Postdoctoral Researcher -
greenough3@llnl.gov -
(925) 422-6276 -
Michelle is a postdoctoral researcher in the Chemistry of Nuclear Materials Group in the Materials Science Division. Her research interests include the characterization and synthesis of actinide materials. She has a background in the areas of ceramics and polymer materials, specifically polymer-derived ceramics.
News Highlights
Uranium takes an alternate pathway under extreme conditions: https://labportal.llnl.gov/web/myllnl/-/uranium-takes-an-alternate-pathway-under-extreme-conditions
External Links
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michelle-greenough-3a851343/
Ph.D., Materials Science and Engineering, Clemson University, Clemson, SC
B.S., Chemistry, Wagner College, Staten Island, NY
Maryline G. Ferrier, Bradley C. Childs, Chinthaka M. Silva, Michelle M. Greenough, Emily E. Moore, Andrew J. Swift, Silvina A. Di Pietro, Aiden A. Martin, Jason R. Jeffries, and Kiel S. Holliday, "Unconventional Pathways to Carbide Phase Synthesis via Thermal Decomposition of UI4(1,4-dioxane)2", Inorg. Chem. 2022, 61,44, 17579-17589.
Michelle Greenough, Zeyu Zhao, Luiz G. Jacobsohn, Jianhua Tong, Rajendra K. Bordia, “Low/Intermediate Temperature Polysiloxane Derived Ceramics with Increased Carbon for Electrical Applications”, J.Eur. Ceram. Soc. 2021, 41,12, 5882-5889.
Stewart J. Wilkins, Michelle Greenough, Consuelo Arellano, Tania Paskova, and Albena Ivanisevic, “In-situ chemical functionalization of gallium nitride with phosphonic acid derivatives during etching” Langmuir. 2014, 30, 8, 2038–2046.
- Physical and Life Sciences Directorate Award, Excellence in Publication in Science, 2023
- National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship