Tapasya Patki

Portrait of  Tapasya Patki
  • Title
    Computer Scientist
  • Email
  • Phone
    (925) 423-3632
  • Organization
    Not Available

Tapasya is a Computer Scientist at the Center for Applied Scientific Computing at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Her current research involves the design and implementation of exascale operating systems and next-generation HPC resource managers, with a specific focus on power/network awareness and application performance optimization under multiple constraints. Broadly, she is interested in power-constrained supercomputing, network topology research, performance modeling and analysis, and HPC system software.

Tapasya earned her Ph.D. in Computer Science from The University of Arizona under the advisement of Dr. David Lowenthal (2015). Her dissertation research focused on exploring the potential of hardware overprovisioning in power-constrained, high-performance computing. Hardware overprovisioning is a novel HPC cluster design approach that leads to significant improvements in application and system performance under a power constraint.

Prior to her Ph.D., she graduated with a Bachelor's in Computer Science and Engineering from GGS Indraprastha University, India (2007), and with a Master's in Computer Science from the University of Arizona (2009).