Li-Wei Chao
Postdoctoral Researcher -
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(925) 422-4834 -
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I am deeply passionate about climate science, with a particular focus on the changes in clouds in the current climate and in a future warming world. My research interests include (1) understanding how clouds interact with warming and warming pattern in satellite observations, (2) evaluating global climate models and global storm-resolving models in representing cloud processes, and (3) exploring how satellite observations and model evaluations could help improve future climate projections.
Ph.D., Atmospheric Sciences, Texas A&M University 2023
B.S., Atmospheric Sciences, National Taiwan University 2018
Chao, Li-Wei, Mark D. Zelinka, and Andrew E. Dessler. Evaluating Cloud Feedback Components in Observations and Their Representation in Climate Models. (under review)
Chao, Li-Wei, Jacob C. Muller, and Andrew E. Dessler (2022). Impacts of the Unforced Pattern Effect on the Cloud Feedback in CERES Observations and Climate Models. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2021GL096299.
Chao, Li-Wei, and Andrew E. Dessler (2021). An Assessment of Climate Feedbacks in Observations and Climate Models Using Different Energy Balance Frameworks, Journal of Climate, 34: 9763-9773.
Full list: Google Scholar
- Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology (FINESST), 2020-2023
- Bachelor Thesis Award, National Taiwan University, 2018
- College Student Research Creativity Award, Taiwan, 2018
- College Student Research Scholarship, Taiwan, 2017
- Dean’s List Award, National Taiwan University, 2016-2017