Stephen C. Myers

Portrait of  Stephen C. Myers
  • Title
    Staff Scientist
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    (925) 423-4988
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    Not Available


Dr. Myers has over 27 years of experience at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) as a research seismologist and program leader. He began serving as Associate Program Leader (APL) for Nuclear Detonation Detection in 2021, where he coordinates ground and spaced-based research efforts for nuclear explosion monitoring. Dr. Myers regularly supports the U.S. as a delegate to Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) meetings, and he recently began serving as Task Leader for Technology Refreshment at CTBTO Working Group B. Dr. Myers instructs emerging scientists in the international and domestic communities on topics of seismology and explosion monitoring, and he is the author of more than 45 peer-reviewed publications. He is a recognized world expert in seismic event location and development of seismological earth models. Dr. Myers is the recipient of the 2014 Department of Energy E. O. Lawrence Award for contributions to nuclear nonproliferation.

Managerial Positions at LLNL 

Associate Program Leader for Nuclear Detonation Detection

  • Duties include coordinating proposals, work plans, staffing, and reporting for ground and space based nuclear explosion monitoring. Nuclear Detonation Detection draws on staff from diverse areas of expertise ranging from seismology, acoustics, radiation physics, nuclear engineering, atmospheric sciences, radiochemistry, computer science, statistics, political science, and business.

Deputy for LLNL Geophysical Monitoring Programs (GMP) Focus Area

  • GMP load balances the effort of over 50 LLNL staff members and coordinates use of facilities for approximately 10 geophysical programs.

Program Manager

  • Ground-Based Nuclear Detonation Detection. Funded by NNSA Office of Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation Research & Development (DNN R&D).
  • Venture Lead for Low-Yield Nuclear Explosion Monitoring Program – Local Trust Area. Funded by NNSA DNN R&D.
  • Chief Scientist for the PE-1 experiment. PE-1 consists of 3 underground chemical explosives tests, an underground electromagnetic pulse, and 4 atmospheric measurement and tracer releases.


  • (2022–present) Task Leader for Technology Refreshment, Comprehensive Nuclear-Test- Ban Treaty Organization (Provisional Technical Secretariat) Working Group B. Coordinate sustainment and implementation new technology used in the CTBT verification system.
  • (2012–present) Working Group Chair: IASPEI/CoSOI1 working group on Utilization of Global 3-D Models for Seismic Observatory Applications.
  • (2019) Keynote Speaker. British Seismology Meeting. Edinburgh, Scotland.
  • (2019) TexNet expert panel member. TexNet is the state of Texas, USA, network with responsibility for assessing induced seismicity.
  • (2017) Invited Panel Member (Mobile Devices as Geophysical Sensors: Promising Paths and Blind Alleys). CTBT SnT2017, Vienna, Austria.
  • (2013–2017) LLNL Lawrence Fellow Committee. Lawrence Fellowship is the most prestigious Post-Doctoral position at LLNL.
  • (2016) Invited plenary lecture at the Conference on Data Analysis. Santa Fe, NM.

1 International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior/ Commission on Seismological Observation and Interpretation

1993-1997, Ph.D. University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ

1988-1990, M.S. University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ

1984-1987, B.S. University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY

Selected Publications (45 total publications with over 1500 citations, H-index=22)

Kong, Q., A. Chiang, A.C Aguiar, M. G. Fernandez-Godino, S.C. Myers, D.D. Lucas, Deep convolutional autoencoders as generic feature extractors in seismological applications, Artificial Intelligence in Geosciences,, 2021

Simmons, N. A., S. C. Myers, C. Morency, A. Chiang, and D. R. Knapp, SPiRaL: A multi-resolution global tomography model of seismic wave speeds and radial anisotropy variations in the crust and mantle, Geophys. Jour. Int., submitted 15 December 2020, in revision as of 12 March 2021 (GNDD)

Simmons, N.A, B. Schuberth, S.C. Myers, and D.K. Knapp, Resolution and Covariance of the LLNL-G3D-JPS Global Seismic Tomography Model: Applications to Travel Time Uncertainty and Tomographic Filtering of Geodynamic Models, Geophys. Jour. Int., 217, 1543-1557,, 2019

Myers, S.C., S.R. Ford, R.J. Mellors, S. Baker, and G.A. Ichinose, Absolute locations of the North Korean nuclear tests based on differential seismic arrival times and InSAR, Seism. Res. Lett., doi: 10.1785/0220180123), 2018

Ichinose, G.A., S.C. Myers, S.R. Ford, M.E. Pasyanos, and W.R. Walter, Relative Surface-wave Amplitude and Phase Anomalies from the Democratic People's Republic Korea Announced Nuclear Tests, Geophys. Res. Let., 44, 8857-8864, doi:10.1002/2017GL074577, 2017

Simmons, N. A., S. C. Myers, G. Johannesson, E. Matzel, and S. P. Grand, Evidence for long-lived subduction of an ancient tectonic plate beneath the southern Indian Ocean, Geophys. Res. Lett., 42, doi:10.10022015GL066237, 2015.

Myers, S.C., N. A. Simmons, G. Johanesson, and E. Matzel, Improved regional and teleseismic P-wave travel time prediction and event location using a global, 3- dimensional velocity model, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 105, 3, doi: 10.1785/0120140272, 2015

Myers, S.C., M. L. Begnaud, S. Ballard, M. E. Pasyanos, W. S. Phillips, A. L. Ramirez,

M. S. Antolik, K. D. Hutchenson, J. Dwyer, and C. A. Rowe, and G. S. Wagner, A crust and upper mantle model of Eurasia and North Africa for Pn travel time calculation, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 100, 640-656, 2010.

Myers, S.C., G. Johannesson, and W. Hanley, A Bayesian hierarchical method for multiple-event seismic location, Geophys. J. Int., 171, 1049-1063, 2007.

Myers S.C., S.L. Beck, G. Zandt, T.C. Wallace, Lithospheric-scale structure across the Bolivian Andes from tomographic images of velocity and attenuation for P and S waves, J. Geophys. Res., 103, 21,233-21,252, 1998.

Silver, P.G., S. Beck, T. Wallace, C. Meade, S. Myers, D. James, R. Kuehnal, The rupture characteristics of the deep Bolivian earthquake of 9 June, 1994 and mechanisms of deep-focus earthquakes, Science, 268, 69-73, 1995.

  • (2021) Outstanding reviewer, Geophysical Journal International
  • (2018) Department of Energy Secretary’s Appreciation Award for the Source Physics Experiment.
  • (2016) LLNL Physical and Life Sciences Directorate Award for Contributions to CTBT Day On The Hill Event, Washington D.C.
  • (2014) Department of Energy E. O. Lawrence Award for contributions to nuclear security and nuclear non-proliferation technology.
  • (2010) LLNL Physical and Life Sciences Directorate Award for leading the joint U.S. team to develop and deliver the Regional Seismic Travel Time (RSTT) method and model to the CTBT International Data Centre (IDC).

Professional memberships

  • (1993-present) American Geophysical Union
  • (1993-present) Seismological Society of America