Simon Ezra Labov

Portrait of  Simon Ezra Labov
  • Title
    Group Leader, Nuclear Security Physics
  • Email
  • Phone
    (925) 423-3818
  • Organization
    Not Available


Simon Labov joined LLNL in 1987 and helped initiate a program to develop high-resolution, energy-dispersive x-ray detectors that operate at very low temperatures. Labov has held several leadership positions, including associate program leader for Nuclear Detection Systems and Algorithms in Global Security’s N Program, group leader for Nuclear Security Physics in the Physical and Life Sciences Directorate, and director of the LLNL Radiation Detection Center. Prior to joining LLNL, Labov worked as a research assistant developing instrumentation for soft-x-ray astrophysics at Stanford University and the University of California, Berkeley.

Labov is an expert in nuclear detection systems, advanced spectral and multisource analysis algorithms, and distributed detector systems. He currently leads an algorithm development team for the Department of Defense’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ubiquitous detection SIGMA program. In 2006, he initiated research using advanced signal processing algorithms coupled to machine-learning analysis to combine heterogeneous measurements and contextual information for radiation screening operations. These techniques now enable the Enhanced Radiological Nuclear Inspection and Evaluation System, approved by the Customs and Border Protection for deployment, to increase sensitivity and reduce false alarms for radiation portal monitors operating at US seaports. In 2001, he initiated the Cellular-Telephone-Based Radiation Sensor and Wide-Area Detection Network Project, which was awarded three patents and has been aggressively supported by multiple funding agencies.

Ph.D., Astronomy, University of California, Berkeley, 1988

M.S., Astronomy, University of California, Berkeley, 1984

B.A., Physics, Stanford University, 1980