Alan Carleton Hindmarsh

Portrait of  Alan Carleton Hindmarsh
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Alan Hindmarsh, a mathematician in the Center for Applied Scientific Computing, has been at LLNL since 1968. His research interests include numerical mathematics, numerical methods for ordinary differential equations, stiff systems of differential equations, and mathematical software.

In addition to being a member of the Mathematical Association of America, Alan has also served an associate editor for the SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis and the journal Applied Numerical Mathematics.

Alan graduated with honors from Cal Tech in 1964 and earned his Ph.D. in Mathematics at Stanford in 1968. He retired from the Lab in October 2002 but continues to work part time as a Participating Guest.

Byrne, G. D. and A. C. Hindmarsh, "PVODE, An ODE Solver for Parallel Computers," Int. J. High Perf. Comput. Appl., Vol. 13, No. 4 (1999), pp. 354-365.

Cohen, S.D., and A.C. Hindmarsh, "CVODE, a Stiff/Nonstiff ODE Solver in C," Computers in Physicsr, 10, no. 2, pp. 138-143, March/April 1996.

Brown, P.N., A.C. Hindmarsh, and L. R. Petzold, "Consistent Initial Condition Calculation for Differential-Algebraic Systems," SIAM J. Sci. Comp., 19 (1998) pp.1495-1512. UCRL-JC-112175.

Hindmarsh, A.C. and L. R. Petzold, "Algorithms and Software for Ordinary Differential Equations and Differential-Algebraic Equations," Computers in Physics, 9: "Part I: Euler Methods and Error Estimation," pp. 34-41; "Part II: Higher-Order Methods and Software Packages," pp. 148-155, 1995.

Ashby, S.F., P. N. Brown, M. R. Dorr and A.C. Hindmarsh, "A Linear Algebraic Analysis of Diffusion Synthetic Acceleration for the Boltzmann Transport Equation," SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 32, pp. 128-178, 1995.

Hindmarsh, A.C., "Avoiding BDF Stability Barriers in the MOL Solution of Advection-Dominated Problems," Appl. Numer. Math. 17, pp. 311-318, 1995.

Brown, P.N., S.F. Ashby, M.R. Dorr, and A.C. Hindmarsh, "Preconditioned Iterative Method for Discretized Transport Equations," Proc. International Topical Meeting of the American Nuclear Society-Advances in Mathematics, Computations, and Reactor Physics, Pittsburgh, PA, 2, pp. 6.1 2-1 through 2-9, April 1991. Also available as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory technical report UCRL-JC-104901.

Cohen, S.D. and A.C. Hindmarsh, CVODE User Guide, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory technical report UCRL-MA-118618, September 1994.

Radhakrishnan, K. and A.C. Hindmarsh, Description and Use of LSODE, the Livermore Solver for Ordinary Differential Equations, NASA reference publication 1327, and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory technical report UCRL-ID-113855, March 1994.

Brown, P.N., A.C. Hindmarsh, and L. R. Petzold, "Using Krylov Methods in the Solution of Large-Scale Differential-Algebraic Systems," SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 15, pp. 1467-1488, 1994.

Hindmarsh, A.C. and S. H. Johnson, "Dynamic Simulation of Multispecies Reaction/Diffusion in Nonisothermal Porous Spheres," Chem. Eng. Science, 46, pp. 1445-1463, 1991.

Strout III, R.E., J. R. McGraw, and A.C. Hindmarsh, "An Examination of Converting Software to Multiprocessors," J. Par. Distr. Comp., 13, pp. 1-16, 1991.

Brown, P.N., G. D. Byrne, and A.C. Hindmarsh, "VODE: A Variable-Coefficient ODE Solver," SIAM J. Sci. Stat. Comp., 10, pp. 1038-1051, 1989.

Brown, P.N. and A.C. Hindmarsh, "Reduced Storage Matrix Methods in Stiff ODE Systems," J. of Appl. Math. and Computation 31, pp. 40-91, 1989.

Byrne, G.D. and A.C. Hindmarsh, "Stiff ODE Solvers: A Review of Current and Coming Attractions," J. Comp. Phys., 70, pp. 1-62, 1987.