Aaron Gallant

Portrait of  Aaron Gallant
  • Title
    Staff Scientist
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    (925) 423-4500
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    Not Available

Research Interests

Aaron Gallant's doctoral research tested the predictive power of modern shell model theories that include two and three nucleon forces derived from chiral effective field theory through Penning trap mass spectroscopy. His graduate work at TRIUMF, Canada’s particle accelerator center, earned him the Carl H. Wescott Memorial Fellowship in 2013. Gallant is currently a postdoc working in the Nuclear & Particle Physics group at LLNL.

Gallant’s research focusses on utilizing ion trapping techniques to perform precision experiments in nuclear physics. He is probing the beta-delayed alpha decays of lithium-8 and boron-8 to place limits on the size of tensor currents in the weak interaction.

Ph.D., Physics, University of British Columbia, 2016

B.S., Astrophysics, Saint Mary’s University, 2008

  1. A. Kumar, R. Kanungo, A. Calci, P. Navártil, A. Sanetullaev, M. Alcorta, V. Bildstein, G. Christian, B. Davids, J. Dohet-Eraly, J. Fallis, A. T. Gallant, G. Hackman, B. Hadinia, G. Hupin, S. Ishimoto, R. Krücken, A. T. Laffoley, J. Lighthall, D. Miller, S. Quaglioni, J. S. Randhawa, E.T. Rand, A. Rojas, R. Roth, A. Shotter, J. Tanaka, I. Tanihata, and C. Unsworth, Nuclear Force Imprints Revealed on the Elastic Scattering of Protons with 10C, Physical Review Letters 118, 262502 (2017).
  2. A. T. Gallant, M. Alanssari, J. C. Bale, C. Andreoiu, B. R. Barquest, U. Chowdhury, J. Even, A. Finlay, D. Frekers, G. Gwinner, R. Klawitter, B. Kootte, A. A. Kwiatkowski, D. Lascar, K. G. Leach, E. Leistenschneider, A. Lennarz, A. J. Mayer, D. Short, R. Thompson, M. Wieser, D. Lunney, and J. Dilling, Mass determination near N = 20 for Al and Na isotopes, Physical Review C 96, 024325 (2017).
  3. R. Kanungo, A. Sanetullaev, J. Tanaka, S. Ishimoto, G. Hagen, T. Myo, T. Suzuki, C. Andreoiu, P. Bender, A. A. Chen, B. Davids, J. Fallis, J. P. Fortin, N. Galinski, A. T. Gallant, P. E. Garrett, G. Hackman, B. Hadinia, G. Jansen, M. Keefe, R. Krücken, J. Lighthall, E. McNeice, D. Miller, T. Otsuka, J. Purcell, J. S. Randhawa, T. Roger, A. Rojas, H. Savajols, A. Shotter, I. Tanihata, I. J. Thompson, C. Unsworth, P. Voss, and Z. Wang, Evidence of Soft Dipole Resonance in 11Li with Isoscalar Character, Physical Review Letters 114, 192502 (2015).
  4. A. T. Gallant, M. Brodeur, C. Andreoiu, A. Bader, A. Chaudhuri, U. Chowdhury, A. Grossheim, R. Klawitter, A. A. Kwiatkowski, K. G. Leach, A. Lennarz, T. D. Macdonald, B. E. Schultz, J. Lassen, H. Heggen, S. Raeder, A. Teigelhöfer, B. A. Brown, A. Magilligan, J. D. Holt, J. Menéndez, J. Simonis, A. Schwenk, and J. Dilling, Breakdown of the Isobaric Multiplet Mass Equation for the A = 20 and 21 Multiplets, Physical Review Letters 113, 082501 (2014).
  5. A. Lennarz, A. Grossheim, K. G. Leach, M. Alanssari, T. Brunner, A. Chaudhuri, U. Chowdhury, J. C. López-Urrutia, A. T. Gallant, M. Holl, A. A. Kwiatkowski, J. Lassen, T. D. Macdonald, B. E. Schultz, S. Seeraji, M. C. Simon, C. Andreoiu, J. Dilling, and D. Frekers, In-Trap Spectroscopy of Charge-Bred Radioactive Ions, Physical Review Letters 113, 082502 (2014).
  6. A. T. Gallant, J. C. Bale, T. Brunner, U. Chowdhury, S. Ettenauer, A. Lennarz, D. Robertson, V. V. Simon, A. Chaudhuri, J. D. Holt, A. A. Kwiatkowski, E. Mané, J. Menéndez, B. E. Schultz, M. C. Simon, C. Andreoiu, P. Delheij, M. R. Pearson, H. Savajols, A. Schwenk, and J. Dilling, New precision mass measurements of neutron-rich calcium and potassium isotopes and three-nucleon forces, Physical Review Letters 109, 032506 (2012).
  • Carl H. Wescott Memorial Fellowship, TRIUMF, 2013
  • Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarships – Doctoral, 2011
  • The Pacific Century Graduate Scholarship, University of British Columbia, 2010
  • NSERC Postgraduate Scholarships – Doctoral, 2008