Chandrika Kamath

Portrait of  Chandrika Kamath
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    (925) 423-3768
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Chandrika Kamath is a research staff member in CASC. Her interests are in the area of scientific data mining, especially in the analysis of science data from experiments, observations, and simulations. Her multi-disciplinary expertise in algorithms includes image and video processing, feature extraction, dimension reduction, pattern recognition, statistical techniques, and machine learning.

Chandrika earned her Ph.D. in 1986 and her M.S. in 1984, both in Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She received her B.Tech degree in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, in 1981. Prior to joining LLNL in 1997, Chandrika was a Consulting Software Engineer at Digital Equipment Corporation, developing high-performance mathematical software. Her early career interests included the solution of sparse linear systems of equations and the optimization and parallelization of software on high-performance computers.

From 1998 through 2007, Chandrika was both the project lead and an individual contributor for Sapphire, a project in scientific data mining. In her roles, she conducted research in analysis algorithms, implemented the algorithms in software, and applied the software to practical problems at LLNL and other DOE Laboratories. The Sapphire team was awarded the 2006 R&D 100 award for their work on the scientific data mining software. Since the successful completion of Sapphire in 2007, Chandrika has continued her work on the analysis of data from various application domains.

Chandrika holds six patents in data mining. She was involved in organizing the series of workshops on Mining Scientific Data and the week-long short program at the Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics on Mathematical Challenges in Scientific Data Mining. She is active in the organization of various data mining conferences, especially the SIAM Conference on Data Mining, where she serves as the Chair of the Steering Committee and is responsible for selecting and managing the team which organizes the conference each year. She was also a co-editor of the book Data Mining for Scientific and Engineering Applications. Her recent book, Scientific Data Mining:A Practical Perspective, was published by SIAM in 2009. Chandrika is one of the three Founding Editors-in-Chief of the Wiley journal, Statistical Analysis and Data Mining, where she focuses on the practical applications of data analysis techniques.  

Professional Activities

Professional Societies

  • Member, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
  • Senior member, Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
  • Member, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
  • Member, International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE)




  • Invited participant, Workshop on Simulation-based Engineering Science, organized by the NSF Blue Ribbon Panel on Simulation-Based Engineering Science, September 2005.
  • Member, Potomac Advisory Group to NASA's Computing, Information, and Communications Technology, Potomac Institute for Policy Studies, 2004.
  • Member, Panel on Computing, Information, and Communications Technology (CICT), NRC Review of NASA's Pioneering Revolutionary Technology (PRT) program, 2002-2004.
  • Member, NRC Committee for the Review of Physical Sciences Proposals to the State of Ohio's Wright Centers of Innovation Award Program, 2003 and 2006.


Chandrika Kamath, Erick Cantu-Paz, "Parallel Object-Oriented Data Mining System," U.S. Patent 6,675,164 B2, January 6, 2004.

Chandrika Kamath, Erick Cantu-Paz, David Littau, "Using Histograms to Introduce Randomization in the Generation of Ensembles of Decision Trees," U.S. Patent 6,859,804 B2, February 22, 2005.

Chandrika Kamath, Chuck H. Baldwin, Imola K. Fodor, Nu A. Tang, "Parallel Object-Oriented, Denoising System Using Wavelet Multiresolution Analysis," U.S. Patent 6,879,729 B2, April 12, 2005.

Chandrika Kamath and Erick Cantu-Paz, "Creating Ensembles of Decision Trees through Sampling," U.S. Patent No. 6,938,049 B2, August 30, 2005.

Chandrika Kamath and Erick Cantu-Paz, "Parallel object-oriented decision tree system," U.S. Patent No. 7,007,035 B2, February 28, 2006.

Erick Cantu-Paz and Chandrika Kamath, "Creating ensembles of oblique decision trees with evolutionary algorithms and sampling," U.S. Patent No. 7,062,504 B2, June 13, 2006.

C. Kamath, Scientific Data Mining: A Practical Perspective, SIAM, Philadelphia, PA, 2009. [details]

C. Kamath, A. Gezahegne, and P. L Miller, "Identification of coherent structures in three-dimensional simulations of a fluid-mix problem, " International Journal of Image and Graphics, accepted for publication.

C. Kamath, N. Wale, G. Karypis, G. Pandey, V. Kumar, K. Rajan, N. F. Samatova, P. Breimyer, G. Kora, C. Pan,S.Yoginath, “Scientific Data Analysis”, book chapter in “Scientific Data Management”, A. Shoshani and D. Rotem, editors, CRC Press/Taylor and Francis books, 2009, to appear.

C. Kamath, “Application-driven data analysis”, Editorial, Statistical Analysis and Data Mining, Vol 1, Issue 5, 2008.

A. Gezahegne and C. Kamath, “Tracking non-rigid structures in computer simulations,” IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, San Diego, October 2008, pp. 1548-1551. [pdf]

W. P. Kegelmeyer, R. Calderbank, T. Critchlow, L. Jameson, C. Kamath, J. Meza, N. Samatova, and A. Wilson, “Mathematics for Analysis of Petascale Data: Report on a Department of Energy Workshop”, June 2008. [pdf]

C. Kamath, “Sapphire: Experiences in Scientific Data Mining,”, SciDAC 2008, Journal of Physics Conference Series 125, 012094, July 2008. [pdf]

A. Goodman, C. Kamath, V. Kumar, “Data analysis in the 21st century,” Editorial, Statistical Analysis and Data Mining, Vol. 1, Issue 1, Feb 2008, pp 1-3.

C. Kamath and O. A. Hurricane, "Analysis of Images from Experiments Investigating Fragmentation of Materials", LLNL Technical Report, UCRL-TR-234578, September 13, 2007. [pdf]

C. Kamath and P. L. Miller, "Image Analysis for Validation of Simulations of a Fluid Mix Problem," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Volume III, pages 525-528, San Antonio, September 2007. UCRL-CONF-227190. [pdf]

A. Bagherjeiran, N. S. Love, C. Kamath, "Estimating Missing Features to Improve Multimedia Retrieval," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Volume II, pages 233-236, San Antonio, September 2007. UCRL-CONF-225087. [short - pdf] [pdf]

N. S. Love and C. Kamath, "Image Analysis for the Identification of Coherent Structures in Plasma," Applications of Digital Image Processing, XXX, SPIE Conference 6696, San Diego, August 2007. UCRL-CONF-233180. [pdf]

P. L. Miller, A. G. Gezahegne, A. W. Cook, W. H. Cabot, C. Kamath, "Bubble counts for Rayleigh-Taylor Instability Using Image Analysis, International workshop on the Physics of Compressible Turbulent Mixing, July 17-21, 2006, Paris, France. UCRL-PROC-227585.

C. Kamath, “Mining science data,” SciDAC 2006, Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing, in Journal of Physics Conference Series, Volume 46, 2006, pp. 500-504.

C. Kamath, A. Gezahegne, and P.L. Miller, "Analysis of Rayleigh-Taylor Instability, Part I: Bubble and Spike Count", LLNL Technical report, UCRL-TR_223676, August 2006. [pdf]

A. Bagherjeiran and C. Kamath, "Graph-based Methods for Orbit Classification," Sixth SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, Bethesda, April 2006. UCRL-CONF-215802 [short - pdf] [pdf]

N.S. Love and C. Kamath, "An Empirical Study of Block Matching Techniques for Detection of Moving Objects," LLNL Technical Report UCRL-TR-218038, April 2006 [pdf].

A. Bagherjeiran and C. Kamath, "Graph-based Techniques for Orbit Classification: Early Results," LLNL Technical Report UCRL-TR-215690, September 2005 [pdf].

Samson S.-C. Cheung and C. Kamath, Robust background subtraction with foreground validation for urban traffic video, Eurasip Journal on applied signal processing. Volume 14, pp 2330-2340, 2005. UCRL-JRNL-201916.

Cant-Paz, E. and C. Kamath, An empirical comparison of combinations of evolutionary algorithms and neural networks for classification problems. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part B: Cybernetics, pages 915-927, 2005. UCRL-JC-151936 [ pdf].

A. Bagherjeiran, C. Cantu-Paz, C. Kamath, "Design and Implementation of an Anomaly Detector", Technical Report, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, UCRL-TR-213599, July 2005 [pdf].

H. Kargupta, J. Srivastava, C. Kamath, and A. Goodman (eds.), Proceedings of the Fifth SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, Newport Beach, California, April 2005, ISBN 0-89871-593-8.

Kamath, C., E. Cantu-Paz, S.-C. Cheung, I. K. Fodor, and N. Tang, "Experiences in mining data from computer simulations," book chapter, New Generation of Data Mining Applications, M. Kantardzic and J. Zurada (eds.), pp. 211-232, IEEE Press, 2005. UCRL-BOOK-200043.

A. Lazarevic, R. Kanapady, C. Kamath, V. Kumar, and K. Tamma, "Damage detection employing data mining techniques," chapter in New Generation of Data Mining Applications, M. Kantardzic and J. Zurada (eds.), pp. 41-56, IEEE Press, 2005.

C. Kamath and T. Nguyen, "Feature Extraction from Simulations and Experiments: Preliminary Results Using a Fluid Mix Problem," Technical report, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, UCRL-TR-208853, January 2005. [pdf].

S. Newsam and C. Kamath, "Comparing shape and texture features for pattern recognition in simulation data," Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems IV, SPIE Electronic Imaging, January 2005. UCRL-CONF-208568 [pdf].

C. Kamath, A. Gezahegne, S. Newsam, G.M. Roberts, "Salient Points for Tracking Moving Objects in Video," Proceedings, Image and Video Communications and Processing, pp 442-453, SPIE Volume 5685, Electronic Imaging, San Jose, January 2005. UCRL-CONF-208738 [pdf].

Publications (2003 - 2004)

C. Kamath, "Statistics and Practical Applications of Data Mining: Highlights from SDM04," SIAM News, Volume 37, Number 6, July/August 2004. UCRL-ABS-206349.

A. Lazarevic, Kanapady, R. and Kamath, C., "Effective Localized Regression for Damage Detection in Large Complex Mechanical Structures," Proceedings, ACM International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, pp 450-459, August 22-25, 2004, Seattle, WA.

Cantu-Paz, E., Newsam, S., Kamath, C., "Feature Selection in Scientific Applications," Proceedings, ACM International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, pp 788-793, August 22-25, 2004, Seattle, WA. UCRL-CONF-202657 [pdf].

Newsam, S. and C. Kamath, "Retrieval using texture features in high resolution multi-spectral satellite imagery", Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery: Theory, Tools, and Technology, VI, SPIE Volume 5433, pp. 21-32, SPIE Defense and Security, Orlando, April 2004. UCRL-CONF-201981 [pdf].

M. W. Berry, U. Dayal, C. Kamath, and D. Skillicorn (eds.), Proceedings of the Fourth SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, April 2004, ISBN 0-89871-568-7.

Cantu-Paz, E., Cheung, S-C., and Kamath, C., "Retrieval of Similar Objects in Simulation Data Using Machine Learning Techniques," Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems III, SPIE Volume 5298, pp 251-258. SPIE Electronic Imaging, San Jose, January 2004. UCRL-JC-153866 [pdf].

Cheung, S.-C. and C. Kamath, "Robust techniques for background subtraction in urban traffic video," Video Communications and Image Processing, Volume 5308, pp 881-892, SPIE Electronic Imaging, San Jose, January 2004, UCRL-JC-153846-ABS, UCRL-CONF-200706 [pdf].

Weeratunga S. and C. Kamath, "An investigation of implicit active contours for scientific image segmentation," Video Communications and Image Processing, SPIE Volume 5308, pp. 210-221, SPIE Electronic Imaging, San Jose, January 2004, UCRL-CONF-200711 [pdf].

Lazarevic, A., R. Kanapady, C. Kamath, V. Kumar, and K. Tamma, "Localized Prediction of Continuous Target Variables Using Hierarchical Clustering," Proceedings, IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, pp. 139-146, Melbourne, Florida, Nov. 2003.

Gyaourova, A., C. Kamath, and S.-C. Cheung, "Block matching for object tracking," LLNL Technical report, October 2003. UCRL-TR-200271 [pdf].

Lazarevic, A., Kanapady, R., Kamath, C., Tamma K., Kumar, V., "Damage Detection Employing Novel Data Mining Techniques", book chapter, New Generation of Data Mining Applications, IEEE Press, August 2003.

Cheung S.-C. and C. Kamath, "Initial experiences with retrieving similar objects in simulation data," Proceedings, Sixth Workshop on Mining Scientific and Engineering Datasets, in conjunction with the Third SIAM conference on Data Mining, May 3, 2003, pp 11-18. UCRL-JC-151931 [pdf].

Cantu-Paz E., and C. Kamath, "Evolving neural networks to identify Bent-Double Galaxies in the FIRST Survey," Neural Networks, Volume 16, No. 3-4, pp. 507-517, 2003. UCRL-JC-146705.

Barbar D. and C. Kamath (eds.), Proceedings of the Third SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, San Francisco, California, May 2003, ISBN 0-89871-545-8.

Fodor, I.K. and C.Kamath, "Using independent component analysis to separate signals in climate data", Proceedings, Independent component analysis, Wavelets, and Neural Networks, SPIE Aerosense, Orlando, April 2003. UCRL-JC-151808 [pdf].

I. K. Fodor and Kamath, C., "Efficient segmentation of spatio-temporal data from simulations," Proceedings, Image and Video Communications and Processing, SPIE Electronic Imaging, San Jose, January 2003. UCRL-JC-148906 [pdf].

Sengupta, S. K., C. Kamath, D. Poland, J. Futterman, "Detecting human settlements in Satellite Images," Proceedings, Optical Engineering at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, SPIE Photonics West, Lasers and Applications in Science and Engineering, San Jose, January 2003. UCRL-JC-150220 [pdf].

Kamath, C., S. Sengupta, D. Poland, and J. Futterman, "On the use of machine vision techniques to detect human settlements in satellite images, Proceedings, Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems II, SPIE Electronic Imaging, San Jose, January 2003. UCRL-JC-150218 [pdf].

Weeratunga S.K., and C. Kamath, "A comparison of PDE-based non-linear anisotropic diffusion techniques for image denoising," Proceedings, Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems II, SPIE Electronic Imaging, San Jose, January 2003. UCRL-JC-151493 [pdf].

Publications (2001 - 2002)

Gyaourova, A., C. Kamath, and I. K. Fodor, "Undecimated Wavelet Transforms for Image De-Noising", LLNL Technical report, UCRL-ID-150931 [pdf].

Kirshner, S., I. V. Cadez, P. Smyth, C. Kamath, and E. Cantu-Paz, "Probabilistic Model-based Detection of Bent-double radio galaxies," poster presentation at International Conference on Pattern Recognition, August 2002, UCRL-JC-148050.

Kamath, C., E. Cantu-Paz, I.K. Fodor, N. Tang, "Classification of bent-double galaxies in the FIRST survey," IEEE Computing in Science and Engineering, July/August 2002, pp 52-60, UCRL-JC-147497 [pdf].

Kamath, C., "Mining the Sky: Data Analysis Meets Astronomy," SIAM News, April 2002. UCRL-JC-147376 ext abs.

Cantu-Paz, E. and C. Kamath, "Evolving neural networks for the classification of galaxies," Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2002, pp. 1019-1026, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San Francisco, 2002, UCRL-JC-147020. Tied for the best paper award in the Real World Applications Category [pdf].

Fodor, I. K., and C. Kamath, "On the use of independent component analysis to separate meaningful sources in global temperature series," Joint Statistical Meetings, August 2002. UCRL-JC-146972-abs.

Kamath, C., "Mining Science and Engineering Data: An Overview," book chapter, Handbook of Data Mining, Nong Ye (ed.), pp 549-572, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. New Jersey, 2003. UCRL-JC-147018, February 2002.

Kamath, C., and E. Cantu-Paz, "Classification of bent-double galaxies: Experiences with ensembles of decision trees," Proceedings, Fifth Workshop on Mining Scientific Datasets, pp. 43-50, Held in conjunction with the Second SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, April 13, 2002. UCRL-JC-146721 [pdf].

Kamath, C., "Workshop report: The Fourth Workshop on Mining Scientific Datasets," SigKDD Newsletter, Volume 3, Issue 2, pp. 68-69, January 2002. UCRL-JC-146695-summ.

Weeratunga S.K. and C. Kamath, "PDE-based non-linear diffusion techniques for denoising scientific/industrial images: An empirical study," Proceedings, Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems, SPIE Electronic Imaging, pp. 279-290, San Jose, January 2002. UCRL-JC-145574 [pdf].

Kamath, C., E., Cant -Paz, and D. Littau, "Approximate Splitting for Ensembles of Trees using Histograms," Proceedings, Second SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, pp.370-383, April 2002. UCRL-JC-145576 [pdf].

Kanapady, R., S. K. Bathina, K.K. Tamma, C. Kamath, and V. Kumar, "Determination of an initial mesh density for finite element computations via data mining," Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Mining Scientific Datasets, pp. 64-70, KDD 2001, August 2001. Also available as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory technical report, UCRL-JC-144765 [pdf].

Sandhu, S.S., R. Kanapady, K.K. Tamma, C. Kamath, and V. Kumar, "Damage Prediction and estimation in structural mechanics based on data mining," Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Mining Scientific Datasets, KDD 2001, pp 56-63, August 2001. Also available as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory technical report, UCRL-JC-144764 [pdf].

C. Kamath, Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Mining Scientific Datasets (ed.), August 2001, KDD2001. Also available as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory technical report, UCRL-ID-144763.

Fodor, I. K. and C. Kamath, "Dimension reduction techniques and the Classification of Bent Double Galaxies," accepted for publication in the Computational Statistics and Data Analysis journal, September 2001. Also available as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory technical report, UCRL-JC-144209. [PDF].

Fodor, I. K. and C. Kamath, "Denoising through Wavelet Shrinkage: An Empirical Study," submitted for publication, July 2001. Also available as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory technical report, UCRL-JC-144258. [PDF].

R. Grossman, C. Kamath, W. Kegelmeyer, V. Kumar, and R. Namburu eds., Data Mining for Scientific and Engineering Applications, Kluwer, September 2001.

E. Cantu-Paz and C. Kamath, "Inducing Oblique Decision Trees with Evolutionary Algorithms," submitted for publication. Also available as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory technical report, UCRL-JC-143718. [PDF].

Kamath, C., E. Cantu-Paz, I. K. Fodor, N. Tang, "Using data mining to find bent-double galaxies in the FIRST survey," Proceedings, Astronomical Data Analysis, at the SPIE Annual Meeting, San Diego, July-August 2001. Also available as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory technical report, UCRL-JC-143458. [PDF].

Kamath, C. and E. Cantu-Paz, "Creating ensembles of decision trees through sampling," Proceedings, 33-rd Symposium on the Interface of Computing Science and Statistics, Costa Mesa, CA, June 2001. Also available as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory technical report, UCRL-JC-142268. [PDF].

Fodor, I. K. and C. Kamath, "A comparison of de-noising techniques for FIRST images," Workshop Proceedings, Third workshop on Mining Scientific Datasets, held in conjunction with the First SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, Chicago, April 2001. Also available as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory technical report, UCRL-JC-142085. [PDF].

Fodor, I. K. and C. Kamath, "On denoising images using wavelet-based statistical techniques," Available as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory technical report, UCRL JC-142357. [PDF].

Kamath, C., "The role of Parallel and Distributed Processing in Data Mining," Spring 2001 newsletter of the IEEE Technical Committee on Distributed Processing, pp. 10-15. Also available as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory technical report, UCRL-JC-142468.

Cantu-Paz, E. and C. Kamath, "On the Use of Evolutionary Algorithms in Data Mining," book chapter in Data Mining: A Heuristic Approach, H. Abbass, R. Sarker, and C. Newton (Eds.), pp. 48-71. Also available as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory technical report, UCRL-JC-141872.

C. Kamath, "On Mining Scientific Datasets," book chapter in Data Mining for Scientific and Engineering Applications, R. Grossman, C. Kamath, W. Kegelmeyer, V. Kumar, and R. Namburu (Eds.), pp. 1-22, Kluwer, 2001. Also available as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory technical report, UCRL-JC-141709.

Kamath, C, E. Cantu-Paz, I. K. Fodor, N. Tang, "Searching for Bent-Double Galaxies in the FIRST Survey," book chapter in Data Mining for Scientific and Engineering Applications, R. Grossman, C. Kamath, W. Kegelmeyer, V. Kumar, and R. Namburu (Eds.), pp. 95-114, Kluwer, 2001. Also available as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory technical report, UCRL-JC-140418.

Fodor, Imola and Chandrika Kamath, "The Role of Multiresolution in Mining Massive Image Datasets," in Multiscale and Multiresolution Methods, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, T. J. Barth, T. Chan, and R. Haimes, (Eds.), Volume 20, Springer-Verlag, 2001. Also available as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory technical report, UCRL-JC-139713.

Publications (1999 - 2000) 

Kamath, C. and Ann Parker, "Mining Data for Gems of Information," Research Highlight, Science and Technology Review, September 2000, pages 20-22. UCRL-52000-00-9. [ HTML].

Kamath, Chandrika and Erick Cant-Paz, "On the design of a parallel object-oriented data mining toolkit," Workshop on Distributed and Parallel Knowledge Discovery, at the Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Conference, Boston, August 20-23, 2000. Also available as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory technical report, UCRL-JC-138973. [Gzipped PostScript].

Kamath, Chandrika, Chuck Baldwin, Imola Fodor, and Nu Ai Tang, "On the design and implementation of a parallel, object-oriented, image processing toolkit," Proceedings International Symposium on Optical Science and Techniology, SPIE Annual Meeting, San Diego, July 30-August 4, 2000. Also available as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory technical report, UCRL-JC-138953 [Gzipped PostScript].

Kargupta, Hillol, Chandrika Kamath, and Philip Chan, Distributed and Parallel Data Mining: Emergence, Growth, and Future Directions, epilogue in Advances in Distributed and Parallel Knowledge Discovery, AAAI Press/MIT Press, pages 409-417, 2000. Also available as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory technical report. UCRL-JC-138954.

Cant -Paz, E. and Kamath, C., "Combining evolutionary algorithms with oblique decision trees to detect bent double galaxies," in Proceedings International Symposium on Optical Science and Technology (SPIE Annual meeting), San Diego, July 30-August 4 2000. Also available as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory technical report. UCRL-JC-138979 [Gzipped PostScript].

Cant-Paz, Erick and Chandrika Kamath, "Using Evolutionary Algorithms to Induce Oblique Decision Trees," Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) 2000, Las Vegas, NV, July 8-12, 2000. Also available as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory technical report. UCRL-JC-137202 [PDF].

Kamath, Chandrika, "The FETI Level 1 Method: Theory and Implementation", Also available as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory technical report, UCRL-ID-138075. [Gzipped PostScript].

Fodor, Imola, Erick Cant -Paz, Chandrika Kamath, and Nu Ai Tang, "Finding Bent-Double Radio Galaxies: A Case Study in Data Mining, "Interface : Computer Science and Statistics, Volume 33, New Orleans, LA, April 2000. Also available as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory technical report. UCRL-JC-138073. [Gzipped PostScript].

Kamath, Chandrika, and Ron Musick, "Scalable Data Mining through Fine-Grained parallelism: The Present and the Future," in Advances in Distributed and Parallel Knowledge Discovery H. Kargupta and P. Chan, Eds., (AAAI Press/MIT Press), pages 29-77, 2000. Also available as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory technical report UCRL-JC-133694, April 1999.

Kamath, Chandrika, and Ron Musick, "Data Mining for Large, Complex Data Sets," a position paper in Mining and Managing Massive Data Sets '98, La Jolla, CA, February 5-6, 1998. Also available as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory technical report. UCRL-JC-129727 abs.

Kamath, Chandrika, SAPPHIRE: Large-Scale Data Mining and Pattern Recognition, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory technical brochure UCRL-TB-132076, January 1999.

Publications (1982 - 1994)

Kamath, C., R. Ho, and D. Manley, "DXML: a High-Performance Scientific Subroutine Library," Digital Technical Journal, 6 (3), pp. 44-56 (1994).

Kamath, C., and S. Weeratunga, "Projection Methods for the Numerical Solution of Non-Self Adjoint Elliptic Partial Differential Equations," Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 8, pp. 59-76 (1992).

Kamath, C., and S. Weeratunga, "Projection Methods on a MIMD Multiprocessor," Proc. 5th SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing, , pp. 92-97 (1991).

Kamath, C., and S. Weeratunga, "Implementation of Two Projection Methods on a Shared Memory Multiprocessor: DEC VAX 6240," Parallel Computing, 16, pp. 375-82 (1990).

Kamath, C., and A. Sameh, "A Projection Method for Solving Nonsymmetric Linear Systems on a Multiprocessor," Parallel Computing, 9, (3), pp. 291-312, February 1989.

Kamath, C., A.H. Sameh, G-C. Yang, and D.J. Kuck, "Structural Computations on the Cedar System," Symposium on Advances and Trends in Structures and Dynamics, Arlington, VA, October 22-25, 1984. Also in Computers and Structures, 20, (1-3), pp. 47-54 (1984).

Kamath, C., and A Sameh, "The Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Algorithm on a Multi-Processor," Advances in Computer Methods for Partial Differential Equations V, IMACS 1984, pp. 210-17. Also in Argonne National Laboratory Report ANL/MCS-TM-28, June 1984.

Kamath, C., and V.C. Bhavsar, "Implementation and Performance Prediction of Some Parallel Algorithms on the PLEXUS Microcomputer Network," Microprocessing and Microprogramming, 10, pp. 25-31 (1982).


Kamath, C., "Mining Science and Engineering Data," Tutorial at the Third SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, San Francisco, May 2003. UCRL-PRES-152436.

Kamath, C., "An introduction to Scientific Data Mining," tutorial at the IPAM short program on Mathematical Challenges in Scientific Data Mining, UCLA, January 14-18, 2002. UCRL-PRES-146653.

R. Grossman, C. Kamath, V. Kumar, "Data mining for scientific and engineering applications," Tutorial at Supercomputing 2001, November 2001. Also available as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory technical report, UCRL-PRES-145087.

Kamath, C., "Data Mining for Science and Engineering Applications," Tutorial at the First SIAM International conference on Data Mining, Chicago, April 5-7, 2001. Also available as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory technical report, UCRL-JC-142626 abs. [TXT]


C. Kamath, “Scientific data mining – why is it difficult?” Invited presentation, Workshop on Algorithms for Modern Massive Data Sets, Stanford University, June 2008.

C. Kamath, A. Gezahegne, and P. L. Miller, "Sapphire Analysis of DNS of Rayleigh-Taylor Instability", Fall Creek Falls Meeting on Challenges in Modeling and Simulation, Nashville, September 24-26, 2007. UCRL-PRES-234421.

C. Kamath, "Understanding the Science in Data: Challenges at the Petascale," DOE ASCR Applied Mathematics Research PI meeting, Livermore, May 2007.

C. Kamath, "Scientific Data Mining- Challenges at the Petascale," SFBay ACM Data Mining SIG Meeting, March 14, 2007.

C. Kamath, "Mining Science Data," 4-th Annual FMS/IMT Colloquium and Workshop on Large Data Issues in HPC, Marina del Rey, March 7, 2007.

C. Kamath, “Mining science data,” SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Costa Mesa, February 2007.

C. Kamath, A. Gezahegne, and P. L. Miller, “Analysis of Rayleigh-Taylor Instability: Bubble and Spike Count,” Center for Advanced Signal and Image Sciences (CASIS) Workshop, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, November 2006.

A. Bagherjeiran, N. S. Love, and C. Kamath, “Estimating missing features to improve multimedia information retrieval”, Center for Advanced Signal and Image Sciences (CASIS) Workshop, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, November 2006.

C. Kamath, “Petascale Data Mining,” Invited talk, SDSC Summer Institute – Taking your science to the next level: on the path to petascale computing, San Diego, July 2006.

C. Kamath, “Scientific Data Mining – Challenges at the Petascale,” Invited talk, NCSA Workshop on Research in Petascale Computing Technologies for Science and Engineering, Urbana-Champaign, April 2006.

A. Gezahegne and C. Kamath, "Segmentation in multi-variate data," Center for Advanced Signal and Image Sciences (CASIS) Workshop, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, November 2005.

C. Harrison and C. Kamath, "Sapphire video tracking pipeline," Center for Advanced Signal and Image Sciences (CASIS) Workshop, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, November 2005.

A. Bagherjeiran and C. Kamath, "Classification of orbit data," Center for Advanced Signal and Image Sciences (CASIS) Workshop, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, November 2005.

N. Love, C. Harrison and C. Kamath, "Comparison of block-matching techniques for tracking," Center for Advanced Signal and Image Sciences (CASIS) Workshop, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, November 2005.

Kamath, C., "The role of Collaborations in the Sapphire Scientific Data Mining Project", 37-th Symposium on the Interface: Computing Science and Statistics, June 8-12, St. Louis, 2005. UCRL-PRES-212703.

Cantu-Paz, E., Newsam, S., and Kamath, C., "Feature Selection in Scientific Applications", Center for Advanced Signal and Image Sciences (CASIS) Workshop, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, November 18-19, 2004. UCRL-ABS-207635.

Manay, S. and C. Kamath, "Contrast enhancement methods for Image Data," Center for Advanced Signal and Image Sciences (CASIS) Workshop, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, November 18-19, 2004. UCRL-PRES-208054.

Newsam, S. and C. Kamath, "Comparing Shape and Texture Features for Pattern Recognition in Simulation Data," Center for Advanced Signal and Image Sciences (CASIS) Workshop, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, November 18-19, 2004. UCRL-PRES-208018.

C. Kamath and T. Nguyen, "Comparing Simulations to experiments: Early Experiences," Center for Advanced Signal and Image Sciences (CASIS) Workshop, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, November 18-19, 2004. UCRL-PRES-208062.

C. Kamath, "Scientific Data Mining: The Sapphire Project," Poster, New Directions - Women of Influence in the National Laboratories, Berkeley, Oct. 26-27, 2004. UCRL-POST-207417.

Roberts, G. M., Cheung, S.C., Kamath, C., and Newsam, S., "Variance-based Feature Tracking", Summer Student Research Symposium, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, August 12, 2004. UCRL-POST-205650.

White. R., S. Newsam, and C. Kamath, Matching Shape Using Local Descriptors, Summer Student Research Symposium, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, August 12, 2004. UCRL-POST-205648.

C. Kamath, "Scientific Data Mining and Analysis," Invited presentation, DOE Office of Science Data Management Workshop, SLAC, March 16-18, 2004. UCRL-PRES-202943.

Fodor, I.K., C. Kamath, and S.-C. Cheung, "Statistical techniques to find similar objects in images," Joint Statistical Meetings, San Francisco, CA, August 3-7, 2003. UCRL-PRES-154621.

Cantu-Paz E., and C. Kamath, "Evolving neural networks to identify bent-double galaxies," Signal and Imaging Sciences workshop, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, November 14-15, 2002.

Weeratunga S., and C. Kamath, "Denoising images using non-linear diffusion," Signal and Imaging Sciences workshop, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, November 14-15, 2002. UCRL-PRES-150930.

Kamath, C., E. Cantu-Paz, D. Littau, "Ensembles of Decision trees using histograms," Signal and Imaging Sciences workshop, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, November 14-15, 2002. UCRL-PRES-150928.

Fodor, I.K., and C. Kamath, "Independent component analysis in the atmospheric sciences", Signal and Imaging Sciences workshop, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, November 14-15, 2002. UCRL-PRES-150776.

Fodor, I.K., and C. Kamath, "Dimension reduction and sampling in the scientific data management center: SDM ISIC all-hands meeting," San Diego, CA, September 11-13, 2002. UCRL-PRES-149962.

Fodor, I. K.. and C. Kamath, "On the use of independent component analysis to separate meaningful sources in global temperature series," Joint Statistical Meetings, New York, NY, August 11-15, 2002. UCRL-PRES-146972.

Kamath, C., "The Sapphire Approach to Mining Science Data," presentation at the TriValley Software Showcase, Pleasanton, May 2002, UCL-PRES-148257.

Kamath, C., and I.K. Fodor, "Dimension reduction and sampling in the scientific data management center: SDM ISIC all-hands meeting," Gatlinburg, TN, March 2002, UCRL-PRES-147626.

Kamath, C., "Sapphire System Architecture," IPAM short program on Mathematical Challenges in Scientific Data Mining, UCLA, January 14-18, 2002. UCRL-PRES-146654.

Fodor, I. K. and C. Kamath, "Mining the FIRST Astronomical Survey," IPAM short program on Mathematical Challenges in Scientific Data Mining, UCLA, January 2002. Also available as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory technical report, UCRL-JC-145672-ABS. [PDF].

Fodor, I. K. and C. Kamath, "Exploring the use of Wavelet Thresholding for Denoising Images," IPAM short program on Mathematical Challenges in Scientific Data Mining, UCLA, January 2002. Also available as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory technical report, UCRL- JC-145671-ABS. [PDF].

Fodor, I. K., and C. Kamath, "Simple dimension reduction techniques in data mining," Signal and Imaging Sciences Workshop, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, November 19-20, 2001. UCRL-PRES-146035.

Kamath, C., and E. Cantu-Paz, "Creating ensembles of decision trees by randomizing the decision at a node," Signal and Imaging Sciences Workshop, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, November19-20, 2001. UCRL-PRES-146027.

Kamath, C., "Mining Science Data: The Sapphire Approach," presentation at the Colloquium, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Departments, University of Nevada, Reno, April 26, 2001. Also available as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory technical report, UCRL- JC-143254 abs.

Cantu-Paz, E. and C. Kamath, "Sapphire: Mining Scientific Datasets," invited presentation at the Joint Statistical Meetings, August 2001, Atlanta. Also available as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory technical report, UCRL-JC-142044-abs.

Fodor, I. K. and C. Kamath, "Non-linear methods in data mining: Comparison of 2D Wavelet De-noising Methods," poster at the MSRI workshop on Nonlinear Estimation and Classification, March 2001, Berkeley. Also available as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory technical report, UCRL-JC-141738abs.

Fodor, I. K. and C. Kamath, "Wavelet-Based Denoising Techniques in Sapphire," presentation at the CASIS Workshop, November 16-17, LLNL, 2000. Also available as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory technical report, UCRL-JC-141298 abs, and UCRL-VG-141298.

Cantu-Paz, E. and C. Kamath, "Improving the Performance of Linear Decision Trees with Evolutionary Algorithms," presentation at the CASIS Workshop, November 16-17, LLNL, 2000. Also available as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory technical report, UCRL-JC-141297 abs, and UCRL-VG-141297.

Kamath, Chandrika, "Distributed and Parallel Data Mining: Advances and Future Directions", Panel discussion at the Workshop on Distributed and Parallel Knowledge Discovery, at the Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Conference, Boston, August 20-23, 2000. Also available as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory technical report UCRL-VG-140067.

Kamath, Chandrika, Erick Cantu-Paz, Nu Ai Tang, "Sapphire: A High-Performance Object-Oriented Framework for Mining Scientific Datasets," Presentation at the Third International Symposium for Computing in Object-oriented Parallel Environments, San Francisco, CA, December 1999. Also available as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory technical report. UCRL-JC-136633.

Fodor, Imola, Philip Duffy, Chandrika Kamath, and Chuck Baldwin, "Effect of Missing Data on the Apparent Trend in the Earth’s Surface Temperature since 1860, "presented at the American Geophysical Union, Annual Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 1999., Also available as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory technical report. UCRL-VG-135586.

Kamath, Chandrika, "Graph Partitioning and the FETI Method", Workshop in Graph Partitioning and APplications, Minneapolis, MN. October 1999. Also available as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory technical report,UCRL-JC-136125 abs.

Kamath, Chandrika, "Sapphire: An Object-oriented Framework for Mining Science Data," presented at the First Workshop on Mining Scientific Datasets, Minneapolis, MN, September 1999. Also available as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory technical report, UCRL-JC-135563.

Becker, Bob, and Chandrika Kamath, "Statistics, Pattern Recognition, and Astrophysics," Neyman seminar conducted for the University of California, Berkeley, Department of Statistics, October 14, 1998. UCRL-MI-132093.

Kamath, Chandrika, "Sapphire: Data Mining and Pattern Recognition for Large and Complex Science Data," Women's Technical and Professional Symposium, San Ramon, CA, October 15-16, 1998. UCRL-MI-132151.