Tuan Anh Pham

Portrait of  Tuan Anh Pham
  • Title
    Deputy Group Leader, Quantum Simulations Group
  • Email
  • Phone
    (925) 423-6501
  • Organization

Research Interests

Anh Pham is a Deputy Group Leader of the Quantum Simulations Group. His research interests lie in the integration of atomistic simulation, high performance computing, and data science for predicting properties of functional materials under non-equilibrium conditions. A particular focus is approaches for bridging simulation methods across broad scales, and for accelerating theory-experiment feedback. Primary topics of interest include energy conversion and storage, degradation and corrosion science, and chemical separation.

Dr. Pham is a Thrust-lead of the Center for Enhanced Nanofluidic Transport, an Energy Frontier Research Center that aims to establish the scientific foundation for developing transformative molecular separation technologies. Additionally, he co-leads the crosscutting modeling and simulation activities for the HydroGEN—a hydrogen production consortium in the DOE Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Technologies Office. At LLNL, he currently serves as a coordinator for AI/ML activities across the Physical and Life Sciences Directorate. He also the thrust lead for degradation science within the PLS Strategic Science Engagement Office (SSEO) and leads efforts in degradation science and sustainable materials of the Laboratory for Energy Applications for the Future (LEAF) Center. In this role, he coordinates cross-division and cross-directorate efforts to understand, predict and mitigate degradation of our nation’s infrastructure for energy production and delivery.

Since 2017, Dr. Pham has served as Director/co-Director of the Summer Institute on Computational Materials Science and Chemistry (CCMS), a two-month summer school and mentorship program for graduate students at LLNL.

Ph.D., Physical Chemistry, University of California at Davis, 2014

M.Sc., Condensed Matter Physics, Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics, 2008

B.S., Physics, Hanoi National University of Education, Vietnam, 2006

Google Scholar Profile; Google Sites

Selected Publications:

  • Scialog Fellow in Sustainable Minerals, Metals, and Materials; Research Corporation for Science Advancement, 2024.
  • ACS Early-Career and Emerging Researchers in Physical Chemistry, 2023.
  • Early and Mid-Career Recognition Award, LLNL, 2022.
  • Directorate Award for Excellence in Publication, Physical and Life Sciences, LLNL, 2021.
  • Deputy Director for Science and Technology Excellence in Publication Awards, 2018.
  • LLNL Outstanding Mentor Award, 2018.
  • Physical & Life Sciences Best Poster Awards, 2017.
  • PCTC Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2017.
  • Lawrence Fellow, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 2014-2017.
  • Outstanding Chemistry Dissertation Award, University of California Davis, 2014.
  • Lawrence Scholar, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 2011-2014.