Vincent Cheung


Portrait of  Vincent Cheung
  • Title
    Staff Scientist
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    (925) 422-4661
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Professional Background

Vincent Cheung received his PhD in high-energy nuclear physics from the University of California at Davis in 2020 where he investigated quarkonium polarization in high-energy collisions. He pioneered the improved color evaporation model to produce the first quarkonium polarization predictions using the model.

Vincent joined as a postdoc at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in 2021 to continue investigating nuclear structure in particle collider environments such as the Large Hadron Collider and the future Electron Ion Collider. He was awarded a Lab-Wide Lab Directed Research and Development award to investigate the nature of the X(3872), a tetraquark candidate.

In 2023, Vincent was converted to a staff scientist. He then expanded his expertise in nuclear physics by also contributing to nuclear data infrastructure development and radiation modeling for nuclear nonproliferation and security purposes.

Research Interests

High-energy nuclear physics, nuclear data infrastructure, nuclear decay and structure, radiation modeling

Ph.D. Physics, University of California at Davis, 2020

M.S. Physics, University of California at Davis, 2017

B.S. Physics, University of California at Davis, 2014

Published papers in peer reviewed journals

V. Cheung and R. Vogt, "Quarkonium polarizion in Pb+Pb collisions in the improved color evaporation model," Phys. Rev. C 105, 055202 (2022).
V. Cheung and R. Vogt, "Production and polarization of direct J/ψ to O(αs3) in the improved color evaporation model in collinear factorization," Phys. Rev. D 104, 094026 (2021).
V. Cheung and R. Vogt, "Quarkonium production and polarization in high-energy collisions," PoS CHARM2020, 054 (2021).

Code repositories

RadSim, LLNL-CODE-854710 and LLNL-CODE-855199.

FUDGE (For Updating Data and Generating Evaluations), LLNL-CODE-683960.

  • 2022 Director’s Excellence in Publication Award