Matthew A. Coleman

Portrait of  Matthew A. Coleman
  • Title
    Staff Scientist
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    (925) 423-7687
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    Not Available

I am a senior staff biomedical scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in the division of Biology and Biotechnology. I am also adjunct professor in the department of Radiation Oncology at the University of California at Davis. I have authored over 120 publications in peer-reviewed journals, published proceedings and book chapters covering a diverse breadth of molecular biology and biochemistry. My major areas of research focus are in the area of radiobiology in support of cancer treatment and biodosimetry. My group has also been very active in the development of biotechnology and advance biochemical techniques around the areas of cell-free expression, membrane proteins and nanoparticles made of apolipoproteins called nanolipoprotein particles (NLPs). 

ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1389-4018


2014 - presentAdjunct Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology, University of California, Davis. Health System.

2008 - presentSenior Staff Scientist, Physics and Life Sciences Directorate. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA.

2008 - 2013     Associate Adjunct Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology, University of California, Davis. Health System.

2007- 2009      Junior Specialist, The NSF Center for Biophotonics, University of California, Davis. Health System.

2006 - 2008     Deputy Group Leader for Molecular Toxicology, Chemistry, Materials and Life Sciences Directorate. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA.

2005 - 2006     Group leader for Intelligence Management, Biosciences, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA.

2000 - 2005     Biomedical Senior Staff Scientist, Biology and Biotechnology Research Program. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA.

1997 - 2000     Postdoctoral Fellow in the laboratory of Dr. Harvey Mohrenweiser, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA.

1992 - 1996     Thesis research in the laboratory of Dr. Kenneth J. Rothschild, Boston                                           University, Department of Physics, Boston, MA.

1990 - 1992     Research Assistant in the Laboratory of  Dr. Robert Davenport, Boston University, Department of Chemistry, Boston, MA.

1987 - 1990     Senior Research Assistant for the Department of Chemistry, Boston                                               University, Department of Chemistry, Boston, MA.

1983 - 1992     Commissioned Officer, U.S. Army Reserves. Various positions of fiscal and command responsibility.


LLNL, SI-LDRD.                               Wheeler (P.I.).            Oct. 2018 – Sep. 2021.

Instrumented tumor. 

The project will develop novel bioprinting approaches combined with engineered tools for characterizing cancer development and treatment.

Role: Co-PI


NIH/NIAIDR21AI120925,                Coleman (P.I.).           July. 01, 2016 – Jun. 30, 2019

Synthetic Generation of a Chlamydia Vaccine. 

The project will investigate the development of novel vaccines using synthetic biology to generate nanoparticles.

Role: PI


NIH/NCI R01CA172067.                   Dubios (P.I.).                          Aug. 2013 – Mar. 2018.

Optimizing 131I-miBG therapy for children with advanceneuroblastoma. 

The central goal of this proposal is to demonstrate the combination of 131I-mIBG together with a systemic radiation sensitizer will improve upon the known single-agent activity of 131I-mIBG treatment.

Role: Co-Investigator


NIH/NIGMS R01GM117342.            Frank (P.I.).                            Mar. 2016 – Feb., 2021.

Technology development for biological imaging with x-ray free electron lasers.  

The goal of this proposal was to develop techniques for imaging membrane proteins using XFELs at LCLS.

Role: Co-Investigator


NIH/NCI R01CA213830                    Li(P.I.).                                  Feb. 2017 – Jan. 2022

Mitochondrial bioenergetics in aggressive breast cancer growth. 

This project will develop novel nanoparticles for breast cancer stem cell detection and treatment. 

Role: Co-Investigator


NIH/NCI R01CA214912                    Dubois (P.I.).                         Jan. 2018 – Dec. 2023

Tumor and host markers of clinical outcomes after MIBG therapy in neuroblastoma.

Project will look at treatment for primary tumors in patients with neuroblastoma.

Role: Co-Investigator


TRISH-NASA.                                   Chris Porada (P.I.).                 Nov. 2017 – Sep. 2021

Novel microfluidic biomarker detection platforms to monitor in vivo effects of solar particle events and galactic cosmic rays radiation, using mice with human hematopoietic systems.

Role: Co-Investigator


NIH/NIAIDU19                                 Coleman/de la Maza (P.I.s).   Jun. 2019 – May. 2024

Cooperative Research Center for NanoScaffold-Based Chlamydia trachomatis Vaccines. 

This is a multidisciplinary project that will develop unique reagents for use in pathogen vaccine development. 

Role: PI


NIH/NIAIDU01                                 Coleman (P.I.s).                      Dec. 2019 – Nov. 2024

LAMP-integrated detection for rapid and long term biodosimetry.  

We will specifically focus on demonstrating utility of our BIO ID technology to discriminate between 0 and 2 Gy ionizing radiation exposures. 

Role: PI

Postdoctoral Fellow, Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA

Ph.D., Boston University, Boston, MA

B.S., University of Massachusetts, Boston, MA

Coleman, M.A., Cappuccio, J.A., Blanchette, C.D. Gao, T., Arroyo, E.S., Hinz, A.K., Bourguet, F.A., Segelkw, S., Hoeprich, P.D., Huser, T., Laurence, T., Motin, V.L. and Chromy, B.A. (2016) Expression and Association of the Yersinia pestis Translocon Proteins, YopB and YopD, Are Facilitated by Nanolipoprotein Particles. PLoS One11(3): e0150166. doi:10.1371

Edmondson, D.A., Karski, E.E., Kohlgruber, A., Koneru, H., Matthay, K.K. Allen, M.S., Peterson, L.E., DuBois, S.G. and Coleman, M.A. (2016) Transcript analysis for characterizing internal biodosimetry using peripheral blood from patients with neuroblastoma treated with 131I-mIBG, a targeted radionuclide. Rad Res186, 235-244. doi: 10.1667/RR14263.

Campbell, K., Karski, E.E., Olow, A., Edmondson, D.A., Kohlgruber, A.C., Coleman,M.A., Haas-Kogan, D.A, Matthay, K.K., and DuBois, S.G. (2017).Peripheral blood biomarkers associated with toxicity and treatment characteristics after 131I-MIBG therapy in patients with neuroblastoma. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics99(2):468-475.

Trans, D.J., Bai, R., Addison, B., Liu, R., Hamel, E., Coleman, M.A. and Henderson P.T. (2017) Synthesis of two fluorescent GTPγS molecules and their biological relevance. Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids.36(6):379-391. doi: 10.1080/15257770.

Yung, M.C., Bourguet, F.A., Carpenter, T.S., Coleman, M.A. (2017) Re-directing bacterial microcompartment systems to enhance recombinant expression of lysis protein E from bacteriophage φX174 in Escherichia coliMicrobial Cell Factories12(6). PMID: 28586369.

Scharadin, T.M., He, W., Yiannakou, Y., Tomilov, A.A., Saldana, M., Cortopassi, G.A., Carraway III, K.A., Coleman, M.A. and Henderson, P.T. (2017) Synthesis and Biochemical Characterization of EGF Receptor in a Water-soluble Membrane Model System. PLoS One12(6): e0177761.

He, H., Felderman, M., Evans, A.C., Geng, J., Homan, D., Bourguet, F., Fischer, N.O., Li, Y., Lam, K.S., Noy, A., Xing, L., Cheng, R.H., Rasley, A., Blanchette, C.D., Kamrud, K., Wang, N., Gouvis, H., Peterson, T.C., Hubby, B. and Coleman, M.A. (2017) Cell-free production of a functional oligomeric form of a chlamydia major outer membrane protein (MOMP) for vaccine development. J. Biol. Chem.jbc.M117.784561. doi:10.1074/jbc.M117.784561.

Cleveland IV, T.E., He, W., Evans, A.C., Fischer, N., Lau, E.Y., Coleman, M.A. and Butler, P. (2018) SANS/SAXS demonstrates that cell-free expression produces properly formed disc-shaped nanolipoprotein particles. Protein Science.27(3);780-789.

Emilio Cordova, Macario Martínez-Castillo, PhD; Nicolas Villegas-Sepulveda; Marco Meraz-Rios; Araceli Hernandez-Zavala; Jaime Berumen; Matthew A Coleman; Lorena Orozco. (2018) Differential effects of Curcumin on Cell Cycle progression and Cell Death in acute and chronic myeloid leukemia derived cell lines. Oncol Lett. May;15(5):6777-6783. doi: 10.3892/ol.2018.8112.

Patriarchi, T., Shen, A., He, W.,  Baikoghli, M., Cheng, R.H., Xiang, Y.K., Coleman M.A. and Tian L. (2018) Nanodelivery of a functional membrane receptor to manipulate cellular phenotype. Scientific Reports 10.1038/s41598-018-21863-3.

Quinn, S.D., Srinivasan, S., Gordon, J.B., He, W., Carraway, K.L.III., Coleman, M.A. and Gabriela S. Schlau-Cohen, G.S. (2018)Single-Molecule Fluorescence Detection of the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor in Membrane Discs.Biochemistry. DOI: 10.1021/acs.biochem.8b00089.

Seuring C, Ayyer K, Filippaki E, Barthelmess M, Longchamp JN, Ringler P, Pardini T, Wojtas DH, Coleman MA, Dörner K, Fuglerud S, Hammarin G, Habenstein B, Langkilde AE, Loquet A, Meents A, Riek R, Stahlberg H, Boutet S, Hunter MS, Koglin J, Liang M, Ginn HM, Millane RP, Frank M, Barty A, Chapman HN. (2018) Femtosecond X-ray coherent diffraction of aligned amyloid fibrils on low background graphene. Nat Commun. 2018 May 9;9(1):1836. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-04116-9.

Casadei CM, Tsai CJ, Barty A, Hunter MS, Zatsepin NA, Padeste C, Capitani G, Benner WH, Boutet S, Hau-Riege SP, Kupitz C, Messerschmidt M, Ogren JI, Pardini T, Rothschild KJ, Sala L, Segelke B, Williams GJ, Evans JE, Li XD, Coleman M, Pedrini B, Frank M. (2018) Resolution extension by image summing in serial femtosecond crystallography of two-dimensional membrane-protein crystals. IUCrJ. 2018 Jan 1;5(Pt 1):103-117. doi: 10.1107/S2052252517017043. PMID: 29354276. 

Wiedorn, M.O. et al., (2018) Megahertz serial crystallography. Nat Commun. 2018 9(1):4025. PMID: 30279492.

Gisriel, C,  et al.,(2019) Membrane Protein Megahertz Crystallography at the European XFEL. Frontiers in PharmacologyNat Commun. Submitted.

Shelby, M.L. He, H. and Coleman, M.A. (2019) Cell-free co-translational approaches for producing mammalian receptors: Expanding the cell-free expression toolbox using nanolipoproteins. Frontiers in Pharmacology. Submitted.

2015 - presentUCD - Biophysics Graduate Group Professor/Member.

2010 - presentUCD - Pharmacology & Toxicology Graduate Group Professor/Member.

2018 - presentReviewer NIH SBIR PHS - Adjuvant Development for Vaccines and for Autoimmune and Allergic Diseases study section.

2018                LLNL 2018 Outstanding Mentor

2013 - 2015     Reviewer NIH Academic Research Enhancement Award (AREA) grants (R15)Oncology 2 – Translational Clinical IRG (OTC) study section.

2013                Reviewer NIH NIGMS Biomedical Technology Resource Centers P41 study section.

2013 - 2014     Special Issue Guest Editor for Sensors.          

2011 - 2013     Reviewer SBIR/STTRBiological Chemistry and Biophysics NIH study section.

2008                Nanotechnology 50 award recipient for cell-free production of nanolipoprotein disc. 

2005                Merck travel award, Radiation Oncology Gordon Conference.

2005                NIH scientific achievement award, Radiation Oncology Gordon Conference.

2004 - 2007     Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Institutional Laboratory Directed Exploratory Research grant review committee.

2003 –2007    University of California's Industry-University Cooperative Research Program, Biotechnology Discovery grant review committee.

2001 - 2004     Protein Society Education Working Group.

2001                Research & Development 100 award recipient for “Gene Microdissection”. 

1996                Stein Moore Graduate Student Award, Protein Society.

1995 - 1997     NIH, Molecular Biophysics Training Grant.

1994                Travel Award. Biology Department, Boston University.