Jiun-Ting Lin

Portrait of  Jiun-Ting Lin
  • Title
    Postdoctoral Researcher
  • Email
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    (925) 424-3569
  • Organization
    Not Available

I am interested in applying machine learning and high-performance computing to address challenges in rapid large-magnitude earthquake characterization, small-magnitude earthquake detection, source discrimination, and anomaly detection for seismic signals. For more details, please visit my personal webpage: https://jiunting.github.io/

Ph.D., Earth Sciences, University of Oregon, 2022

M.S., Geophysics, National Central University, 2014

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=DKi9fRQAAAAJ

Lin, J. T., Thomas, A., Bachelot, L., Toomey, D., Searcy, J., & Melgar, D. (2024). Detection of Hidden Low-Frequency Earthquakes in Southern Vancouver Island with Deep Learning. Seismica, 2(4). https://doi.org/10.26443/seismica.v2i4.1134

Lin, J. T., Melgar, D., Sahakian, V. J., Thomas, A. M., & Searcy, J. (2023). RealTime Fault Tracking and Ground Motion Prediction for Large Earthquakes With HRGNSS and Deep Learning. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth128(12), e2023JB027255.

Zhang, H., Melgar, D., Sahakian, V., Searcy, J., & Lin, J. T. (2022). Learning source, path and site effects: CNN-based on-site intensity prediction for earthquake early warning. Geophysical Journal International231(3), 2186-2204.

Lin, J. T., Melgar, D., Thomas, A. M., & Searcy, J. (2021). Early warning for great earthquakes from characterization of crustal deformation patterns with deep learning. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth126(10), e2021JB022703.

Yu, W., Song, T. R., Su, J., & Lin, J. T. (2021). RayleighLove Discrepancy Highlights Temporal Changes in NearSurface Radial Anisotropy After the 2004 Great Sumatra Earthquake. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth126(12), e2021JB022896.

Lin, J. T., Aslam, K. S., Thomas, A. M., & Melgar, D. (2020). Overlapping regions of coseismic and transient slow slip on the Hawaiian décollement. Earth and Planetary Science Letters544, 116353.

Yu, W., Lin, J. T., Su, J., Song, T. R., & Kang, C. C. (2020). S coda and Rayleigh waves from a decade of repeating earthquakes reveal discordant temporal velocity changes since the 2004 Sumatra earthquake. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth125(7), e2020JB019794.

Lin, J. T., Chang, W. L., Melgar, D., Thomas, A., & Chiu, C. Y. (2019). Quick determination of earthquake source parameters from GPS measurements: a study of suitability for Taiwan. Geophysical Journal International219(2), 1148-1162.

NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship, NASA, 2018-2021

Outstanding Student Presentation Award, American Geophysical Union, 2020

Research Recognition Award, University of Oregon, 2019