Jan Hendrik Render

Portrait of  Jan Hendrik Render
  • Title
    Postdoctoral Researcher
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    Not Available

Professional Background  

Jan joined LLNL in 2020 as a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Chemical & Isotopic Signatures group (Nuclear & Chemical Sciences Division). His research focuses on cosmochemistry and isotope geochemistry. He is currently involved in various projects, including the mass-dependent isotope signatures in lunar samples, nucleosynthetic isotope heterogeneity in solar system materials, the structural evolution of the protoplanetary disk, and method development. 

Research Interests  

  • Mass-dependent isotope fractionation, the effects of evaporation/condensation and magmatic processes, isotopic signatures of bulk meteorites and their components. 

  • Identification of isotopically anomalous presolar carriers present in the early protoplanetary disk; chronology using short- and long-lived radionuclides. 

  • Nucleosynthesis. 

  • Using chemical and isotopic signatures to infer sample provenance (cosmo- and geo-location). 

  • Neutron capture processes. 

PhD, Isotope Cosmochemistry, University of Münster, 2019

MS, Geosciences, University of University of Münster, 2015

BS, Geosciences, University of Münster, 2013

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  1. Titanium isotope systematics of refractory inclusions: Echoes of molecular cloud heterogeneity
    QR Shollenberger, J Render, MK Jordan, KA McCain, S Ebert, A Bischoff, ...Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
  2. Terrestrial planet formation from lost inner solar system material. C Burkhardt, F Spitzer, A Morbidelli, G Budde, J Render, TS Kruijer, ...Science advances 7 (52), eabj7601
  3. Render J., Brennecka G. A., (2021) Reconstructing the primordial architecture of the Solar System using isotopic signatures. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 555, 116705. 
  4. Render J., Ebert S., Burkhardt C., Kleine T., Brennecka G. A. (2019) Titanium isotopic evidence for a shared genetic heritage of refractory inclusions from different carbonaceous chondrites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 254, 40-53. 
  5. Shollenberger Q. R., Wittke A., Render J., Mane P., Schuth S., Weyer S., Gussone N., Wadhwa M., Brennecka G. A. (2019) Combined mass-dependent and nucleosynthetic isotope variations in refractory inclusions and their mineral separates to determine their original Fe isotope compositions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 263, 215-234. 
  6. Render J., Brennecka G. A., Wang S-J., Wasylenki L. E., Kleine T. (2018) A distinct nucleosynthetic heritage for early solar system solids recorded by Ni isotope signatures. The Astrophysical Journal 862, 26-43. 
  7. Shollenberger, Q. R., Borg, L. E., Render, J., Ebert S., Bischoff A., Russell S. S., Brennecka G. A., (2018) Isotopic coherence of refractory inclusions from CV and CK meteorites: Evidence from multiple isotope systems. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 228, 62-80. 
  8. Shollenberger, Q. R., Render, J., Brennecka, G. A. (2018) Er, Yb, and Hf isotopic compositions of refractory inclusions: An integrated isotopic fingerprint of the Solar System’s earliest reservoir. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 495, 12-23. 
  9. Ebert S., Render J., Brennecka G. A., Burkhardt C., Bischoff A., Gerber S., Kleine T. (2018) Ti isotopic evidence for a non-CAI refractory component in the inner Solar System. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 498, 257-265. 
  10. Render J., Fischer-Gödde M., Burkhardt C., Kleine T. (2017) The cosmic molybdenum-neodymium isotope correlation and the building material of the Earth. Geochemical Perspective Letters 3, 170-178.