Aaron Sheffield Donahue

Portrait of  Aaron Sheffield Donahue
  • Title
    Deputy Group Leader, Climate Modeling
  • Email
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    (925) 423-2572
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Research Interests

  • Numerical modeling of complex physical processes
  • Design and implementation of numerical models to simulate the global atmosphere
  • Finite difference and finite elements methods for solving Partial Differential Equations
  • Applied Mathematics

Ph.D., Civil Engineering, University of Notre Dame

M.Sc., Applied Mathematics, San Diego State University

B.S., Mathematics, Sonoma State University

  1. Beydoun, Hassan, Peter M. Caldwell, Walter M. Hannah, and Aaron S. Donahue. "Dissecting anvil cloud response to sea surface warming." Geophysical Research Letters 48, no. 15 (2021): e2021GL094049.
  2. Caldwell, Peter Martin, Christopher Ryutaro Terai, B. Hillman, Noel D. Keen, P. Bogenschutz, Wuyin Lin, Hassan Beydoun et al. "Convection‐permitting simulations with the E3SM global atmosphere model." Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 13, no. 11 (2021): e2021MS002544.
  3. Donahue, Aaron S., and Peter M. Caldwell. "Performance and accuracy implications of parallel split physics‐dynamics coupling in the energy exascale Earth system atmosphere model." Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 12, no. 7 (2020): e2020MS002080.
  4. Golaz, Jean‐Christophe, Peter M. Caldwell, Luke P. Van Roekel, Mark R. Petersen, Qi Tang, Jonathan D. Wolfe, Guta Abeshu et al. "The DOE E3SM coupled model version 1: Overview and evaluation at standard resolution." Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 11, no. 7 (2019): 2089-2129.
  5. Donahue, Aaron S., and Peter M. Caldwell. "Impact of physics parameterization ordering in a global atmosphere model." Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 10, no. 2 (2018): 481-499.

See All Publications for more publications.

  • Gordon Bell Prize for Climate Modeling, 2023
  • UCAR Outstanding Accomplishment Award for Publication, 2023
  • E3SM Outstanding Achievement Award, 2021