Timofey Frolov

Portrait of  Timofey Frolov
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    Research Staff
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    (925) 423-1469
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My research focuses on the thermodynamics and computational modeling of materials interfaces. More broadly, I am interested in understanding of spontaneous emergence of diversity, ordering and hierarchical structures in non-equilibrium systems.

Ph.D., Physics, George Mason University, 2011

B.S., Applied Physics and Math, South Ural State University, 2004

Selected publications

  1. I. Winter, R. E. Rudd, T. Oppelstrup and T. Frolov, Nucleation of grain boundary phases, Physical Review Letters, 128, 035701 (2022).
  2. E. Chen, A. Tamm, T. Wang, M. Epler, M. Asta and T. Frolov, Modeling the antiphase boundary energy of Ni3Al-based alloys using automated density functional theory calculations and machine learning, npj Comput Mater 8, 80 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41524-022-00755-1
  3. T. Meiners, T. Frolov, R. E. Rudd, G. Dehm, C. H. Liebscher, Observations of grain-boundary phase transformations in an elemental metal, Nature 579 (7799), 375-378, (2020).
  4. Q. Zhu, A. Samanta, B. Li, R.E. Rudd, and T. Frolov, Predicting phase behavior of grain boundaries with evolutionary search and machine learning, arXiv:1707.09699 (2017).
  5. T. Frolov, W. Setyawan, R. J. Kurtz, J. Marian, A. R. Oganov, R. E. Rudd, and Q. Zhu, Grain boundary phases in bcc metals, arXiv:1711.06775 (2017).
  6. T. Frolov, D. L. Olmsted, M. Asta, and Y. Mishin, Structural phase transformations in metallic grain boundaries, Nature Communications 4, 1899 (2013).




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DOE Early Career Award, Fusion Energy Sciences (2022-2027)

Mercator Fellowship, German Research Foundation (2021-2024)

Miller Fellowship, University of California Berkeley (2012-2015)

Presidential Scholar, George Mason University (2007-2010)

Bachelor of Science, South Ural State University (red diploma with honors)