Peter M. Celliers

Portrait of  Peter M. Celliers

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Dr. Celliers' doctoral thesis work examined laser driven shock waves in fused silica. In 1989 following his post-doctoral appointment, he returned to the University of British Columbia as a research associate to continue research on laser-driven shock waves. From 1992 to 1994 he worked for an industrial firm developing spectrometers for plasma-based analytical instrumentation. In 1994, Dr. Celliers joined Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory as a staff scientist, where he has worked on a variety of projects including applications of x-ray lasers for plasma probing, laser-produced x-ray sources for lithography, and developing optical diagnostic techniques for biomedical applications of lasers. Recent research includes laser-driven shock for equation-of-state measurements and other applications in the inertial-confinement program.

Post-doc, X-ray converstion in high-Z laser-produced plasmas, Max-Planck Institute for Quantum Optics, Garching, Germany, 1988

Ph.D., Plasma Physics, University of British Columbia, 1987

B.Sc., Engineering Physics, Queen's University, Canada, 1980

  • Excellence in Plasma Physics Award, 1998
  • Weapons Physics Award, 1998