Eric B. Duoss

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Eric B. Duoss, Ph.D.

Director, Center for Engineered Materials and Manufacturing


Dr. Eric B. Duoss is the Director of the Center for Engineered Materials and Manufacturing (CEMM) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), where he directs research activities and maps strategic directions in the areas of advanced materials and manufacturing. At LLNL, Dr. Duoss leads teams that invent novel materials and manufacturing technologies, with focus on creating designer architectures for chemical, mechanical, thermal, and functional properties for applications in the fields of defense, climate, transportation, energy, aerospace, human health, and others. Dr. Duoss is a recipient of the Presidential Early Career Award in Science and Engineering (2016) and he leads a team that was honored with the Department of Energy Secretary’s Achievement Award (2019). Dr. Duoss has co-authored over 90 peer-reviewed technical publications that have collectively received over 12,000 total citations. Dr. Duoss has also been awarded over 50 U.S. patents. Dr. Duoss has a Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2009) and dual B.S. degrees in Chemistry and Mathematics from St. Norbert College (2003).

Ph.D., Materials Science and Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2009

B.S., Chemistry, St. Norbert College, 2003

B.S., Mathematics, St. Norbert College, 2003

E. B. Duoss, T. H. Weisgraber, K. Hearon, C. Zhu, W. Small IV, T. R. Metz, J. J. Vericella, H. D. Barth, J. D. Kuntz, R. S. Maxwell, C. M. Spadaccini, and T. S. Wilson, “Three-Dimensional Printing of Elastomeric, Cellular Architectures with Negative Stiffness,” accepted to Advanced Functional Materials, available as Early View (2014). Cover article.

X. Zheng, H. Lee, T. H. Weisgraber, M. Shusteff, J. R. Deotte, E. B. Duoss, J. D. Kuntz, M. M. Biener, S. O. Kucheyev, Q. Ge, J. Jackson, N. X. Fang, and C. M. Spadaccini, “Ultra-light, Ultra-stiff Mechanical Metamaterials,” Science 344, 6190, 1373–1377 (2014).

J. J. Adams, E. B. Duoss (co-first author), T. F. Malkowski, M. J. Motala, B. Y. Ahn, R. G. Nuzzo, J. T. Bernhard, and J. A. Lewis, “Conformal Printing of Electrically Small Antennas on Three-Dimensional Surfaces,” Advanced Materials 23, 1335–1340 (2011). Cover article.

X. Guo, H. Li, B. Y. Ahn, E. B. Duoss, K. J. Hsia, J. A. Lewis, and R. G. Nuzzo, “Two and Three-Dimensional Folding of Thin Film Single-Crystalline Silicon for Photovoltaic Power Applications,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106, 48, 20149–20154 (2009). Cover article.

B. Y. Ahn, E. B. Duoss, M. J. Motala, X. Guo, S.-I. Park, Y. Xiong, J. Yoon, R. G. Nuzzo, J. A. Rogers, and J. A. Lewis, "Omnidirectional Printing of Flexible, Stretchable, and Spanning Silver Microelectrodes," Science 323, 5921, 1590–1593 (2009).

E. B. Duoss, M. Twardowski, and J. A. Lewis, "Sol-Gel Inks for Direct-Write Assembly of Functional Oxides," Advanced Materials 19, 21, 3485–3489 (2007).