Staff Scientist -
grapes2@llnl.gov -
(925) 422-0907 -
Not Available
A staff scientist in LLNL’s Energetic Materials Center, Dr. Grapes currently leads process development for the additive manufacturing of energetic materials. In this role, he has been instrumental to the majority of LLNL’s advancements in multimaterial additive manufacturing of energetics since joining the lab as a postdoc in 2016. Research interests include the development and integration of new diagnostic tools to collect compositional and structural information about a part during printing, addressing the challenges associated with process scaleup, and code development to enhance the repeatability and usability of LLNL’s additive manufacturing equipment. In addition, development of new staff and planning for a large-scale AM facility at Site 300 currently occupy a large fraction of his time.
Outside of work, Mike is an avid ultimate frisbee player and enjoys spending weekends playing with his two young sons.
Ph.D., Materials Science and Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland
B.S., Materials Science and Engineering, University of Maryland College Park, College Park, Maryland
B.M. Howell, C.C. Cook, M.D. Grapes, K. Dubbin, E.L. Robertson, J.D. Sain, K.T. Sullivan, E.B. Duoss, E.V. Bukovsky, “Spatially Controlled 3D Printing of Dual-Curing Urethane Elastomers,” Advanced Materials Technologies 7 (2022), 2100700.
T. Voisin, M.D. Grapes, T.T. Li, M.K. Santala, Y. Zhang, N.J. Lorenzo, B.E. Schuster, G.H. Campbell, T.P. Weihs, “In situ TEM observations of high-strain-rate deformation and fracture in pure copper,” Materials Today 33 (2020), 10-16.
E.R. Wainwright, K.T. Sullivan, M.D. Grapes, “Designer Direct Ink Write 3D-Printed Thermites with Tunable Energy Release Rates,” Advanced Engineering Materials 22 (2019), 1901196.
A.M. Golobic, M.M. Durban, S.E. Fisher, M.D. Grapes, J.M. Ortega, C.M. Spadaccini, E.B. Duoss, A.E. Gash, K.T. Sullivan, “Active Mixing of Reactive Materials for 3D Printing,” Advanced Engineering Materials 21 (2019), 1900147.
M.D. Grapes, R.V. Reeves, K. Fezzaa, T. Sun, J.M. Densmore, K.T. Sullivan, “In situ observations of reacting Al/Fe2O3 thermite: Relating dynamic particle size to macroscopic burn time,” Combustion and Flame 201 (2019), 252-263.
M.M. Durban, A.M. Golobic, M.D. Grapes, E.V. Bukovsky, A.E. Gash, K.T. Sullivan, “Development and Characterization of 3D Printable Thermite Components,” Advanced Materials Technologies 3 (2018), 1-6.
M.D. Grapes, M.K. Santala, G.H. Campbell, D.A. LaVan, T.P. Weihs, “A detailed investigation of the Al3Ni formation reaction using nanocalorimetry,” Thermochimica Acta 658 (2017), 72-83.
For a full list of publications, see https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8142-0370.