Kari Finstad


Portrait of  Kari Finstad
  • Title
    Staff Scientist
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    (925) 422-1975
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    Not Available

Research Interests

My research focuses on identifying and quantifying geochemical and biological processes using stable and radioisotope analyses of organic and inorganic material. Specifically, I am interested in the interactions between climate, minerals, and microbial communities in soil and sediment environments, and how these interactions scale up to the landscape level.

Ph.D., Ecosystem Science, University of California, Berkeley, 2016

B.A., Environmental Earth Science, University of California, Berkeley, 2005


  • Grant, K., M. Repasch, K. Finstad, J. Kerr, M. Marpel, C. Larson, T. Broek, J. Pett-Ridge, K. McFarlane. 2024. Diverse organic carbon dynamics captured by radiocarbon analysis of distinct compound classes in a grassland soil. Biogeosciences, 21: 4395-4411. doi.org/10.5194/bg-21-4395-2024.
  • McFarlane, K., D. Cusack, L. Dietterich, A. Hedgpeth, K. Finstad, A. Nottingham. 2024. Experimental warming and drying increase older carbon contributions to soil respiration in lowland tropical forests. Nature communications, 15:7084. doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-51422-6.
  • Finstad, K., E. Nuccio, K. Grant, T. Broek, J. Pett-Ridge, K. McFarlane. 2023. Novel methods for determining the age of microbially assimilated soil carbon. Radiocarbon. doi.org/10.1017/RDC.2023.80.
  • Finstad, K., M. Smith, G. Beaudoin, G. Dipple, R. Aines. 2023. Radiocarbon analysis as a method for verifying atmospheric CO2 uptake during carbon mineralization. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 534: 35-38. doi.org/10.1016/j.nimb.2022.10.026.
  • Finstad, K., O. van Straaten, E. Veldkamp, K. McFarlane. 2020. Soil carbon dynamics following land use changes and conversion to oil palm plantations in tropical lowlands inferred from radiocarbon. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, vol. 34(9). doi.org/10.1020/2019gb006461.
  • Al-Shayeb B., R. Sachdeva, L. Chen, F. Ward, P. Munk, A. Devoto, C. Castelle, M. Olm, K. Bouma-Gregson, Y. Amano, C. He, B. Brooks, A. Thomas, A. Lavy, P. Matheus-Carnevali, C. Sun, D. Goltsman, M. Borton, T. Nelson, R. Kantor, A. Jaffe, R. Keren, I. Farag, S. Lei, R. Méheust, K. Finstad, R. Amundson, K. Anantharaman, J. Zhou, A. Probst, M. Power, S. Tringe, W. Li, K. Wrighton, S. Harrison, F. Aarestrup, M. Morowitz, D. Relman, J. Doudna, A. Lehours, L. Warren, J. Cate, J. Santini, J. Banfield. 2020. Clades of huge phage from across Earth’s ecosystems. Nature, vol. 578, pp. 425-431. doi.org/10.1038/s41586-020-2007-4.
  • Pfeiffer, M., C. Latorre, C. Santoro, E. Gayo, R. Rojas, M. Carrevedo, V. McRostie, K. Finstad, A. Heimsath, M. Jungers, R. De Pol-Holz, R. Amundson. 2018. Chronology, stratigraphy and hydrological modelling of extensive wetlands and paleolakes in the hyperarid core of the Atacama Desert during the late Quaternary. Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 197, pp. 224-245. doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2018.08.001. 
  • Finstad, K., M. Pfeiffer, G. McNicol, M. Tuite, K. Williford, R. Amundson. 2018. A late Quaternary paleoenvironmental record in sand dunes of the northern Atacama Desert, Chile. Quaternary Research, vol. 90(1), pp. 127-138. doi.org/10.1017/qua.2018.20.
  • Finstad, K., A. Probst., B. Thomas, G. Andersen, C. Demergasso, A. Echeverria, R. Amundson, J. Banfield. 2017. Microbial community structure and the persistence of Cyanobacterial populations in salt crusts of the hyperarid Atacama Desert from genome-resolved metagenomics. Frontiers in Microbiology, vol. 8, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.01435.
  • Finstad, K., M. Pfeiffer, G. McNicol, J. Barnes, C. Demergasso, G. Chong, R. Amundson. 2016. Rates and processes of soil formation in salars. Geoderma, vol. 284, pp. 57-72.           
  • Mambelli, S., P. Brooks, R. Sutka, S. Hughes, K. Finstad, J.M. Pakes, T. Dawson. 2016. High throughput method for simultaneous analysis of N, C, and S stable isotopes and concentrations in organics and soils. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, vol. 30, pp.1743-1753.                                        
  • Hug, L., B. Baker, K. Anantharaman, C. Brown, A. Probst, C. Castelle, C. Butterfield, A. Hernsdorf, Y. Amano, I. Kotaro, Y. Suzuki, N. Dudek, D. Relman, K. Finstad, R. Amundson, B. Thomas, J. Banfield. 2016. A new view of the tree of life. Nature Microbiology, doi:10.1038/nmicrobiol.2016.48.
  • Finstad, K., M. Pfeiffer, R. Amundson. 2014. Hyperarid soils and the Soil Taxonomy. Soil Science Society of America Journal, vol. 78(6), pp. 1845-1851.        
  • Oerter, E., K. Finstad, J. Schaefer, G. Goldsmith, T. Dawson, R. Amundson. 2014. Oxygen isotope fractionation effects in soil water via interaction with cations (Mg, Ca, K, Na) adsorbed to phyllosilicate clay minerals. Journal of Hydrology, vol. 515, pp. 1-9.
  • Finstad, K., B.L. Ingram, P. Schweikhardt, K. Lightfoot, E. Luby, G. Coles. 2013. New insights about the construction and use of shell mounds from the geochemical analysis of mollusks: an example from the greater San Francisco Bay. Journal of Archaeological Science, vol. 40(6), pp. 2648-2658.
  • LLNL Laboratory Directed Research and Development Feasibility Study ($150,000), 2018
  • Carolyn Meek Memorial Scholarship for Soil Science ($18,660), 2015 – 2016
  • NSF Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant ($20,300), 2014 – 2016
  • NASA Earth and Space Sciences Fellowship ($90,000), 2011 – 2014