Bruce Hendrickson

Portrait of  Bruce Hendrickson
  • Title
    Principal Associate Director for Computing
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    (925) 422-8673
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    Not Available

BRUCE HENDRICKSON is the Principal Associate Director for Computing at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). In this role, he leads an organization of around 1,400 computing professionals with responsibility for the full breadth of the Laboratory’s computational needs including research, platforms, and services. Hendrickson sets strategic directions, is an advocate for computing and information technology (IT) activities at LLNL, and contributes to national strategies and initiatives. A major focus for Computing is on the mathematics, algorithms, systems software, and platforms for advanced modeling and simulation. A growing emphasis is on the development and application of data science technologies to address the Laboratory’s complex applications. An additional priority is providing world-class information technology support for the Laboratory’s diverse mission and business needs.

Hendrickson came to the Laboratory after a long career at Sandia National Laboratories where he led the Center for Computational Research and managed Sandia’s Advanced Simulation and Computing program. Hendrickson has degrees in Mathematics and Physics from Brown University and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Cornell University. He is a highly published and cited scientist and his research has garnered a number of international awards. His research interests include computational science, parallel algorithms, combinatorial scientific computing, linear algebra, data mining, graph algorithms and computer architecture. Hendrickson is a former Hertz Fellow and is a Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics and of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

In 2019 and 2020, Hendrickson co-chaired the ASCAC Subcommittee on the 40-year History of ASCR, which culminated in several documents that speak to the impact ASCR has had on the scientific community since its inception.


Journal Editorial Board Memberships:

  • SIAM J. Matrix Analysis & Appl. ['09-'14]
  • Open Information Science Journal ['08-'09]
  • Open Applied Math. Journal ['07-'09]
  • SIAM Review (Problems & Techniques) ['03-'08]
  • Guest co-editor of special issue of SIAM J. Scientific Computing on Computational Science & Engng. ['07]
  • J. Appl. Num. Anal. & Comp. Math. ['02-'05]
  • SIAM J. Scientific Computing ['99-'04]
  • Intl. J. Comp. Sci. & Eng. ['00-'04]
  • Guest co-editor of special issue of Elec. Trans. Numerical Anal. on Combinatorial Scientific Computing ['04]
  • IEEE Trans. Parallel & Distrib. Sys. ['99-'02]
  • Guest co-editor of special issue of Parallel Computing on Graph Partitioning ['99]

Co-chair or Co-organizer for:

  • Departments of Energy & Veterans Affairs Transformative Science Summit ['17]
  • IMA Workshop on Optimization and Uncertainty Quantification in Energy and Industrial Applications ['16]
  • SIAM Annual Meeting ['13]
  • DOE Workshop on Cross-cutting Data Science Requirements ['13]
  • DOE ASCR-HEP Data Summit ['13]
  • ICiS Workshop on Graph & Hypergraph Problems in Computational Science ['12]
  • 4th SIAM Conf. Computational Science & Engng. ['07]
  • 3rd SIAM Workshop on Combinatorial Scientific Computing ['07]
  • DOE/DOD Workshop on Emerging Architectures & Apps. ['07]
  • DOE Workshop on Mathematics of Complex Systems ['06]
  • First SIAM Workshop on Combinatorial Scientic Computing ['04]
  • DOE Workshop on Theory & Modeling in Nanoscience ['02]
  • 9th SIAM Conf. Parallel Processing ['99]
  • Workshop on Graph Partitioning & Apps. ['99]
  • Intel Supercomputer Users Group Conf. ['97]

Member of Review Panels or Advisory Boards for:

  • Center for Computing Sciences, Institute for Defense Analyses ['18-Present]
  • National Academies Review of the Information Technology Laboratory at the National Institute of Standards and Technology ['18]
  • LBNL's Computing Sciences Division ['15]
  • LANL's Information Science & Technology Capability ['15]
  • LBNL's Computational Research Division ['12]
  • NSF site visit team for Inst. Comp. & Exp. Research Math. (ICERM) ['09]
  • University of Chicago ASCI Flash Center ['01]
  • National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) ['00]

Selected Additional Professional Service

  • Member of Board of Trustees for the NSF-funded Inst. Comp. & Exp. Research Math. (ICERM) ['16-Present]
  • Member SIAM Committee on Science Policy ['17-Present]
  • Chair of SIAM Committee on Activity Groups ['16-Present]
  • Co-Director SNL/LANL Alliance for Computing at Extreme Scale (ACES) ['13-'15]
  • Member of Board of Directors of Association for High Speed Computing ['08-Present]
  • Member of SIAM Council (elected twice) ['09-'14]
  • Member of SIAM Fellows Selection Committee ['12-'14]
  • Member of Industrial Advisory Board for the NSF Institute for Math & its Applications (IMA) ['09-'13]
  • Member of Steering Comm. for Combinatorial Scientific Computing Workshops ['07-Present]
  • Chair of SIAM Ad Hoc Committee on Discrete Math ['02-'03]

Ph.D. Computer Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York ['91]

M.S. Physics, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island ['82]

B.A. Mathematics (with honors), Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island ['82]


B. Hendrickson. Technical perspective: Graph embeddings and linear equations. Comm. ACM, 55(10):98, 2012.

J. Ahrens, B. Hendrickson, G. Long, S. Miller, R. Ross, and D. Williams. Data intensive science in the Department of Energy: Case studies and future challenges. Computers in Science and Engineering, 13(6):14-23, 2011.

J. Berry, B. Hendrickson, R. LaViolette, and C. Phillips. Tolerating the community detection resolution limit with edge weighting. Phys. Rev. E, 83(5), 2011.

J. Berry, B. Hendrickson, R. LaViolette, V. Leung, and C. Phillips. Community detection via facility location. Phys. Rev. E, 83, 2011.

B. Hendrickson. Computational science: Emerging opportunities and challenges. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 180, 2009.

B. Hendrickson and J. Berry. Graph analysis with high performance computing. Computers in Science and Engineering, 10(2):14-19, 2008.

B. de Supinski, et al. BlueGene/L applications: Parallelism on a massive scale. International J. High Performance Computing Apps., 22(1):33-51, 2008.

E. G. Boman, B. Hendrickson, and S. Vavasis. Solving elliptic nite element systems in near-linear time with support preconditioners. SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., 46(6):3264-3284, 2008.

A. Lumsdaine, D. Gregor, B. Hendrickson, and J. Berry. Challenges in parallel graph processing. Parallel Processing Letters, 17(1):5-20, 2007.

S. Bhowmick, E. G. Boman, K. Devine, A. Gebremedhin, B. Hendrickson, P. Hovland, T. Munson, and A. Pothen. Combinatorial algorithms enabling computational science: Tales from the front. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 46:453-457, 2006.

B. Hendrickson. Latent semantic analysis and Fiedler retrieval. Lin. Alg. Appl., 421:345-355, 2007. Earlier version in Proc. SIAM Workshop on Text Mining '06.

E. Boman, S. Guattery, and B. Hendrickson. Optimal embeddings and eigenvalues in support theory. SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., 22(2):596-605, 2007.

M. Bern, J. R. Gilbert, B. Hendrickson, N. Nguyen, and S. Toledo. Support-graph preconditioners. SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., 27(4):930-951, 2006. Earlier version in Proc. Copper Mtn. Conf. Iterative Methods, 1998.

K. Devine and B. Hendrickson. Tinkertoy parallel programming: A case study with Zoltan. Int. J. Computational Sci. & Engng., 1(2/3/4):64-72, 2005.

W. McLendon III, B. Hendrickson, S. Plimpton, and L. Rauchwerger. Finding strongly connected components in distributed graphs. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput., 65:901-910, 2005.

A. Pnar and B. Hendrickson. Improving load balance with flexibly assignable tasks. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Sys., 16(10):956-965, 2005. Earlier version in Proc. 14th ACM Symp. Parallel Algorithms and Architectures.

K. Devine, E. Boman, R. Heaphy, B. Hendrickson, J. Teresco, J. Faik, J. Flaherty, and L. Gervasio. New challenges in dynamic load balancing. Appl. Num. Math., 52:133-152, 2005.

S. Plimpton, B. Hendrickson, S. Burns, W. McLendon III, and L. Rauchwerger. Parallel Sn sweeps on unstructured grids: Algorithms for prioritization, grid partitioning, and cycle detection. Nuclear Science and Engng., 150:267-283, 2005. Earlier version in Proc. SC'00.

A. Pnar and B. Hendrickson. Interprocessor communication with limited memory. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Sys., 15:606-616, 2004. Earlier version in Proc. 12th ACM Symp. Parallel Algorithms and Architectures.

S. Plimpton, B. Hendrickson, and J. Stewart. A parallel rendezvous algorithm for interpolation between multiple grids. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput., 64:266-276, 2004. Earlier version in Proc. SC'98.

K. Devine, E. Boman, R. Heaphy, B. Hendrickson, and C. Vaughan. Zoltan data management services for parallel dynamic applications. Computing in Sci. & Engng., 4(2):90-97, 2002.

E. G. Boman and B. Hendrickson. Support theory for preconditioning. SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., 25(3):694-717, 2003.

E. G. Boman, D. Chen, B. Hendrickson, and S. Toledo. Maximum-weight-basis preconditioners. Num. Lin. Alg. Appl., 11:695-721, 2004.

B. Hendrickson. Load balancing fictions, falsehoods and fallacies. Appl. Math. Modelling, 25:99-108, 2000.

B. Hendrickson and T. Kolda. Graph partitioning models for parallel computing. Parallel Comput., 26:1519-1534, 2000.

B. Hendrickson and T. Kolda. Partitioning rectangular and structurally nonsymmetric sparse matrices for parallel processing. SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 21(6):2048-2072, 2000.

B. Hendrickson and K. Devine. Dynamic load balancing in computational mechanics. Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Eng., 184(2-4):485-500, 2000. Invited paper.

K. Brown, S. Attaway, S. Plimpton, and B. Hendrickson. Parallel strategies for crash and impact simulations. Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Eng., 184(2-4):375-390, 2000. Invited paper.

D. Womble, S. Dosanjh, B. Hendrickson, M. Heroux, S. Plimpton, J. Tompkins, and D. Greenberg. Massively parallel computing: A Sandia perspective. Parallel Comput., 25(13-14):1853-1876, 1999. Invited paper.

B. Hendrickson, E. Jessup, and C. Smith. Towards an efficient parallel eigensolver for dense symmetric matrices. SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 20(1):1132-1154, 1999.

E. Rothberg and B. Hendrickson. Sparse matrix ordering methods for interior point linear programming. INFORMS J. Comput., 10(1):107-113, 1998.

G. Davidson, B. Hendrickson, D. Johnson, C. Meyers, and B. Wylie. Knowledge mining with VxInsight: Discovery through interaction. J. Intelligent Inform. Sys., 11:259-285, 1998. Special issue on Information Visualization.

S. Attaway, B. Hendrickson, S. Plimpton, D. Gardner, C. Vaughan, K. Brown, M. Heinstein, and J. Peery. A parallel contact detection algorithm for transient solid dynamics simulations using Pronto3D. Computational Mechanics, 22(2):143-159, 1998.

B. Hendrickson and E. Rothberg. Improving the runtime and quality of nested dissection ordering. SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 20(2):468-489, 1998.

J. E. Atkins, E. G. Boman, and B. Hendrickson. A spectral algorithm for seriation and the consecutive ones problem. SIAM J. Comput., 28(1):297-310, 1998.

S. Plimpton, S. Attaway, B. Hendrickson, J. Swegle, C. Vaughan, and D. Gardner. Transient dynamics simulations: Parallel algorithms for contact detection and smoothed particle hydrodynamics. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput., 50:104-122, 1998. Previous version in Proc. Supercomputing'96.

D. Jacobs and B. Hendrickson. An algorithm for two dimensional rigidity percolation: The pebble game. J. Comp. Phys., 137(2):346-365, November 1997.

S. Plimpton and B. Hendrickson. A new parallel method for molecular dynamics simulation of macromolecular systems. J. Comp. Chem., 17(3):326-337, 1996.

B. Hendrickson. The molecule problem: exploiting structure in global optimization. SIAM J. Optimization, 5(4):835-857, November 1995.

B. Hendrickson and S. Plimpton. Parallel many-body simulations without all-to-all communication. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput.    , 27(1):15-25, May 1995.

B. Hendrickson, R. Leland, and S. Plimpton. An efficient parallel algorithm for matrix-vector multiplication. Int. J. High Speed Comput., 7(1):73-88, 1995.

B. Hendrickson and R. Leland. An improved spectral graph partitioning algorithm for mapping parallel computations. SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 16(2):452-469, 1995. Earlier version in Proc. 6th SIAM Conf. Parallel Processing for Sci. Comput.

B. Hendrickson and D. Womble. The torus-wrap mapping for dense matrix calculations on massively parallel computers. SIAM J. Sci. Stat. Comput., 15(5):1201-1226, September 1994.

S. Plimpton and B. Hendrickson. Parallel molecular dynamics simulations of organic materials. Intl. J. Modern Phys. C, Phys. Comp., 5:295-298, 1994.

W. Camp, S. Plimpton, B. Hendrickson, and R. Leland. Massively parallel methods for engineering and science problems. Comm. ACM, 37(4):30-41, April 1994.

B. Hendrickson. Parallel QR factorization using the torus-wrap mapping. Parallel Comput., 19(11):1259-1271, November 1993.

B. Hendrickson. Conditions for unique graph realizations. SIAM J. Comput., 21(1):65-84, February 1992.


T. Mattson, D. Bader, J. Berry, A. Buluc, J. Dongarra, C. Faloutsos, J. Feo, J. Gilbert, J. Gonzalez, B. Hendrickson, J. Kepner, C. Leiserson, A. Lumsdaine, D. Padua, S. Poole, S. Reinhardt, M. Stonebraker, S. Wallach, and A. Yoo. Standards for graph algorithm primitives. In Proc. IEEE High Perf. Extreme Comput. Conf., September 2013.

B. Hendrickson and A. Pothen. Combinatorial scientific computing: Past successes, current opportunities, future challenges. In U. Naumann and O. Schenk, editors, Combinatorial Scientific Computing. Chapman & Hall / CRC Press, 2012.

J. Kepner, D. Bader, B. Bond, N. Bliss, C. Faloutsos, B. Hendrickson, J. Gilbert, and E. Robinson. Fundamental questions in the analysis of large graphs. In J. Kepner and J. Gilbert, editors, Graph Algorithms in the Language of Linear Algebra. SIAM, 2010.

K. Madduri, D. Bader, J. Berry, J. Crobak, and B. Hendrickson. Multithreaded algorithms for processing massive graphs. In Petascale Computing: Algorithms and Applications. CRC Press, 2007.

K. D. Underwood, M. Vance, J. Berry, and B. Hendrickson. Analyzing the scalability of graph algorithms on Eldorado. In Proc. IEEE Workshop Multithreaded Arch. and Appl., March 2007. Earlier version in Proc. Cray Users Group Meeting '06.

J. W. Berry, B. Hendrickson, S. Kahan, and P. Konecny. Software and algorithms for graph queries on multithreaded architectures. In Proc. IEEE Workshop Multithreaded Arch. and Appl., March 2007. Earlier version in Proc. Cray Users Group Meeting '06.

B. Hendrickson and A. Pothen. Combinatorial scientific computing: The enabling power of discrete algorithms in computational science. In 7th Intl. Mtg. High Perf. Comput. for Computational Sci. (VECPAR'06), volume 4395 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 260-280. Springer-Verlag, 2007. Invited paper.

J. Cieslewicz, J. Berry, B. Hendrickson, and K. A. Ross. Realizing parallelism in database operations: Insights from a massively multithreaded architecture. In Proc. 2nd Intl. Workshop on Data Management on New Hardware, June 2006. Recipient of Best Paper Award.

A. Yoo, E. Chow, K. Henderson, W. McLendon III, B. Hendrickson, and U. Catalyurek. A scalable distributed parallel breadth-first search algorithm on BlueGene/L. In Proc. SC'05, November 2005. Finalist for the Gordon Bell Prize.

S. Attaway, T. Barragy, K. Brown, D. Gardner, J. Gruda, B. Hendrickson, M. Heinstein, K. Metzinger, M. Neilsen, S. Plimpton, J. Pott, J. Swegle, and C. Vaughan. Scalable parallel crash simulations. In Supercomputer'99, June 1999. Winner of SuParCup Prize for "an outstanding contribution in the field of parallel computing".

S. Attaway, T. Barragy, K. Brown, D. Gardner, B. Hendrickson, S. Plimpton, and C. Vaughan. Transient solid dynamics simulations on the Sandia/Intel Teraflop computer. In Proc. SC'97. ACM and IEEE, November 1997. (Finalist for the Gordon Bell Prize).

S. Attaway, B. Hendrickson, S. Plimpton, D. Gardner, C. Vaughan, M. Heinstein, F. Mello, and J. Peery. A parallel algorithm for transient solid dynamics simulations with contact detection. In Proc. Intel Supercomputer User's Group Mtg., June 1996. Awarded Best Paper Prize.

B. Hendrickson and R. Leland. A multilevel algorithm for partitioning graphs. In Proc. Supercomputing '95. ACM and IEEE, November 1995. (Honored with the Test of Time Award at SC'14.)

J. Shadid, S. Hutchinson, H. Mo att, G. Hennigan, B. Hendrickson, and R. Leland. A 65+ Gflops unstructured finite element simulation of chemically reacting flows on the Intel Paragon. In Proc. Supercomputing '94, pages 673-679. ACM and IEEE, November 1994. (Finalist for the Gordon Bell

R. Connelly, B. Hendrickson, and M. Terrell. Using kaleidoscopes to build mechanisms. In Proc. Conf. Intuitive Geometry, 1991.


M. Gaziano, B. Hendrickson, K. Kleese van Dam, S. Muralidhar, C. O'Donnell, and P. Tsao. Report on the Departments of Energy & Veterans Affairs Transformative Science Summit, 2017.

R. Leland, R. Murphy, B. Hendrickson, K. Yelick, J. Johnson, and J. Berry. Large scale data analytics and its relationship to simulation. Technical Report SAND2016-9583, Sandia National Laboratories, March 2014.

J. Chen, A. Choudhary, S. Feldman, B. Hendrickson, C. Johnson, R. Mount, V. Sarkar, V. White, and D. Williams. Synergistic challenges in data-intensive science and exascale computing, 2013. Report for the DOE ASCR Advisory Committee.

B. Hendrickson, A. Shoshani, J. Ahrens, I. Foster, A. Geist, C. Kamath, K. Kleese van Dam, R. Ross, and G. Shipman. Department of Energy data crosscutting requirements review, 2013. Report commissioned by the DOE Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research.

M. Berger, D. Crawford, B. Hendrickson, J. Hittinger, T. Manteuel, S. Parker, V. Sarkar, and W. Tang. Review of the DOE Computational Science Graduate Fellowship, 2011. Report for the DOE ASCR Advisory Committee.

B. Hendrickson and R. Murphy. The impact of the DOE exascale initiative on data-centric computing, 2010. White paper requested by the DOE Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research.

W. Polansky, B. Burleson, C. Catlett, L. Cox, M. Fisk, B. Hendrickson, J. Johnson, J. May, J. Naegle, T. Thompson, J. Vetter, and E. Wheelock. Cyber security of exascale systems, 2010. White paper requested by the DOE Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research.

D. Dunlavy, B. Hendrickson, and T. Kolda. Mathematical challenges in cybersecurity. Technical Report SAND2009-0805, Sandia National Laboratories, February 2009. White paper requested by the DOE Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research.

W. Carlson, B. Hendrickson, J. Johnson, J. Nieplocha, M. Merrill, L. Oliker, and J. Vetter. Emerging computer architectures and applications: Opportunities and challenges. Report on a DOE/DOD workshop, 2008. Report commissioned by the DOE Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research and the DOD.

D. Brown, J. Bell, D. Estep, W. Gropp, B. Hendrickson, S. Keller-McNulty, D. Keyes, J. Oden, L. Petzold, and M. Wright. Applied mathematics at the U.S. Department of Energy: Past, present and a view to the future, 2008. Report for the DOE Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research.

B. Hendrickson and M. Wright. Mathematical research challenges in optimization of complex systems, 2007. Report commissioned by the DOE Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research.

T. Kolda, D. Brown, J. Corones, T. Critchlow, T. Eliassi-Rad, L. Getoor, B. Hendrickson, V. Kumar, D. Lambert, C. Matarazzo, K. McCurley, M. Merrill, N. Samatova, D. Speck, R. Srikant, J. Thomas, M. Wertheimer, and P.-C. Wong. Data sciences technology for homeland security information management and knowledge discovery: Report of the DHS workshop on data sciences. Technical Report SAND2005-6648, Sandia National Laboratories, January 2005. Report commissioned by the Department of Homeland Security.

W. E. Hart, B. Hendrickson, and C. Phillips. Supercomputing and discrete algorithms: A symbiotic relationship, 2003. White paper commissioned by the National Research Council Committee on the Future of Supercomputing.

C. W. McCurdy, P. Cummings, E. Stechel, B. Hendrickson, and D. E. Keyes. Theory and modeling in nanoscience, 2002. Report commissioned by the DOE Offices of Basic Energy Sciences and Advanced Scientific Computing Research.

Karen D. Devine, B. Hendrickson, Erik G. Boman, Matthew M. St.John, and Courtenay Vaughan. Zoltan: A dynamic load-balancing library for parallel applications: user's guide. Technical Report SAND99-1377, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, 1999.

B. Hendrickson and R. Leland. The Chaco user's guide: Version 2.0. Technical Report SAND94-2692, Sandia National Labs, Albuquerque, NM, June 1995.

B. Hendrickson. The Molecule Problem: Determining Conformation from Pairwise Distances. PhD thesis, Cornell University, Dept. of Computer Science, Ithaca, NY, 1990. Technical Report 90-1159.

  • Recipient of '17 George R. Cotter Award for "Vision and Leadership in the Field of Data Analytics"
  • Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science ['15]
  • Winner of SC'14 Test of Time Award for development of multilevel graph partitioning
  • Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics ['12]
  • Best paper award 2nd Intl. Workshop on Data Management on New Hardware (DaMoN'06)
  • Finalist for Gordon Bell Prize for achievement in high performance computing in '94, '97, and '05
  • Winner of SuParCup'99 award for work on scalable parallel crash simulations
  • Best paper award Intel Supercomputer Users Group Conference (ISUG'96)
  • Holder of four U.S. Patents
  • Invited Keynote and Plenary Talks:
    •  The Future of Scientific Computing, SIAM Annual Meeting ['18]
    •  The Day After Tomorrow: The Looming Post-Exascale Crisis, 32nd IEEE Intl. Par. & Distrib. Proc. Symp. ['18]
    •  The Future of Scientific Computing, PI's Meeting for DOE's Applied Mathematics Program ['17]
    •  Graph Partitioning for Nested Dissection: An Historical Perspective, Workshop Celebrating 40 Years of Nested Dissection ['13]
    •  Emerging Challenges & Opportunities in Parallel Computing: The Cretaceous Redux?, Joint keynote ACM Symp. Par. Algs. & Archs., and ACM Symp. Principles of Distrib. Comput. ['09]
    •  Computational Science: Emerging Opportunities and Challenges, SciDAC Conf. ['09]
    •  Combinatorial Scientific Computing: A View to the Future, Dagstuhl Workshop on Combinatorial Scientific Computing ['09]
    •  Combinatorial Scientific Computing: The Enabling Power of Discrete Algorithms in Computational Science, 7th Intl. Meeting on High Perf. Comp. for Comp. Sci. ['06]
    •  Combinatorial Scientific Computing: The Role of Computer Science Algorithms in Scientific Simulations, 19th Intl. Symp. on Computer and Information Sciences ['04]
    •  Algebraic Tools for Analyzing Preconditioners, Preconditioning ['03]
    •  Combinatorial Scientific Computing: The Role of Discrete Algorithms in Computational Science and Engineering, SIAM Conf. Sci. Comput. & Engng. ['03]
    •  Support Theory: New Techniques for Bounding Extremal Eigenvalues, Foundations of Computational Mathematics Conference ['02]
    •  Load Balancing Myths, Fictions and Legends, Workshop on Dynamic Load Balancing for Parallel Mesh-Based Applications ['99]
    •  Graph Partitioning and Parallel Solvers: Has the Emperor No Clothes?, Workshop Irregular Apps.: Archs. & Algs. ['98]
    •  Can Static Load Balancing Algorithms Be Appropriate in a Dynamic Setting?, Workshop on Dynamic Load Balancing on MPP systems ['95]
  • Hertz Foundation Fellow ['85-'90]