Matthew Durbin

Portrait of  Matthew Durbin
  • Title
    Computational Physicist
  • Email
  • Phone
    (925) 422-7051
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Matthew Durbin is a computational physicist interested in applying modeling and simulation, algorithm development, and data science to nuclear nonproliferation and national security. Durbin joined the System Modeling & Evaluation Group in the Physics Division in 2022 as a staff scientist, and supports projects in Global Securities N and E programs. Prior to this position, he was a graduate student intern in Global Security’s N-Program while completing a PhD in Nuclear Engineering from Pennsylvania State University. Durbin’s graduate research focused on developing conventional and machine learning algorithms for radiation detection applications.

Durbin currently serves as the POC to the DNN TecH consortium, a Physics Division Representative to the PLS Workforce & Communications Committee, and on the Education & Training Committee of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management. 

PhD Nuclear Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, 2022

BS Physics, The University of Texas at Austin, 2017