Tommaso Pardini

Portrait of  Tommaso Pardini
  • Title
    Staff Scientist
  • Email
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    (925) 423-1889
  • Organization
    Not Available

Research Interests

My research interests center around fast dynamics in condensed matter, investigated by means of coherent light sources such as the Linac Coherent Light Source at SLAC. Related to this topic, I am also involved in the effort of developing a new generation of x-ray synchrotron optics, necessary to take full advantage of the beam quality of today's light sources.

Ph.D., Physics, 2009

M.Sc., Physics, 2005

B.S., Physics, 2002

  • T. Pardini and R. R. P. Singh, "Spin correlations near the edge as probe of Dimer order in square-lattice Heisenberg models" Phys. Rev. B 79, 094413 (2009)
  • N. Tsyrulin, T. Pardini et al. "Quantum effects in a weakly frustrated spin-half two-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnet in an applied magnetic field" Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 197201 (2009)
  • T. Pardini et al. "Spin Stiffness of the anisotropic Heisenberg model on the square lattice and a possible mechanism for pinning of the electronic liquid crystal direction in underdoped YBa2Cu3O6.45" Phys. Rev. B. 78, 024439 (2008)
  • T. Pardini and R. R. P. Singh, "Magnetic order in coupled spin-half and spin-one Heisenberg chains in anisotropic triangular-lattice geometry" Phys. Rev. B. 77, 214433 (2008)

Kennedy Reed Award for best theoretical research, APS meeting, California Section, October, 2007