Saaxewer Baay Diop

Portrait of  Saaxewer Baay Diop
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    Postdoctoral Researcher
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    (925) 424-6796
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Saaxewer Diop graduated from Ecole Centrale Marseille, France, with a Ph.D. in optics, photonics and image processing. He participated in the development of the LMJ-PETAL facility at the French Atomic and Alternative Energies Commission (CEA). He studied the laser damage growth phenomenon on PETAL's dielectric transport mirrors. In addition, he has worked on the design and optimization of the laser resistance of the pulse compression gratings of PETAL.

His current research focuses on identifying and mitigating laser-induced damage precursors on NIF optical components and understanding damage mechanisms at different and multiple wavelengths.

Ph.D., Optics Photonics & Image Processing, Ecole Centrale Marseille, Marseille, France, 2022

S. Diop, N. Bonod, M. Chorel, E. Lavastre, N. Roquin, L. Heymans, P. Brianceau, L. Gallais and L. Lamaignère, Impact of the multilayer dielectric design on the laser-induced damage threshold of pulse compression gratings for petawatt-class lasers, Optics Letters, 48, 17, 2023.

S. Diop, M. Chorel, E. Lavastre, N. Roquin, L. Gallais, N. Bonod, and L. Lamaignère, Influence of the multilayer dielectric mirror design on the laser damage growth in the sub-picosecond regime. Applied Optics, 62, 12, 2022

S. Diop, M. Chorel, A. Ollé, N. Roquin, E. Lavastre, L. Gallais, N. Bonod, and L. Lamaignère, Polarization dependence of laser damage growth features on multilayer dielectric mirrors for petawatt-class lasers. Optics Letters, 47, 11, 2022

S. Diop, A. Ollé, N. Roquin, M. Chorel, E. Lavastre, L. Gallais, N. Bonod, and L. Lamaignère, Investigation of the influence of a spatial beam profile on laser damage growth dynamics in multilayer dielectric mirrors in the near infrared sub-picosecond regime, Opt. Express, 30(11):17739-17753, 2022

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  • First place of the Angus Macleod Student Prize at the Optical Interference Coating (OIC) conference, 2022
  • Third place of the Angus Macleod Student Prize at the Optical Interference Coating (OIC) conference, 2022