Jae-Hyun Park Klepeis

Portrait of  Jae-Hyun Park Klepeis

  • Title
    Staff Scientist, Chemist, Physicist
  • Email
  • Phone
    (925) 424-2866
  • Organization
    Not Available

Professional Background

  • American Physical Society, American Chemical Society, Material Research Society.

Research Interests

Jae-Hyun Park Klepeis received her PhD in chemistry under the supervision of Professor John Parise at State University of New York at Stony Brook in 1999. After finishing two years of postdoctoral research in the structure–property relationship of metal oxide systems in search of photocatalysts at Ohio State University, she joined the High Pressure Physics group at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in 2001. Since then, she has been working on molecular systems, metals, and metal compounds in diamond anvil cells under high pressure-high temperature conditions. She uses x-ray diffraction techniques as the primary tool to probe the structures, equation of states, and strength.

Ph.D., Inorganic Chemistry, State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1999

  • M.  J. Lipp, J. R. Jeffries, H. Cynn, J.-H. P. Klepeis, W. J. Evans, D. R. Mortensen, G. T. Seldler, Y. Xiao and P. Chow, “Comparison of the high-pressure behavior of the cerium oxides Ce2O3 and CeO2,”  Phys. Rev.B 93(6), 064106 (2016).
  • Zs. Jenei, Zs, H.P. Liermann, H. Cynn, J.-H. P. Klepeis, B. J. Baer, and W. J. Evans, “Structural phase transition in vanadium at high pressure and high temperature: Influence of nonhydrostatic conditions,” Phys. Rev. B 83 (5), 054101 (2011).
  • J.-H. P. Klepeis, H. Cynn, W. J. Evans, R. E. Rudd, L. H. Yang, H. P. Liermann, and W. G. Yang, “Diamond anvil cell measurement of high-pressure yield strength of vanadium using in situ thickness determination,” Phys. Rev. B 81 (13), 134107 (2010).
  • C. S. Yoo, B. Maddox, J. -H. P. Klepeis, V. Iota, W. Evans, A. McMahan, M. Hu, P. Chow, M. Somayazulu, D. Hausermann, R. T. Scalettar, and W. E. Pickett, “First-order Isostructural Mott transition in highly compressed MnO,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 94(11), 115502 (2005)
  • V. Iota, J.-H. Park, and C.S. Yoo, “Phase Diagram of Nitrous Oxide: Analogy with Carbon Dioxide,” Phys. Rev. B 69(6), 064106 (2004)
  • J.-H. Park, C.S. Yoo, V. Iota, H. Cynn, M.F. Nicol, and T. LeBihan, “Crystal Structure of Bent Carbon Dioxide Phase IV,” Physical Review B 68 (1), 014107 (2003)
  • Independent Research Award, LDRD-LW, 2003
  • Best Research Award, PAT directorate, 2003