Siu Wun Cheung

Portrait of  Siu Wun Cheung
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    Research Scientist
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    (925) 422-1718
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Siu Wun (Tony) Cheung is a research scientist in the Center for Applied Scientific Computing at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. He is a core member of the reduced order modeling team who contribute to libROM. He obtained his doctoral degree in mathematics from Texas A&M University in 2020. His broad research area is in computational mathematics and scientific computing. His research interests include reduced order modeling, scientific machine learning, multiscale finite element methods, and discontinuous Galerkin methods.

Personal homepage (not affiliated with or sponsored by LLNL)

Ph.D. in Mathematics (2020), Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas.

M.Phil. in Mathematics (2016), The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

B.Sc. in Mathematics (2014), The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

Full publication list on Google Scholar

Selected publications:

  1. Jessica T. Lauzon, Siu Wun Cheung, Yeonjong Shin, Youngsoo Choi, Dylan Matthew Copeland, and Kevin Huynh.
    S-OPT: a points selection algorithm for hyper-reduction in reduced order models.
    SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 46-4 (2024), B474-B501.
  2. Siu Wun Cheung, Youngsoo Choi, H. Keo Springer, and Teeratorn Kadeethum.
    Data-scarce surrogate modeling of shock-induced pore collapse process.
    Shock Waves, 34 (2024), 237-256.
  3. Jun Sur Richard Park, Siu Wun Cheung, Youngsoo Choi, and Yeonjong Shin.
    tLaSDI: Thermodynamics-informed latent space dynamics identification.
    Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 429 (2024), 117144.
  4. Siu Wun Cheung, Amit Kushwaha, Huafei Sun, and Xiao-Hui Wu.
    Stochastic representation and conditioning of process-based geological model by deep generative and recognition networks.
    Petroleum Geoscience, 30 (2024), petgeo2022-032.
  5. Siu Wun Cheung, Youngsoo Choi, Dylan M. Copeland, and Kevin Huynh.
    Local Lagrangian reduced-order modeling for the Rayleigh-Taylor instability by solution manifold decomposition.
    Journal of Computational Physics, 472 (2023), 111655.
    [2024 LLNL 
    Director’s Science and Technology Excellence in Publication Award]
  6. Dylan Matthew Copeland, Siu Wun Cheung, Kevin Huynh, and Youngsoo Choi.
    Reduced order models for Lagrangian hydrodynamics.
    Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 388 (2022), 114259.

  7. Siu Wun Cheung, Eric T. Chung, Yalchin Efendiev, and Wing Tat Leung.
    Explicit and energy-conserving constraint energy minimizing generalized multiscale discontinuous Galerkin method for wave propagation in heterogeneous media.
    Multiscale Modeling & Simulation, 19 (2021), 1736-1759.

  8. Siu Wun Cheung, Eric Chung, and Hyea Hyun Kim.
    A mass conservative scheme for fluid-structure interaction problems by the staggered discontinuous Galerkin method.
    Journal of Scientific Computing, (2018) 74, 1423–1456.