Alex Friedman

Portrait of  Alex  Friedman

  • Title
    Group Leader, MFE Theory and Modeling
  • Email
  • Organization
    Not Available

Professional Background

  • Physicist, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 1980-present.
  • Associate Program Leader for Theory and Computations, Fusion Energy Sciences Program, Physics Division, LLNL, from October, 2016 (acting, from May, 2016).
  • Associate Program Leader for High Energy Density Physics / Heavy Ion Fusion Science, Fusion Energy Sciences Program, Physics Division, LLNL, 2001-2013.
  • Theory and Simulations Group Leader, Heavy Ion Fusion Science Virtual National Laboratory
    (a collaboration of LBNL, LLNL, and PPPL), 1998-2015.
  • LLNL Heavy Ion Accelerator Project Leader, 1992-1998; Project Coordinator, 1991-1992.
  • Other positions at LLNL, centered on laser fusion, magnetic fusion, heavy ion fusion, and other topics.
  • Associate Specialist I, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of CA, Berkeley, CA, 12/78-11/80 (C. K. “Ned” Birdsall, supervisor).
  • Summer Student Fellow, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, 1973.

Research Interests

Plasma and particle beam physics, with an emphasis on theory and simulation; fusion physics and technology, including magnetic and inertia confinement concepts; high-energy-density physics; computational dynamics; computational electromagnetics; and numerical analysis.


  • Past Associate Editor, Journal of Computational Physics.  
  • Member, U. S. Fusion Theory Coordinating Committee, from Nov. 1999.
  • Regular participation in community planning activities, most recently the APS-DPP-CPP.

PhD, Applied Physics, Cornell University, 1980

BS, Engineering Physics, Cornell University, 1973

A. Friedman, B. I. Cohen, C. D. Eng, W. A. Farmer, D. P. Grote, H. W. Kruger, and D. J. Larson, “3-D simulation codes for EMP E1 formation and propagation,” Journal of Radiation Effects, Research & Engineering (JRERE) 36 No. 1, April 2018, pp. 94-105 (limited distribution refereed journal); available upon request.

A. Friedman, R. H. Cohen, D. P. Grote, S. M. Lund, W. M. Sharp, J-L. Vay, I. Haber, and R. A. Kishek, “Computational Methods in the Warp Code Framework for Kinetic Simulations of Particle Beams and Plasmas,” IEEE Trans. Plasma Science 42, no 5, 1321 (2014).

A. Friedman, J. J. Barnard, R. H. Cohen, D. P. Grote, S. M. Lund, W. M. Sharp, A. Faltens, E. Henestroza, J.-Y. Jung, J. W. Kwan, E. P. Lee, M. A. Leitner, B. G. Logan, J.-L. Vay, W. L. Waldron, R. C. Davidson, M. Dorf, E. P. Gilson, and I. D. Kaganovich, “Beam dynamics of the Neutralized Drift Compression Experiment-II, a novel pulse-compressing ion accelerator,” Phys. Plasmas 17, 056704 (2010);  .

K. Gomberoff, J. Fajans, A. Friedman, D. Grote, J.-L. Vay, and J. S. Wurtele, “Simulations of plasma confinement in an antihydrogen trap,” Phys. Plasmas 14, 102111 (October 2007); .

A. Friedman, J. J. Barnard, D. P. Grote, and I. Haber, “Simulation Studies of Transverse Resonance Effects in Space-Charge Dominated Beams,” Nucl. Instr. & Meth. In Phys. Research A 415, 455 (1998);  .

A. Friedman, D. P. Grote, and I. Haber, “Three-dimensional particle simulation of heavy-ion fusion beams,” Phys. Fluids B 4, 2203 (1992); .

A. Friedman, S. E. Parker, S. L. Ray, and C. K. Birdsall, “Multi-Scale Particle-in-Cell Plasma Simulation,” J. Computational Phys. 96, 54 (1991);  .

A. Friedman, “A Second Order Implicit Particle Mover with Adjustable Damping,” J. Comput. Phys. 90, 292 (1990); .

A. Friedman, R. N. Sudan, and J. Denavit, “Stability of Field Reversed Ion Rings,” Phys. Fluids 29, 3317 (1986); .

A. Friedman, A. B. Langdon, and B. I. Cohen, “A Direct Method for Implicit Particle-in-Cell Simulation,” Comments on Plasma Phys. and Controlled Fusion 6, 225 (1981); available upon request.

  • IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society - Charles K. Birdsall Award for Contributions to Computational Nuclear and Plasma Sciences (2017).
  • Fellow, American Physical Society, through the Division of Computational Physics (1996), “For innovations in computer modeling of fusion plasmas, laser-plasma interactions and charged particle beams, and design of high space charge accelerator components.”
  • LLNL Physics Department Distinguished Achievement Award (1992).
  • Cornell Graduate Fellowship, September 1973-June 1975
  • National Merit Scholarship, 1969-1970
  • Southern Bell Telephone “Star” Scholarship, 1969-1970