Michael D. Schneider

Portrait of  Michael D. Schneider
  • Title
    Group Leader, Astronomy & Astrophysics Analytics
  • Email
  • Phone
    (925) 422-4287
  • Organization
    Not Available

Research Interests

I work primarily on dark energy measurements with the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST). My research uses a variety of astronomical observations and numerical simulations to learn about dark energy, dark matter, galaxies, and the very early universe. Beyond LSST, I am particularly interested in new algorithms, models, and statistical tools for source identification, and knowledge synthesis in multi-epoch imaging data.

Ph.D., Physics, University California at Davis, 2008

M.S., Physics, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 2005

B.S., Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2003

  1. Hierarchical Probabilistic Inference of Cosmic Shear, M. D. Schneider, D. W. Hogg, P. J. Marshall, W. A. Dawson, J. Meyers, D. J. Bard, D. Lang, Submitted (November 2014). arXiv: 1411.2608
  2. Probing Dark Energy with Lensing Magnification in Photometric Surveys, M. D. Schneider, Physical Review Letters 112, 061301 (2014). arXiv: 1401.0537
  3. The Effect of Covariance Estimator Error on Cosmological Parameter Constraints, S. Dodelson, M. D. Schneider, Physical Review D, vol. 88, issue 6 (2013). arXiv: 1304.2593
  4. Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): Galaxy Radial Alignments in GAMA Groups, M. D. Schneider, S. Cole, C. S. Frenk, L. Kelvin, R. Mandelbaum, P. Norberg, J. Bland-Hawthorn, S. Brough, S. Driver, A. Hopkins, J. Liske, J. Loveday, A. Robotham, MNRAS, (2013). arXiv: 1306.4963
  5. Cosmic Shear Results from the Deep Lens Survey – I: Joint Constraints on Omega_m and Sigma_8 with a Two-Dimensional Analysis, M. J. Jee, J. A. Tyson, M. D. Schneider, D. Wittman, S. Schmidt, S. Hilbert, The Astrophysical Journal, 765, 74 (2013) arXiv: 1210.2732
  6. Bayesian linking of geosynchronous orbital debris tracks as seen by the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, M. D. Schneider, Advances in Space Research, 49, 4, pp. 655-666, (2012), arXiv: 1111.2556
  • Large Synoptic Survey Telescope Prize Post-doctoral Fellowship offer, 2011
  • Excellence in Publication award, LLNL Physical and Life Sciences Directorate, 2011 & 2014