Rob Rudd
Group Leader, Computational Materials Science -
Email -
(925) 422-4292 -
Not Available
Research interests
- Multiscale modeling of materials
- Large-scale molecular dynamics
- Nanoscale mechanics
- Plasticity and materials strength
- High-pressure physics
- Fracture and damage
- First-wall materials for magnetic fusion energy
- Mesoscale materials
- Interatomic potentials
- Massively parallel computing
- Plasma transport
Computational Materials Science Group
Career path
- PhD in String Theory, Princeton, 1992
- Postdoc in String Theory, Rutgers
- Consultant in Condensed Matter Physics, SFA / Naval Research Lab
- Departmental Lecturer in Modelling of Materials, Oxford
- Staff Physicist, LLNL, starting 2000
- Group Leader, LLNL, starting 2011
Other Links
- Video: “Material Dynamics and Instability: Solids” CREDDS Summer School
- Video: “Atoms in the Surf”
- LLNL LDRD Committee Chair, 2007-2013
- DOE HPC4Mfg National Review Panel, 2015-present
- Editorial Board Member, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 2002-present
- Book Series Editor, Oxford Series in Materials Modelling, 2001-present, inactive
- US Regional Editor, Molecular Simulation, 2005-2020
Ph.D., Theoretical Physics, Princeton University, 1992
B.S., Physics, University of Virginia, 1987
Selected publications
Over 150 publications including in Nature, Nature Communications, Nature Materials, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Physical Review Letters, …
- "Void Growth in BCC Metals Simulated with Molecular Dynamics using the Finnis-Sinclair Potential," R.E. Rudd, Philos. Mag. 89, 3133-3161 (2009).arXiv:0906.0619
- "High-rate Plastic Deformation of Nanocrystalline Tantalum to Large Strains: Molecular Dynamics Simulation," R.E. Rudd, Mater. Sci. Forum 633-634, 3-19 (2010).arXiv:0902.4491
- "Coarse-grained molecular dynamics: Nonlinear finite elements and finite temperatures," R.E. Rudd and J.Q. Broughton, Phys. Rev. B 72, 144104 (2005).cond-mat/0508527
- "Coarse-grained molecular dynamics and the atomic limit of finite elements," R.E. Rudd and J.Q. Broughton, Phys. Rev. B 58, R5893 (1998).
- “In situ X-ray Diffraction Measurement of Shock-Wave-Driven Twinning and Lattice Dynamics,” C. E. Wehrenberg, R. E. Rudd, et al., Nature 550, 496–499 (2017).
- “Femtosecond X-Ray Diffraction Studies of the Reversal of Plastic Deformation during Shock Release of Tantalum,” M. Sliwa, R. E. Rudd, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 265502 (2018).
- “Predicting Phase Behaivor of Grain Boundaries with Evolutionary Search and Machine Learning,” Q. Zhu, A. Samanta, B. Li, R. E. Rudd, T. Frolov, Nature Comm. 9, 467 (2018).
- “Observations of Grain Boundary Phase Transformations in an Elemental Metal,” T. Meiners, T. Frolov, R. E. Rudd, G. Dehm, C. H. Liebscher, Nature 579, 375-378 (2020).
- "First-principles study of the Young's modulus of Si <001> nanowires," Byeongchan Lee and Robert E. Rudd, Physical Review B 75, 041305(R) (2007).
- "The Onset of Void Coalescence during Dynamic Fracture of Ductile Metals," E.T. Seppala, J. Belak and R.E. Rudd, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 245503 (2004).
- "Nonlinearly Additive Forces in Multivalent Ligand Binding to a Single Protein Revealed with Force Spectroscopy," T. V. Ratto, R. E. Rudd, K. C. Langry, R. L. Balhorn and M. W. McElfresh, Langmuir 22, 1749-1757 (2006).
- "Equilibrium model of bimodal distributions of epitaxial island growth,," R.E. Rudd, G.A.D. Briggs, A.P. Sutton, G. Medieros-Ribiero and R.S. Williams, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 146101 (2003).
- "Concurrent Coupling of Length Scales in Solid State Systems," R.E. Rudd and J.Q. Broughton, Physica Status Solidi (b) 217, 251 (2000).
- "The Atomic Limit of Finite Element Modeling in MEMS: Coupling of Length Scales," R.E. Rudd, Analog Integ. Circuits and Signal Proc. 29, 17 (2001); see also "Atomistic Simulation of MEMS Resonators through the Coupling of Length Scales," R.E. Rudd and J.Q. Broughton, J. Modeling and Simulation of Microsystems 1, 29 (1999).
- "Combining Constitutive Materials Modeling with Atomic Force Microscopy to Understand the Mechanical Properties of Living Cells," M. McElfresh, E. Baesu, R. Balhorn, M.J. Allen, J. Belak and R.E. Rudd, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 99, 6493-7 (2002); also in Nanoscience: Underlying Concepts and Phenomena (National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 2002), pp. 43-47.
For a full list, see: Google Scholar | ORCID | SCOPUS
- Physics-based signal processing algorithms for micromachined cantilever arrays, James V. Candy, David S. Clague, Christopher L. Lee, Robert E. Rudd, Alan K. Burnham, Joseph W. Tringe, US 8,584,506 B2 (Nov. 19, 2013).
- Gordon Bell Prize in Supercomputing
- Fellow of the American Physical Society
- Fellow of the Institute of Physics
- Dept. of Energy, Defense Programs Award
- LLNL Director’s S&T Award, 2008, 2014, 2015
- LLNL Deputy Director’s Publication Award, 2021, 2022
- LLNL Directorate Award, 13 times