Yujin Cho
Staff Scientist -
cho25@llnl.gov -
(925) 423-3113 -
Yujin Cho is a quantum physicist, working as a postdoctoral researcher in the Quantum Coherent Device Physics group at LLNL. Yujin graduated with a B.S. in Mathematics and Physics at Sogang University in South Korea in 2011 and M. S. in Physics in 2013 at the same institution, focusing on light-matter interaction on various 2D materials. Yujin completed her Ph. D. at the University of Texas at Austin in 2019 on nonlinear optical properties of ferroelectric materials. Before joining LLNL in 2021, she worked at University of California, Los Angeles, where she started her journey in quantum. Her research interests include understanding two level system defects on superconducting devices and optimal control.
Ph. D. Physics, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, 2019
M. S. Physics, Sogang University, Seoul, Korea, 2013
B. S. Mathematics, B. S. Physics, Sogang University, Seoul, Korea, 2011
Y. Cho, K. M. Beck, A. R. Castelli, K. A. Wendt, B. Evert, M. Reagor, and J. L DuBois, “Direct pulse-level compilation of arbitrary quantum logic gates on superconducting qutrits”, in preparation (2023).
Y. Cho, D. Jasrasaria, K. G. Ray, D. M. Tennant, V. Lordi, J. L DuBois, and Y. J. Rosen, “Simulating Noise on a Quantum Processor: Interactions between a Qubit and Resonant Two-Level System Bath”, ArXiv Preprint ArXiv:2211.08535 (2022).
Y. Cho, S. M. Anderson, B. S. Mendoza, S. Okano, N. Arzate, A. I. Shkrebtii, D. Wu, K. Lai, R. Carriles, D. R. T. Zahn, and M. C. Downer, “Second-harmonic and linear spectroscopy of α-In2Se3” Phys. Rev. Materials 6, 034006 (2022).
Y. Cho*, J. H. Kang, L. Liang, A. A. Puretzky, S. Ghosh, F. Kargar, C. Hu, I. J. Park, R. K. Lake, N. Ni, A. A. Balandin, D. Geohegan, and C. W. Wong, “Phonon modes and Raman signatures of MnBi2nTe3n+1 (n=1,2,3,4) magnetic topological heterostructures” Phys. Rev. Research 4, 013108 (2022), *corresponding author
Full list: Google scholar
- DCMP graduate student travel award for the 2019 APS March Meeting in Boston (2019)
- Travel support for the AAAS 2019 Annual Meeting in Washington D.C. (2019)
- InProTUC (“International Promovieren an der Technischen Universität Chemnitz”/ “Doing a doctorate at Technische Universität Chemnitz”) program (2018)
- Physical Science section at 2018 American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) annual meeting (2018)
- Optics of Surfaces and Interfaces (OSI) 12 annual meeting (2017)
- Kwanjeong Scholarship from South Korea supporting Ph. D. Program (2013-2018)