley Z., Bandyopadhyay A., Bose S., Influence of crystallinity on CO gas sensing for TiO2 films, Mater. Sci. Eng. B 164 (2009) 38.
- Seeley Z., Bandyopadhyay A., Bose S., Influence of TiO2 and Ag2O addition on tricalcium phosphate ceramics, J. Biomed. Mater. Res. A 82 (2007) 113
SPOT award, Chemical Sciences Division, LLNL, 2011