Priyadip Ray

Portrait of  Priyadip Ray
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    Research Scientist
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    (925) 423-4232
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Priyadip Ray received a PhD in electrical engineering from Syracuse University in 2009. His PhD
dissertation received the Syracuse University All-University Doctoral Prize. Prior to joining LLNL, Dr. Ray was an
assistant professor at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Kharagpur, India, where he supervised a research
group in the areas of statistical signal processing, wireless communications, optimization, machine learning, and
Bayesian nonparametrics. Prior to this, he was a research scientist with the Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering at Duke University. Dr. Ray has published over 70 research articles in various highly rated journals and
conference proceedings. Dr. Ray is also an Associate Editor and reviewer for leading journals in the areas of
statistical signal processing and data science. At LLNL, Dr. Ray has been the PI/Co-I on multiple funded research
projects in the areas of machine learning for healthcare, biosurveillance and collaborative autonomy.

Ph.D. Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY

Journal Articles

1. A. Kaplan, J. Greene, V. Liu and P. Ray, “Unsupervised Probabilistic Models for
Sequential Electronic Health Records”, Journal of Biomedical Informatics (accepted).
2. Q. Li, B. Kailkhura, R. Goldhahn, P. Ray, and Pramod K. Varshney,” Robust
Decentralized Learning Using ADMM with Unreliable Agents”, IEEE Transactions
on Signal Processing (Accepted).
3. N. Biswas, G. Das and P. Ray, "Buffer-Aware User Selection and Resource
Allocation for an Opportunistic Cognitive Radio Network: A Cross-Layer Approach,"
in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, doi: 10.1109/TNET.2022.3159819.
4. B. Soper, J. Cadena, S. Nguyen, R. Chan, P. Kiszka, L. Womack, M. Work, J. M.
Duggan, S. T. Haller, J. Hanrahan, D. J. Kennedy, D. Mukundan and P. Ray,
“Dynamic modeling of hospitalized COVID-19 patients reveals disease state–
dependent risk factors, Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association,
2022;, ocac012,
5. D.H. Kwon, J. Cadena, S. Nguyen, K.H.R. Chan, B. Soper, A. Gryshuk, J.C. Hong,
P. Ray, F.W. Huang, “COVID-19 outcomes in patients with cancer: Findings from
the University of California health system database”, Cancer Med. 2022 Mar 9. doi:
10.1002/cam4.4604. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35261195.
6. S. Nguyen, R. Chan, J. Cadena, B. Soper, P. Kiszka, L. Womack, M. Work, J. M.
Duggan, S. T. Haller, J. Hanrahan, D. J. Kennedy, D. Mukundan and P. Ray,“Budget
Constrained Machine Learning for Early Prediction of Adverse Outcomes for COVID-
19 Patients”, Nature Scientific Reports 11.1 (2021): 1-14.
7. S. Nguyen, R. Chan, J. Cadena, B. Soper, P. Kiszka, L. Womack, M. Work, J. M.
Duggan, S. T. Haller, J. Hanrahan, D. J. Kennedy, D. Mukundan and P. Ray, “Early
Prediction of Adverse Outcomes for COVID-19 Patients under Cost Constraints”,
Journal of Investigative Medicine (2021).
8. S. Soper, J. Cadena, S. Nguyen, R. Chan, P. Kiszka, L. Womack, M. Work, J. M.
Duggan, S. T. Haller, J. Hanrahan, D. J. Kennedy, D. Mukundan and P. Ray,
“Dynamic Stratification of Disease Severity and Prognosis of Hospitalized COVID-
19 Patients using Hidden Markov Models”, Journal of Investigative Medicine (2021).
9. R. Meng, B. Soper, H. Lee, V. X. Liu, J. D. Greene and P. Ray, “Nonstationary
Multivariate Gaussian Processes for Electronic Health Records,” Journal of
Biomedical Informatics 117 (2021).
10. J. Cadena, P. Ray, H. Chen, B. Soper, D. Rajan, A. Yen and R. Goldhahn, “Stochastic
Gradient-based Distributed Bayesian Estimation in Cooperative Sensor Networks,”
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 69 (2021): 1713-1724.
11. A. Goncalves, P. Ray, B. Soper, D. Widemann, M. Nygard, J. Nygard, and A. P.
Sales, “Improving Survival Predictions via Multitask Learning Across Cancer
Types,” PloS one 15.11 (2020).
12. A. R. Goncalves, P. Ray, B. Soper, J. Stevens, Linda Coyle and A. P. Sales,
“Generation and evaluation of synthetic patient data,” BMC Med Res Methodol 20,
108 (2020).
13. S. Pandit, A. Mohan and P. Ray, “Low-RCS Low-Profile Four-Element MIMO
Antenna using Polarization Conversion Metasurface," IEEE Antennas and Wireless
Propagation Letters 19.12 (2020).
14. S.R. K. Vadali, S. Mula, P. Ray, and S. Chakrabarti, "Area Efficient VLSI
Architectures for Weak Signal Detection in Additive Generalized Cauchy Noise."
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 67.6 (2020).
15. A. R Goncalves, P. Ray, B. Soper, D. P. Widemann, J. Nygard, M. Nygard, PhD and
A. P. Sales, “Multitask Learning Regression for Heterogeneous Patient Cohorts,”
Journal of Biomedical Informatics: X 4 (2019): 100059.
16. J. Mansukhani and P. Ray, “Censored Spectrum Sharing Strategy for MIMO
Systems in Cognitive Radio Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless
Communications 18.12 (2019): 5500-5510.
17. S. Pandit, A. Mohan and P. Ray, “Square‐ring metamaterial for radiation
characteristics enhancement of an SIW cavity‐backed slot antenna,” International
Journal of RF and Microwave Computer‐Aided Engineering 30.2 (2020): e21981.
18. S. Pandit, A. Mohan and P. Ray, “Dual-band negative-permittivity metamaterial using
crossed loop resonator,” Applied Physics A 125.6 (2019): 414.
19. S. Pandit, A. Mohan and P. Ray, “Metamaterial‐inspired low‐profile high‐gain slot
antenna,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 61.9 (2019): 2068-2073.
20. K. Mohan, S. Das and P. Ray, “Link Adaptation Schemes based on Parametric
Estimation of SNR distribution over Nakagami-m fading channels,” IEEE
Transactions on Communications 67.2 (2018): 1537-1553.
21. N. Biswas, G. Das and P. Ray, “Throughput optimization for hybrid spectrum sensing
in collaborative cognitive radio networks” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
66.14 (2018): 3875-3890.
22. S. Pandit, A. Mohan and P. Ray, “Compact frequency-reconfigurable MIMO antenna
for microwave sensing application in WLAN and WiMax frequency bands,” IEEE
sensors letters 2.2 (2018): 1-4.
23. R. Jodha and P. Ray, “Bayesian multiuser detection for On-Off random access
channels,” Wireless Personal Communications 100.3 (2018): 895-906.
24. S. Pandit, A. Mohan and P. Ray, “A compact four-element MIMO antenna for WLAN
applications,” Microw Opt Technol Lett. 2018; 60:289–295.
25. J. Mansukhani and P. Ray, "Simultaneous Detection and Channel Estimation for
Censoring based Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks," IEEE Wireless
Communications Letters 7.3 (2017): 292-295.
26. A. Anand, P.Ray and Q. Cheng, “Joint transmit power and sensing time optimization
for MIMO cognitive radio,” Physical Communication 25 (2017): 167-172.
27. W.U. Mondal, S. Biswas, G.Das and P.Ray, “Traffic-aware green cognitive radio,”
Physical Communication 23 (2017): 20-28.
28. S. Pandit, A. Mohan and P. Ray, “A low-profile high-gain substrate integrated
waveguide slot antenna with suppressed cross-polarization using Metamaterial,” IEEE
Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 16 (2017): 1614-1617.
29. S. R.K. Vadali, P. Ray, S. Mula and P.K. Varshney, “Linear detection of weak signals
in additive Cauchy noise,” IEEE Transactions on Communications 65.3 (2017): 1061-
30. J. Manshukhani, P.Ray and P. K. Varshney, “Coupled detection and estimation based
censored spectrum sharing in cognitive radio networks,” IEEE Transactions on
Wireless Communications 15.6 (2016): 4206-4217.
31. N. Biswas, P.Ray and P.K. Varshney, “Distributed detection over channels with
memory,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters 22.12 (2015): 2494-2498.
32. P. Ray, L. Zheng, J. Lucas and L. Carin, “Bayesian joint analysis of heterogeneous
genomics data,” Bioinformatics, 30(10), 1370-1376, Jan 2014
33. A. Vempaty, P. Ray and P. K. Varshney, "False Discovery Rate based distributed
detection in the presence of byzantines," IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and
Electronic Systems 50.3 (2014): 1826-1840.
34. P. Ray and P.K. Varshney, “False Discovery Rate based sensor decision rules for the
network-wide distributed detection problem,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and
Electronic Systems 47.3 (2011): 1785-1799.
35. P. Ray and P.K. Varshney, “Radar target detection framework based on False
discovery Rate,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 47.2
(2011): 1277-1292.
36. P. Ray and P.K. Varshney, “Estimation of spatially distributed processes in wireless
sensor networks with random packet loss,” IEEE transactions on wireless
communications 8.6 (2009): 3162-3171.
37. P. Ray and P.K. Varshney, “Distributed detection in wireless sensor networks using
dynamic sensor thresholds,” International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks,
4:5-12, 2008.


Conference Articles

1. B. Soper, P. Ray, J. Cadena, H. Chen and R. Goldhahn, “Bayesian Multiagent Active
Sensing and Localization via Decentralized Posterior Sampling,” Asilomar 2022
2. J. Cadena, P. Ray and R. Goldhahn, “Decentralized Black-Box Variational Inference
for Bayesian Learning on Sensor Networks,” 55th Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems
and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, Nov. 2021 (Accepted).
3. S. Nguyen, B. Ng, A. Kaplan and P. Ray, “Attend and Decode: 4D fMRI Task State
Decoding Using Attention Models,” Machine Learning for Health. PMLR (2020).
4. J. Cadena, Jose, P. Ray, and E. Stewart. "Fingerprint Discovery for Transformer
Health Prognostics from Micro-Phasor Measurements," ICML Timeseries Workshop,
5. S. Pandit, A. Mohan and P. Ray, “Single-Layer Wideband Wide-Angle Microwave
Absorber for Stealth Applications," 2018 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave
and RF Conference (IMaRC).
6. A. Yen, P. Barnes, B. Kailkhura, P. Ray, D. Rajan, K. Schmidt, and R. Goldhahn,
“Large-scale parallel simulations of distributed detection algorithms for collaborative
autonomous sensor networks,” Proceedings of Disruptive Technologies in Information
Sciences, SPIE, Orlando, Florida, April 15-19, 2018.
7. S. Pandit, A. Mohan and P. Ray, “Compact MIMO antenna enabled by DGS for
WLAN applications,” 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and
Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting. IEEE, 2018.
8. S. Pandit, A. Mohan, P. Ray, and B. Rana, “Compact four-element MIMO antenna
using DGS for WLAN Applications,” In 2018 International Symposium on Antennas
and Propagation (ISAP) (pp. 1-2). IEEE.
9. N. Biswas, G. Das and P. Ray, “Optimal resource allocation in a price based
opportunistic cognitive radio network,” to be presented at the IEEE WCNC 2018,
Barcelona, Spain, 2018.
10. B. K. Petersen, M. B. Mayhew, K.O. E. Ogbuefi, J. D. Greene, V. X. Liu, P Ray,”
Modeling sepsis progression using hidden Markov models,” NIPS Machine Learning
for Health (ML4H), Long Beach, CA, December, 2017.
11. B. Kailkhura, P. Ray, D. Rajan, A. Yen, P. Barnes, R. Goldhahn, “Byzantine
Resilient Locally Optimum Radioactive Source Detection Using Collaborative
Sensor Networks,” IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in
Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing, Curacao, Dutch Antilles, December 2017.
12. A. Shome, S. Chakrabarti and P. Ray, “Successful one way data communication
probability of energy harvesting cognitive relay network with spatially random primary
users,” 28th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio
Communications (PIMRC), Monttreal, Canada, October 2017.
13. S. R.K. Vadali and P. Ray, “Detection of Signals in Additive Cauchy Noise with
Unknown Parameters,” INDICON, Roorkee, India, 2017.
14. S. Pandit, A. Mohan and P.Ray, “A compact planar MIMO monopole antenna with
reduced mutual coupling for WLAN applications using ELC resonator,” Proc. Asia
Pacific Microwave Conference, New Delhi, India, Dec. 2016.
15. S. Desouza, S. Jar, M. Chakraborty, A. Chatterjee and P.Ray, “Heart rate estimation
from photoplethysmogram during intense physical exercise using non-parametric
Bayesian factor analysis,” Proc. 49th Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems and
Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, Nov. 2015.
16. S. Majee, P.Ray and Q. Cheng, “Efficient wideband spectrum sensing using random
projection,” Proc. 49th Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific
Grove, CA, Nov. 2015.
17. J. Mansukhani, P. Ray and P.K. Varshney, “Simultaneous detection and estimation
based spectrum sharing in cognitive radio networks,” Proc. 48th Asilomar Conf. on
Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, Nov. 2014.
18. D. Bera, I. Chakrabarti, P. Ray and S.S. Pathak, “Factor graph based cooperative
spectrum sensing in cognitive radio over time varying channels,” Proc. IEEE VTC
spring, Dresden, Germany, June 2013.
19. P.Ray and L. Carin, “Non-parametric Bayesian modeling and fusion of spatiotemporal
information sources,” Proc. 14th International Conference on Information
Fusion, Chicago, Illinois, July, 2011 (Invited Paper).
20. P.Ray and L. Carin, “Non-parametric Bayesian factor analysis of multiple time series,”
Proc. IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing, Nice, France, June 2011.
21. R. Rao, Q. Cheng and P.Ray, “Subspace based cooperative spectrum sensing for
cognitive radio,” Proc. 43rd Annual Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and
Computers, November, 2008.
22. P.Ray and P.K. Varshney, “A False Discovery Rate based detector for detection of
targets in clutter and noise,” Proc. IEEE Radar conference, May, 2008, Rome, Italy.
23. P.Ray and P.K. Varshney, “A False Discovery Rate based framework for distributed
detection in wireless sensor networks,” Proc. IEEE Upstate NY Workshop on
Communications, Sensors and Networking, Syracuse, November 2007 (Best student
paper award).
24. P. Ray, P.K. Varshney and R.Niu, “A novel framework for the network-wide
distributed detection problem,” Proc. 10th International conference on Information
fusion, Quebec City, Canada, July 2007.
25. P.Ray and P.K. Varshney, “Distributed detection in wireless sensor networks using
dynamic sensor thresholds,” Proc. Second International Symposium on Innovations
and Real-time Applications of Distributed Sensor Networks, Washington DC, October
2006 (One of the 4 papers out of 25 papers selected to be published in the International
Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks).
26. P.Ray, P.K. Varshney and C.K. Mohan, “On reliable transport and estimation of
spatio-temporal events using wireless sensor networks,” Proc. 40th Annual Conference
on Information Science and Systems, Princeton University, March 2006.
27. O. Ozdemir, P.Ray, C. Isik, C.K.Mohan, P.K. Varshney, H. Khalifa and J. Zhang,
“Application of wireless sensor networks for AI-based monitoring and control of built
environments,” Proc. Innovations and Commercial Applications of Distributed Sensor
Networks (ICA DSN), Bethesda, MD, October, 2005.
28. A. Buchholz, A. Middendorf, P.Ray, H. Reichl and G. Seliger, “Increased reliability
through assessment of standard components with life cycle units,” Proc. Driving forces
for future electronics: Joint International Congress and Exhibition Electronics Goes
Green 2004+, September 6 - 8, 2004, Berlin, Germany.



2022 Director’s Science and Technology Award (Lawrence Livermore National

2022 Computational Engineering Division Recognition Award for Publication
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)

2022 Computational Engineering Division Recognition Award for Strategic
Partnership Project (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)

VHA Innovations Ecosystem Challenge Coin awards, 2020 (Veterans Affairs)

2020 Computational Engineering Division Recognition Award (Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory).

Graduate School All University Doctoral Prize for outstanding Ph.D. dissertation,
Syracuse University, 2010

Wilbur LePage Scholarship for Outstanding Doctoral Candidate in Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science, Syracuse University, 2009

Sergio Servetto Memorial best student paper award at the IEEE Upstate NY
Workshop on Communications, Sensors and Networking, 2007

Recipient of DAAD scholarship awarded by German Academic Exchange Service
(Awarded to the department topper at IIT, Delhi), 2003

Associate Editor – IEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems (2022 - )

Associate Editor – IEEE Sensors Journal (2021 - )

Panelist: NSF/NIH panel for “Smart Health and Biomedical Research in the Era of
Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Data Science (SCH)”, 2021, 2022.