Seth Goodnight

Portrait of  Seth Goodnight
  • Title
    Weather and Climate Data Analytics Developer
  • Email
  • Phone
    (925) 422-4398
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I am a software developer supporting many of the projects with the climate program. My interests include downscaled climate data, climate modelling, and severe weather.

M.S. Atmospheric Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

B.S. Meteorology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC

B.S. Mathematics, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC

Goodnight, J. S., D. A. Chehak, and R. J. Trapp, 2022: Quantification of QLCS Tornadogenesis, Associated Characteristics, and Environments across a Large Sample. Wea. Forecasting, 37, 2087–2105,

Bombardi RJ, Moron V, Goodnight JS. Detection, variability, and predictability of monsoon onset and withdrawal dates: A review. Int J Climatol. 2020; 40: 641–667.