Aaditya Pendse

  • Title
    Postdoctoral Researcher
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    (925) 423-2315
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Research interests

Dr. Aaditya Pendse is a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Materials Science Division at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. His research focuses on understanding the fundamental transport properties and enabling efficient separations through nanomaterials and 2D membrane systems. In particular, he currently works on dynamically controlling the interlayer spacing of the 2D MXene membranes using a voltage gating approach for precision separations and enhanced ion transport. Additionally, he is a Principal investigator on a project for developing a MOF-MXene composite membrane for fast and selective rare earth element separations. Aaditya also serves as an Associate Executive Officer for Coordination for the Center for Enhanced Nanofluidic Transport (CENT) which is an EFRC funded by the DOE.

Subject Matter Expertise

  • Nanofluidics
  • 2D-materials
  • Water purification
  • Membranes 

Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2021

B.Tech., Chemical Engineering, Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, 2015

Selected publications

1.       Pendse, A., Cetindag, S., Wang, K., Li, D., Castellano, R. J., Yang, D. C., ... & Kim, S. (2022). Intrinsic ion transport of highly charged sub-3-nm boron nitride nanotubes. Materials Today, 60, 79-90.

2.       Wang, T., Wang, X., Pendse, A., Gao, Y., Wang, K., Bae, C., & Kim, S. (2021). High-efficient multifunctional  electrochemical membrane for lithium polysulfide redox flow batteries. Journal of Membrane Science, 636, 119539.

3.       Pendse, A., Cetindag, S., Rehak, P., Behura, S., Gao, H., Nguyen, N. H. L., ... & Kim, S. (2021). Highly Efficient Osmotic Energy Harvesting in Charged Boron‐Nitride‐Nanopore Membranes. Advanced Functional Materials, 31(15), 2009586.

4.       Pendse, A., Cetindag, S., Lin, M. H., Rackovic, A., Debbarma, R., Almassi, S., ... & Kim, S. (2019). Charged layered boron nitride‐nanoflake membranes for efficient ion separation and water purification. Small, 15(49), 1904590.

5.       Cetindag, S., Pendse, A., Praino, R. F., Kim, S., & Shan, J. W. (2019, November). Enhanced electrokinetic energy conversion & ion-selective transport in macroscopic vertically aligned BNNT membranes. In APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts (pp. B36-006).

For a full list, see: Google Scholar | Scopus | ORCID


Kim. S, Shan. J, Berry. V, Cetindag. S, Behura. S, Pendse. and Praino. R, Boron - Nitride Nanotube Membranes, US20200147559A1

  • Best Poster Award, Physical and Life Sciences, LLNL (2023)
  • Provost Graduate Research Award, University of Illinois at Chicago (2019)
  • Chancellor's Students Service and Leadership Awards, University of Illinois at Chicago (2019)
  • Chemical Engineering Best High Impact Publication, University of Illinois at Chicago (2019)