Samuele Sangiorgio

Portrait of  Samuele Sangiorgio
  • Title
    Staff Scientist
  • Email
  • Phone
    (925) 422-6439
  • Organization
    Not Available

Research Interests

Samuele Sangiorgio’s interests combine on one side neutrino physics and rare-event searches and on the other applications in nuclear security, safeguards, and non-proliferation. The fundamental science research provides an avenue to explore the ultimate questions about the universe, while the applied nuclear research attempts to addresses critical and relevant risks for the US and the world. These broad interests, coupled with his expertise, allows him to contribute to efforts across the Physical and Life Sciences, Weapons and Complex Integration, and Global Security directorates at LLNL.

Sangiorgio’s current research includes work on the design and development of the next Enriched Xenon Observatory (nEXO), a large liquid xenon detector aimed at discovering the nature of the neutrino and potentially unlocking the mystery of the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe. As a coordinator of nEXO’s simulation team, he authored the key publication on the experiment’s sensitivity reach. On the boundary between fundamental science and application, Samuele contributes to the data analysis of the fission time projection chamber (fissionTPC) experiment, with the goal of performing high-precision measurements of fission cross-sections of relevant actinides. His expertise in radiation detection and analysis served to grow LLNL’s role and footprint in support of the US Department of Homeland Security Counter Weapons of Mass Destruction Office in the evaluation of radiation instruments for various nuclear security applications.

Graduate Certificate, International Security, SCPD, Stanford University, 2014

Ph.D., Physics, University of Insubria, Como, Italy, 2007

M.S., Physics, University of Milan, Italy, 2003

  • L. Foggetta, A. Giuliani, C. Nones, M. Pedretti, C. Salvioni, S. Sangiorgio, Composite macro-bolometers for the rejection of surface radioactive background in rare-event experiments, article in press (2011)
  • E. Andreotti et al, (CUORICINO collaboration), 130Te Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay with CUORICINO, Astroparticle Physics, article in press (2011)
  • S. Sangiorgio, L. M. Ejzak, K. M. Heeger, R. H. Maruyama, A. Nucciotti, M. Olcese, T. S. Wise, A. L. Woodcraft, The low-temperature energy calibration system for the CUORE bolometer array, AIP Conf. Proc, Vol 1185, 2009
  • E. Andreotti, A. Credaro, C. Dossi, A. Giuliani, D. Monticelli, M. Pellicciari, S. Sangiorgio, Determination of uranium content in water using cathodic stripping voltammetry and gamma-spectrometry, J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., Vol. 277, No.2 (2008) 413
  • S. Sangiorgio (on behalf of the MARE collaboration), The microcalorimeter arrays for a Rhenium experiment (MARE): A next-generation calorimetric neutrino mass experiment based on the study of 187Re beta spectrum, Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 57 (2006)
  • L. Foggetta, A. Giuliani, C. Nones, M. Pedretti, S. Sangiorgio, Surface-sensitive macrobolometers for the identification of external charged particles, Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 134106 (2005)