Keith R. Coffee

Portrait of  Keith R. Coffee
  • Title
    HE Analytical Lab Lead; Staff Scientist
  • Email
  • Phone
    (925) 423-2292
  • Organization

Research interests

At the most fundamental level I am a problem solver and organizer.  Throughout my professional life I have sought out challenging problems to work on and solve through science and engineering with heavy focus on development of new devices and field experimentation. 

My current interests are the development and execution of analytical methods for the complete chemical characterization of explosives.  I serve as the principal chemist for explosives analysis at the FSC and the liaison to the High Energy Application Facility (HEAF).  My goal is to expand our knowledge of the compounds in explosives, and study what happens when explosives are degraded by heat, irradiation, and reactions with other compounds.

Current position(s)

  • Staff Chemist at the Forensic Science Center (FSC)
  • FSC High Explosives Analysis and Liaison to HEAF

Career path

  • FSC Staff Chemist (LLNL)
  • NIF System Manager (LLNL)
  • Management Self-Assessment team member for NIF (LLNL)
  • Staff Chemist on BAMS (Biological Aerosol Mass Spectrometry) for detection of CBRNE in real time (LLNL)
  • Research Assistant (UCR)
  • Crew Chief (USAF)


2005 - R&D 100 award for BAMS

Subject Matter Expertise

High Explosives Handler, Atmospheric Aerosol Chemistry, System Management, Mass Spectrometry, Ion Chromatography, explosives chemistry

Ph.D., Chemistry, University of California, Riverside, 2002

M.S., Chemistry, University of California, Riverside, 2002

B.S., Chemistry, California State University, San Francisco, 1997

Selected publications

Keith D. Morrison, Ana Racoveanu, Jason S. Moore et al. New Thermal Decomposition Pathway for TATB, 06 September 2023, DOI: 10.21203/]

Alan K. Burnham, Keith R. Coffee, Gregory L. Klunder et al. Towards a heat‐ and mass‐balanced kinetic model of TATB decomposition ISSN: 0721-3115 , 1521-4087; DOI: 10.1002/prep.202300121, Propellants, explosives, pyrotechnics

Keith R. Coffee, Adele Panasci-Nott Benjamin J. Stewart et al. Trace Compound Analysis in TATB by Liquid Chromatography coupled with Spectroscopic and Spectrometric Detection ISSN: 0721-3115 , 1521-4087; DOI: 10.1002/prep.202100224, Propellants, explosives, pyrotechnics , 2022, Vol.47(4)

H. F. Robey, T. R. Boehly, et al. Shock timing experiments on the National Ignition Facility: Initial results and comparison with simulation Physics of Plasmas 04/2012; 19(4).

C. J. Gaston, H. Furutani et al. Unique ocean-derived particles serve as a proxy for changes in ocean chemistry Journal of Geophysical Research 01/2011; 116.

Frank, M. Gard, E., Tobias H. et al. Single-Particle Aerosol Mass Spectrometry (SPAMS) for High-Throughput and Rapid Analysis of Biological Aerosols and Single Cells Rapid Characterization of Microorganisms by Mass Spectrometry, Chapter 10, 2011, pp 161-196

Steele, Pt, Farquar GR, Martin, et al. Autonomous, broad-spectrum detection of hazardous aerosols in seconds ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY V26 (25): 4166-4171 JUNE 15 2008 ISSN:0003-2700

For a full list, see: ORCID


•     Patent # 8065119 - Computerized method and system for designing an aerodynamic focusing lens stack, Issued: November 22, 2011

•      Patent # 7361891 - Pressure-flow reducer for aerosol focusing devices, Issued: April 22, 2008