Victoria Dias Genetti

  • Title
    Staff Scientist/Research Staff
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    (925) 423-0967
  • Organization
    Not Available

Research Interests

Victoria has extensive experience and advanced specialized technical knowledge in environmental sample preparation and processing, general chemistry, and inorganic analytical chemistry (including actinide separation and purification chemistry). Her analytical skills include experience in ICPMS instrumental analysis, including determination of isotopic composition and elemental concentration. In addition to her analytical skills, she has experience in coordinating complex projects and interacting with scientific professionals and external project managers from a variety of disciplines.


Invention Title: "Solid Materials for Removing Arsenic and Method Thereof"
Inventor(s): Paul R. Coronado, et al
United States Patent: 7,393,810
Approval Date: July 1, 2008

B.S., General Biology, California State University, Hayward, 1992

  1. R.W. Williams, V.D. Genetti, Plutonium in Peruvian Soil Project Report Technical Report LLNL-TR-402294, 2008.
  2. Westerhoff P., Badruzzaman M., Navarnoaragon J.: Arizona State University, Coleman S., Coronado P., Gammon S., Genetti V., Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Aerogel-GAC Composites for Arsenic and Uranium Removal AWWA 2005 Conference abstract, 2005.
  3. Ross W. Williams, Victoria Genetti, Erick Ramon, Purification of U and Pu from Bulk Environmental Samples for Analysis by MC-ICPMS (UCRL-TR-210135), 2005.
  4. Coleman S.J., Reynolds J.G., Coronado P.R., Genetti V., Williams R.W., and Ramon E.C.: Adsorption of Uranium and Arsenic form Ground Water Using Hydrophobic Aerogels/Granulated Activated Carbon Composites Presented at the National Ground Water Association Conference in Charleston, SC, 2005.
  5. Coleman, S.J., Coronado, P.R., Reynolds, J.G., Dias, V.L., Williams, R.W., and Ramon, E.C. Removal of Uranium from Ground Water Using Composites of Granulated Activated Carbon and Hydrophobic Aerogels Waste Management 2003 Remediation Technology - On and Under Ground Successes (UCRL-JC-150725-ABS), 2003
  6. J.M. Horn, A.C. Carrillo, and V.L. Dias, Comparison of the Microbial Community Composition at Yucca Mountain and Laboratory Test Nuclear Repository Environments, Proceedings of Corrosion, paper No. 556, National Association of Corrosion Engineers, March 17-20, San Diego, CA, 2003
  7. A. C. Carrillo, V. L. Dias, J.M. Horn, Comparison of the Microbial Community Composition at Yucca Mountain and Laboratory Test Nuclear Repository Environments Poster presented at the Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion Symposium - Corrosion 2003 in San Diego, CA, 2003.
  8. Coleman S.J., Coronado P.R., Reynolds J.G., Dias V.L., Ramon E.C., Maxwell R.S., Taffet M.J., Vu A.K., Williams R.W., Composite Aerogel Material and Applications for Environmental Remediation/Treatment Presented to Dr. Sylvana Li, US Department of Agriculture, 2003.
  9. S. Martin, V.L. Dias, A. C. Carrillo, K. Ross, N. Van Buuren, J. M. Horn, Can Indigenous and Introduced Bacteria Affect the Performance of an Engineered Barrier System in the Designated Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Repository? Poster presented at the Fall 2002 General Meeting of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco, CA, 2002.
  10. Coleman, S.J., Coronado, P.R., Reynolds, J.G., Dias, V.L., Williams, R.W., Ramon, E.C., Taffet, M.J., Vu, A.K., Maxwell, R.S., Removal of Uranium and Hexavalent Chromium from Waters Using Aerogel-Granular Activated Carbon Composites Presented at 14th Technical Information Exchange in Oakland, CA, (UCRL-JC-150753-ABS) 2002
  11. A. C. Carrillo, V.L. Dias, S. Martin, J.M. Horn, Microbial Community Structure at a Proposed Subsurface Nuclear Waste Repository Site Poster presented at the 102nd General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology in Salt Lake City, UT, 2002.
  • Nonproliferation Arms Control International Security Directorate Award, LLNL, 2006
  • "Aerogel-Carbon Composite for Adsorption of Contaminants in Ground Water" R&D 100 Awards Entry, 2005
  • Energy and Environment Directorate Program Award, LLNL, 2003
  • "Commendation for Safety Awareness," Yucca Mountain Program Manager, LLNL, 2001
  • Joint Genome Institute Achievement Award, LLNL, 2000