Dennis Mark Hoffman


  • Title
    Research Scientist
  • Email
  • Phone
    (925) 422-7759
  • Organization
    Not Available

Research Interests

  • Characterization of polymers and explosives by optical, thermal, and mechanical methods
  • Decontamination of chemical and biological warfare agents
  • Dynamic mechanical properties of polymers and explosives
  • Formulation and processing of polymeric and energetic materials
  • Gels and thixotropic solutions
  • High explosives, polymer, and colloid rheology
  • Polymer characterization including optical, thermal and mechanical properties
  • Polymer degradation and stabilization
  • Segmented polyurethanes

Professional Memberships

  • American Chemical Society, Divisions of Polymer Chemistry and Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering
  • American Association for the Advancement of Science
  • Society of Plastics Engineers Senior Member, Divisions of Plastics Analysis and Engineering Structure Properties

Patents and Licenses

  1. D. M. Hoffman and R.R. McGuire, "Oxidizer Gels for Detoxification of Chemical and Biological Agents", US Patent 6,455,751, University of California, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Livermore, CA (September 24, 2002)
  2. D. Mark Hoffman, and I.L. Chiu, "Solid-Water Decontaminating Reagents for Chemical and Biological Agents, US Patent 7,030,071 B2 (Apr. 18, 2006)
  3. D. M. Hoffman, P. Krauter, and D. Zalk, Hazardous Particle Binder, Coagulant and Re-aerosolization inhibitor" US Patent # 7,922,644 B2, (Apr. 12, 2011)

Ph.D., Polymer Science & Engineering, University of Massachusetts, MA, 1979

B.S., Chemistry, Juniata College, Huntingdon, PA, 1969

  1. D. M. Hoffman, and A. T. Fontes "Density Distributions in TATB Prepared by Various Methods." Propellants Explosives Pyrotechnics 35: 15-23 (2010).
  2. D. M. Hoffman, T. M. Willey, et al. A Comparison of New TATBs, FK-800 binder and LX-17-like PBXs to Legacy Materials. 1st Korean International Symposium on High Energy Materials. Incheon, South Korea, LLNL-CONF-412929, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (2009).
  3. T. M. Willey , D. M. Hoffmanet al. "The Microstructure of TATB-Based Explosive Formulations During Temperature Cycling Using Ultra-Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering." Propellants Explosives Pyrotechnics 34(5): 406-414 (2009).
  4. D. M. Hoffman, T. M. Willey, et al. "Comparison of New and Legacy TATBs." Journal of Energetic Materials 26(3): 139-162 (2008).
  5. P.A. Krauter, D. M. Hoffmanet al.,"Inhibiting the Transport of Hazardous Spores Using Polymer-Based Solutions", J. Occ. Env. Hygiene, 4: 821-830 (2007)
  6. U. Teipel, D.M. Hoffmanet al. "Rheology", Ch 12 in Energetic Materials, Particle Processing and Characterization", U. Teiple, Ed. Wiley-VCH (2005) pp 433-508
  7. D. M. Hoffman and J. B. Chandler, "Aspects of the Tribology of the Plastic Bonded Explosive LX-04, Propellants Explosives and Pyrotechnics 29, 368 (2004)
  8. D. M. Hoffman and J. B. Chandler, "Aspects of the Tribology of the Plastic Bonded Explosive (PBX) 9404." Energetic Materials 22: 199-216 (2004)
  9. D. M. Hoffman, Bruce J. Cunningham and Tri D. Tran, "Development of a Replacement Mock for RM-03-AC", J. Energetic Mats. 21, 201 (2003)
  10. D. Mark Hoffman, "Voids and Density Distributions in 2,4,6,8,10,12-hexanitro-2,4,6,8,10,12-hexaazaisowurtzitane (CL-20) prepared under various conditions" Propellants Explosives and Pyrotechnics, 28, 194 (2003)
  11. D. M. Hoffman, "Dynamic Mechanical Signatures of a Viton A and Plastic Bonded Explosives based on this Polymer." Polym. Eng. Sci., 43, 139 (2003)
  12. D. M. Hoffman, "Density Distributions of Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramines (RDX)", UCRL-JC-147684 (March 2002)
  13. D. M. Hoffman, "Dynamic Mechanical Signatures of a Polyester-Urethane Binder and Plastic Bonded Explosives based on this Polymer." J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 83, 1009 (2002)
  14. T.D. Tran, P.F. Pagoria, D.M. Hoffmanet al. UCRL-JC-147932, Characterization of 23,6-diamino-3,5-dinitropyrazine-1 oxide (LLM-105) as an IHE" (April 2002)
  15. D. M. Hoffman, "Dynamic Mechanical Signatures of Aged LX-17-1 Plastic Bonded Explosive" J. Energetic Materials. 19, 163 (2001)
  16. R. McGuire E. Raber, D.M. Hoffmanet al. "Oxidative Decontamination of Chemical and Biological Agents Using L-Gel" UCRL-AR-143212 (July, 2001)
  17. D. M. Hoffman, "Fatigue of LX-14 and LX-19 Plastic Bonded Explosives", J. Energetic Mats. 18, 1. (2000)
  18. D. M. Hoffman and R. W. Swansiger, "Partial Phase Behavior of HMX/DMSO Solutions", Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics, 24. 301 (1999)
  19. D. M. Hoffman and L. E. Caley "Polymer Blends as High Explosive Binders", Polym. Eng. Sci., 26 477 (1986)
  • Physics and Life Sciences Directorate Award for LLM-105 insensitive booster development, 2010
  • Global Security Directorate Award for the SEARCHER Phase 1 project, 2010
  • Defense & Nuclear Technology Directorate Award for development of DIME (Dense Inert Metal Explosive), 2004
  • Environmental Protection Division Award for contributions to the Lake Davis Project, 2001
  • Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Director's Performance Award for development of the explosive for the Silver Bullet effort, 1997