Andrea Chiang

Portrait of  Andrea Chiang
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    Staff Scientist
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    (925) 423-6232
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Andrea is a seismologist in the LLNL Seismology Group and Program Lead for the Seismic Cooperation Program. She has worked on broadband waveform modeling and source inversions of underground explosions, and earthquakes in the Middle East, Caucasus, and Central Asia. She is experienced in running full wavefield simulations on high-performance computing systems to model explosion and earthquake sources and wave propagation.

Ph.D., Earth and Planetary Science, University of California, Berkeley, 2015

B.S., Geology, University of California, Davis, 2010

Chiang, A., R. Gök, Y. M. Tarabulsi, S. Y. El-Hadidy,  W. W. Raddadi, and A.D. Mousa (2021), Seismic source characterization of the Arabian Peninsula and Zagros Mountains from regional moment tensor and coda envelopes. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 14(1).

Chiang, A., G. A. Ichinose, D. S. Dreger, S. R. Ford, E. M. Matzel, S. C. Myers, and W. R. Walter (2018), Moment tensor source-type analysis for the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea declared nuclear explosions (2006-2017) and 03-SEP-2017 collapse event. Seism. Res. Lett., 89(6), 2152-2165.

Chiang, A., D.S. Dreger, S.R. Ford, W.R. Walter, and S.-H Yoo (2016). Moment tensor analysis of very shallow sources. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 106(6), 2436-2449.

Chiang, A., D.S. Dreger, S.R. Ford and W.R. Walter (2014). Source characterization of underground explosions from combined regional moment tensor and first motion analysis. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 104(4), 1587-1600.

Member of American Geophysical Union

Member of American Seismological Society