Jhi-Young Joo

Portrait of  Jhi-Young Joo
  • Title
    Grid Data Analytics Area Lead
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    (925) 422-0074
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Jhi-Young Joo serves as the Grid Data Analytics Area Lead for Cyber and Infrastructure Resilience Program under the Energy and Homeland Security (E Program) of Global Security. In this role, she is responsible for overseeing and developing a portolio of projects that uses data science to improve resilience and security of the electric power grid. Her research interests are in using increasingly abundant sensor measurements and data from the power grid to ensure resilient and secure operation of the national power grid infrastructure.

Jhi-Young joined LLNL in April 2018 as Distribution Automation Lead Engineer. Before LLNL, she worked as a research scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and as an assistant professor at Missouri University of Science and Technology. In these roles, she led a number of research projects sponsored by the Department of Energy (DOE), California Energy Commission, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), among others. Her past and current research work includes preventing power equipment-caused wildfires by developing a data-based algorithm for detecting and identifying arcing in a power distribution system, and analyzing cybersecurity impacts of distributed energy resources.

Jhi-Young is an inaugural co-chair of the IEEE Power and Energy Society Task Force on Big Data Analytics on Synchro-Waveform Measurements, and holds patents on adaptive load management and arcing anomaly detection (pending). She is a recipient of the Best Paper Award at the 2014 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, and the 2019 FLC Far West Regional Award for Outstanding Partnership, among others.  


Ph.D., Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA

M.S., Electrical and Computer Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea

B.S., Electrical and Computer Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea