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Daniel Laney is a computer scientist and group leader at the Center for Applied Scientific Computing. His research interests include high performance computing workflow and data management methods, simulated radiographic diagnostics, scientific visualization, and applications of machine learning to scientific data analysis.
Daniel earned a Ph.D. in Engineering - Applied Science at the University of California, Davis in 2002 and a B.S. in physics from the College of Creative Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara in 1996. He joined LLNL in 2002, and currently leads the HPC Workflow project in the Weapons and Complex Integration Directorate.
Professional Service
Technical Program Committee Member, Supercomputing 2011, 2012, and 2013.
Best paper nominee: Laney, D. E., Lindstrom, P., Weber C., Langer, S., Wegener, A., "Assessing the Effects of Data Compression in Simulations Using Physically Motivated Metrics", Supercomputing 2013.
Garung, T., Laney, D. E., Lindstrom, P., Rossignac, J., "SQuad: Compact Representation for Triangle Meshes", Eurographics, 2011.
Winner: Best Application Paper at IEEE Visualization 2006
Laney, D. E., Bremer, P-T, Mascarenhas, A., Miller, P., Pascucci, V., "Understanding the Structure of the Turbulent Mixing Layer in Hydrodynamic Instabilities", Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, presented at Visualization 2006, Baltimore, MA, October 2006. Also available as UCRL-JRNL-222696
Laney, D. E.,Callahan, S. P., Max, N., Silva, C. T., Langer, S., Frank, R., "Hardware Accelerated Simulated Radiography", In Proc. of IEEE Visualization, Minneapolis, MN, October, 2005. Also available as UCRL-CONF-214415.
D. E. Laney and V. Pasuccci, "Progressive Compression of Volumetric Subdivision Meshes", In Proc. of~ International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization, and Transmission, 2004. Also available as UCRL-CONF-203679.
V. Pascucci, D. E. Laney, R. Frank, G. Scorzelli, L. Linsen, B. Hamann, F. Gygi, "Real-Time Monitoring of Large Scientific Simulations", In Proceedings of the 18-th annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, March, 2003, Melbourne, FL, pp.194-198.
D. E. Laney, M. B. Bertram, M. A. Duchaineau, and N. L. Max, "Multiresolution distance volumes for progressive surface compression", In Proc. 3D Data Proc. Vis. and Transmission, 2002. Also available as UCRL-JC-146852.
M. B. Bertram, D. E. Laney, M. A. Duchaineau, "Wavelet representation of contour sets", In Proc. IEEE Visualization 2001, pp. 303-310 and 566. Also available as UCRL-JC-144651.
D. E. Laney, M. A. Duchaineau, and N. L. Max, "A selective refinement approach for computing the distance functions of curves". In Proc. of the Joint Eurographics - IEEE TCVG Symposium on Visualization, pp. 213-222, Springer-Verlag, 2001. Also available as UCRL-JC-142632.
R. A. Garcia, D. E. Laney, S. M. Parsons, and H. G.Hansma, "Substructure and responses of cholinergic synaptic vesicles in the atomic force microscope", J. Neurosci. Res., 52(3):350-355,1998.
D. E. Laney, R. A. Garcia, S. M. Parsons, and H. G. Hansma, "Changes in the elastic properties of cholinergic synaptic vesicles as measured by atomic force microscopy", Biophys. J., 72:806-813, 1997.
H. G. Hansma, I. Revenko, K. Kim, and D. E. Laney. "Atomic force microscopy of long and short double-stranded, single-stranded and triple-stranded nucleic acids", Nucleic Acids Res., 24(4):713-720, 1996.
H. G. Hansma, D. E. Laney, I. Revenko, K. Kim, and J. P. Cleveland, "Bending and motion of DNA in the atomic force microscope", Biol. Struct. Dyn., 2:249-258, 1996.
H. G. Hansma, D. E. Laney. "DNA binding to mica correlates with cationic radius: assay by atomic force microscopy", Biophysical Journal, 70:1933-1939, 1996.
H. G. Hansma, D. E. Laney, M. Bezanilla, R. L. Sinsheimer, and P. K. Hansma, "Applications for atomic force microscopy of DNA", Biophys. J., 68:1672-1677, 1995.
M. Bezanilla, S. Manne, D. E. Laney, Y. L. Lyubchenko, and H. G. Hansma, "Adsorption of DNA to mica, silylated mica and minerals: characterization by atomic force microscopy", Langmuir, 11:655-659, 1995.