Bruce A. Buchholz

Portrait of  Bruce A. Buchholz
  • Title
    Staff Scientist
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    (925) 422-1739
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Research Interests

  • Isotope forensics in biological systems
  • Macro-molecular and cell turnover and repair
  • Use of isotope tracers in biological applications
  • Pharmacokinetics of exogenous compounds at physiological and environmental exposures

Professional Memberships

  • American Academy of Forensic Science
  • American Chemical Society
  • International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics
  • Society of Toxicology

Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1993

M.S. Physics, Northwestern University, 1984

A.B. Physics and Mathematics, Ripon College, 1983

  1. B.A. Buchholz, K. Ahn, H. Huang, S.J. Gee, B.J. Stewart, T.J. Ognibene, B.D. Hammock, Pharmacokinetics, Metabolite Measurement, and Biomarker Identification of Dermal Exposure to Permethrin Using Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, Toxicological Sciences 183 (2021) 49–59. doi: 10.1093/toxsci/kfab082.
  2. K.A.M. Hackenberg, H. Rajabzadeh-Oghaz, R. Dreier, B.A. Buchholz, A. Navid, D.M. Rocke, A. Abdulazim, D. Hanggi, A. Siddiqui, R.L. Macdonald, H. Meng, N. Etminan. Collagen Turnover in Relation to Risk Factors and Hemodynamics in Human Intracranial Aneurysms. Stroke 51 (2020) 1624-1628. doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.120.029335.
  3. E. Jung, X. Hui, H. Zhu, A. Zhang, W. Wang, B. Buchholz, H. Maibach. Effect of iron and silica nanoparticles’ size on in vitro human skin binding and penetration. Toxicology Research and Application 3 (2019) 1-10. doi:10.1177/2397847319893054.
  4. M.G. Garrod, H.A. Rossow, C.C. Calvert, J.W. Miller, R. Green, B.A. Buchholz, L.H. Allen. 14C-Cobalamin Absorption from Endogenously Labeled Chicken Eggs Assessed in Humans Using Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. Nutrients 11 (2019) 2148. doi:10.3390/nu11092148.
  5. B.J. Mailloux, C. Kim, T. Kichuk, K. Nguyen, C. Precht, S. Wang, T.N.M. Jewell, U. Karaoz, E.L. Brodie, K.H. Williams, H.R. Beller, B.A. Buchholz. Paired RNA Radiocarbon and Sequencing Analyses Indicate the Importance of Autotrophy in a Shallow Alluvial Aquifier. Sci. Rep. 9 (2019) 10370.
  6. M.A. Malfatti, B.A. Buchholz, H.A. Enright, B.J. Stewart, T.J. Ognibene, A.D. McCartt, G.G. Loots, M. Zimmermann, T.M. Scharadin, G.D. Cimino, B.A. Jonas, Chong-Xian Pan, G. Bench, P.T. Henderson, K.W. Turteltaub. Radiocarbon Tracers in Toxicology and Medicine: Recent Advances in Technology and Science. Toxics 7 (2019) paper 27.
  7. S.A. Carratt, M. Hartog, B.A. Buchholz, E.A. Kuhn, N.M. Collette, X. Ding, L.S. Van Winkle. Naphthalene Genotoxicity: DNA Adducts in Primate and Mouse Airway Explants. Toxicol. Lett. 305 (2019) 103-109.
  8. M.G. Garrod, B.A. Buchholz, J.W. Miller, K.W. Haack, R. Green, L.H. Allen. Vitamin B12 Added as a Fortificant to Flour Retains High Bioavailability when Baked in Bread. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B 438 (2019) 136-140.
  9. B.A. Buchholz, S.A. Carratt, E.A. Kuhn, N.M. Collette, X. Ding, L.S. Van Winkle. Naphthalene DNA Adduct Formation and Tolerance in the Lung. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B 438 (2019) 119-123.
  10. N.R. Hum, K.A. Martin, M.A. Malfatti, K. Haack, B.A. Buchholz, G.G. Loots. Tracking Tumor Colonization in Xenograft Mouse Models Using Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. Sci. Rep. 8 (2018) 15013. DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-33368-0.
  11. B.A. Buchholz, K. Alkass, H. Druid, K.L. Spalding. Bomb Pulse Radiocarbon Dating of Skeletal Tissues. In New Perspectives in Forensic Human Skeletal Identification. K.E. Latham, E.J. Bartelink and M. Finnegan eds. Academic Press, Elsevier Science Ltd., London, England.  Chapter 16, (2018) 185–196. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-805429-1.00016-8.
  12. H.A. Enright, M.J.S. Falso, M.A. Malfatti, V. Lao, E.A. Kuhn, N. Hum, Y. Shi, A.P. Sales, K.W. Haack, K.S. Kulp, B.A. Buchholz, G.G. Loots, G. Bench, K.W. Turteltaub. Maternal exposure to an environmentally relevant dose of triclocarban results in perinatal exposure and potential alterations in offspring development in the mouse model. PLoS ONE 12 (2017) e0181996. https://
  13. M. Mortimer, E.J. Petersen, B.A. Buchholz, P.A. Holden. Separation of Bacteria, Protozoa and Carbon Nanotubes by Density Gradient Centrifugation. Nanomaterials 6 (2016) Paper 181. doi:  10.3390/nano6100181.
  14. M. Mortimer, E.J. Petersen, B.A. Buchholz, E. Orias, P.A. Holden. Bioaccumulation of Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes in Tetrahymena thermophila by Direct Feeding or Trophic Transfer. Environ. Sci. Technol. 50 (2016) 8876-8885. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.6b01916.
  15. T.S. Rogers, M.G. Garrod, J.M. Peerson, D.J. Hillegonds, B.A. Buchholz, E. Demmer, C. Richardson, E.R. Gertz, M.D. Van Loan. Is bone equally responsive to calcium and vitamin D intake from food vs. supplements? Use of 41calcium tracer kinetic model. Bone Reports 5 (2016) 117-123. doi:10.1016/j.bonr.2016.05.001.
  16. T. Tong, J. M. Ondov, B.A. Buchholz, M.C. VanDerveer. Contemporary Carbon Content of Bis (2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate in Butter. Food Chem. 190 (2016) 1064-1068. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2015.06.053.
  17. L.M. Hooper-Bui, E.S.C. Kwok, B.A. Buchholz, M.K. Rust, D.A. Eastmond, J.S. Vogel. Insecticide Transfer Efficiency and Lethal Load in Argentine Ants. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B 361 (2015) 665-669.
  18. I. Maze, W. Wenderski, K. Noh, R. C. Bagot, N. Tzavaras, I. Purushothaman, S. J. Elsässer, Y. Guo, C. Ionete, Y. L. Hurd, C. A. Tamminga, T. Halene, L. Farrelly, A. A. Soshnev, D. Wen, S. Rafii, M. R. Birtwistle, S. Akbarian, B. A. Buchholz, R. D. Blitzer, E. J. Nestler, Z. Yuan, B. A. Garcia,  L. Shen, H. Molina, C. D. Allis. Critical role of histone turnover in neuronal transcription and plasticity. Neuron 87 (2015) 77-94.
  19. C. Zhao, S.H. Hwang, B.A.Buchholz, T.S.Carpenter, F. Lightstone, J. Yang, B.D. Hammock, J.E. Casida. GABAA receptor target of tetramethylenedisulfotetramine. PNAS 111 (2014) 8607-8612.
  20. J.A. Cappuccio, M.J.S. Falso, M. Kashgarian, B.A. Buchholz. 14C Analysis of Protein Extracts from Bacillus Spores. Forensic Sci. Inter 240 (2014) 54-60. DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2014.04.003.
  21. N. Etminan, R. Dreier, B.A. Buchholz, K. Beseoglu. P. Bruckner, C. Matzennaur, J.C. Torner,  R.D. Brown, H.J. Steiger, D. Hänggi, R.L. Macdonald. The Age of Collagen in Intracranial Saccular Aneurysms. Stroke 45 (2014) 1757-1763.
  22. N. Etminan, B.A. Buchholz, R. Dreier, P. Bruckner, J.C. Torner, H.-J. Steiger, D. Hänggi, R.L. Macdonald. Cerebral aneurysms: Formation, progression and developmental chronology. Translational Stroke Research 5 (2014) 167-173.
  23. M.A. Nelson, J.M. Ondov, M.C. VanDerveer, B.A. Buchholz. Contemporary Fraction of bis(2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate in Stilton Cheese by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. Radiocarbon 55 (2013) 686-697. DOI: 10.2458/azu_js_rc.55.16298.
  24. K. Alkass, H. Saitoh, B.A. Buchholz, S. Bernard, G. Holmlund, D.R. Senn, K.L. Spalding, H. Druid. Analysis of radiocarbon, stable isotopes and DNA in teeth to facilitate identification of unknown decedents. PLoS ONE 8 (2013) e69597. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0069597.
  25. K.L. Spalding, O. Bergmann, K. Alkass, S. Bernard, M. Salehpour, H. Huttner, E. Boström, I. Westerlund, B.A. Buchholz, G. Possnert, D. Mash, H. Druid, J. Frisén. Dynamics of hippocampal neurogenesis in adult humans. Cell 153 (2013) 1219-1227.
  26. B.J. Mailloux, E. Trembath-Reichert, J. Cheung, M. Watson, M. Stute, G.A. Freyer, A.S. Ferguson, K. M. Ahmed, M.J. Alam, B.A. Buchholz, J. Thomas, A.C. Layton, Y. Zheng, B.C. Bostick, A. van Geen. Advection of surface-derived organic carbon fuels microbial reduction in Bangladesh groundwater. PNAS 110 (2013) 5331-5335. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1213141110
  27. J. Graham, S. Biegalski, B. Buchholz. Preparation of radio-Sm by neutron activation for accelerator mass spectrometry. J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 296 (2013) 233-236.
  28. D.N. Stewart, J. Lango, K.P. Nambiar, M.J.S. Falso, P.G. FitzGerald, B.D. Hammock, B.A. Buchholz. Carbon turnover in water-soluble protein of the adult human lens. Molecular Vision 19 (2013) 463-475.
  29. N. Etminan, R. Dreier, B.A. Buchholz, P. Bruckner, H.-J. Steiger, D. Hänggi, R.L. MacDonald. Exploring the age of intercranial aneurysms using carbon birth dating: preliminary results. Stroke 44 (2013) 799-802.
  30. M.J.S. Falso, B.A. Buchholz. Bomb pulse biology. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B 294 (2013) 666-670.
  31. B.A. Buchholz, S.J. Fallon, P. Zermeño, G. Bench, B.A. Schichtel. Anomalous elevated radiocarbon measurements of PM2.5. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B 294 (2013) 631-635.
  32. C.F. Speller, K.L. Spalding, B.A. Buchholz, D. Hildebrand, J. Moore, R. Mathewes, M.F. Skinner, D.Y. Yang. Personal identification of cold case remains through combined contribution from anthropological, mtDNA and bomb–pulse dating analyses. J. Forensic Sci.  57 (2012) 1354-1360.
  33. M.J. Sarachine Falso, B.A. Buchholz, R.W. deVere White. Stem-like cells in bladder cancer cell lines with differential sensitivity to cisplatin. Anticancer Research 32 (2012) 733-738.
  34. N.H. Schebb, B.A. Buchholz, B.D. Hammock, R.H. Rice. Metabolism of the antibacterial triclocarban by human epidermal keratinocytes to yield protein adducts. J. Biochem. Mol. Tox. 26 (2012) 230-234. DOI: 10.1002/jbt.21411
  35. P. Arner, S. Bernard, M. Salehpour, G. Possnert, J. Liebl, P. Steier, B.A. Buchholz, M. Eriksson, E. Arner, H. Hauner, T. Skurk, M. Rydén, K.N. Frayn, K.L. Spalding. Dynamics of human adipose lipid turnover in health and metabolic disease. Nature 478 (2011) 110-113. DOI: 10.1038/nature10426
  36. K. Alkass, B.A. Buchholz, H. Druid, K.L. Spalding. Analysis of 14C and 13C in teeth provides precise birth dating and clues to geographical origin. Forensic Sci. Inter. 209 (2011) 34-41.
  37. S. Perl, J.A. Kushner, B.A. Buchholz, A.K. Meeker, G.M. Stein, M. Hsieh, M. Kirby, S. Pechhold, E.H. Liu, D.M. Harlan, J.F. Tisdale. Significant Human b-Cell Turnover Is Limited to the First Three Decades of Life as Determined by in vivo Thymidine Analog Incorporation and Radiocarbon Dating. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 95 (2010) E234-E239, doi:10.1210/jc.2010-0932.
  38. E.K. Aklamati, M. Mulenga, S.R. Dueker, B.A. Buchholz, J.M. Peerson, E. Kafwembe, K.H. Brown, M.J. Haskell. Accelerator mass spectrometry can be used to assess Vitamin A metabolism quantitatively in boys in a community setting. J Nutr 140 (2010) 1588 - 1594.
  39. B.A. Buchholz, P. Zermeño, H.-M. Hwang, T.M. Young, T.P. Guilderson. Measuring Submicron-sized fractionated particulate matter on aluminum impactor disks. Radiocarbon 52 (2010) 278-285.
  40. B.A. Buchholz, K.L. Spalding. Year of birth determination using radiocarbon dating of dental enamel. Surf. Interface Anal. 42 (2010) 398-401.
  41. K. Alkass, B.A. Buchholz, S. Ohtani, T. Yamamoto, H. Druid, K.L. Spalding. Age estimation in forensic sciences: Application of combined aspartic acid racemization and radiocarbon analysis. Mol Cell Proteomics 9 (2010) 1022-1030.
  42. B.A. Buchholz, K. Haack, J. Links Sporty, A.R. Buckpitt, and D. Morin. Free flow electrophoresis separation and AMS quantitation of 14C-naphthalene-protein adducts. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B 268 (2010) 1324-1327. DOI: 10.1016/j.nimb.2009.10.164 
  43. B.A. Buchholz, S.R. Biegalski, S.M. Whitney, S.J. Tumey, C.J. Weaver. Basis for developing samarium AMS for fuel cycle analysis. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B 268 (2010) 773-775.
  44. O. Bergmann, R.D. Bhardwaj, S. Bernard, S. Zdunek, F. Barnabé-Heider, S. Walsh, J. Zupicich, K. Alkass, B.A. Buchholz, H. Druid, S. Jovinge and J. Frisén. Evidence for cardiomyocyte renewal in humans. Science 324 (2009) 98-102.
  45. S.J. Tumey, T.A. Brown, B.A. Buchholz, T.F. Hamilton, I.D. Hutcheon and R.W. Williams. Ultra-sensitive measurements of 233U by accelerator mass spectrometry for national security applications. J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 282 (2009) 721-724.
  46. C.J. Weaver, S.R.F. Biegalski and B.A. Buchholz. Assessment of non-traditional isotopic ratios by mass spectrometry for analysis of nuclear activities. J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 282 (2009) 709-713.
  47. K.L. Spalding, E. Arner , P.O. Westermark, S. Bernard, B.A. Buchholz, O.I. Bergman, L. Blomqvist, J. Hoffstedt, E. Näslund, T. Britton, H. Concha, M. Hassan, M. Rydén, J. Frisén, P. Arner. Dynamics of Fat Cell Turnover in Humans. Nature 453 (2008) 783-787.
  48. G. A. Ban-Weiss, J. Y. Chen, B. A. Buchholz and R.W. Dibble. A numerical investigation into the anomalous slight NOx increase when burning biodiesel; A new (old) theory. Fuel Processing Technology 88 (2007) 659-667.
  49. B.A. Buchholz, T.A. Brown, T.F. Hamilton, I.D. Hutcheon, A.A. Marchetti, R.E. Martinelli, E.C. Ramon, S.J. Tumey and R.W. Williams. Investigating uranium isotopic distributions in environmental samples using AMS and ICPMS. Nuclear Instruments & Methods B 259 (2007) 733-738.
  50. J.H. Mack, B.A. Buchholz, D.L.Flowers and R.W. Dibble. Using Biofuel Tracers to Study Alternative Combustion Regimes. Nuclear Instruments & Methods B 259 (2007) 414-420.
  51. S.R. Dueker, L.T. Luong, B. Faulkner, B.A. Buchholz and J.S. Vogel. Disposition of 14C-b-carotene following delivery with autologous triacylglyceride-rich lipoproteins. Nuclear Instruments & Methods B 259 (2007) 767-772.
  52. J. S. Vogel, N. M. Palmblad, T. Ognibene, M. M. Kabir, B. A. Buchholz and G. M. Bench. Biochemical Paths in Humans and Cells: Frontiers of AMS Bioanalysis. Nuclear Instruments & Methods B 259 (2007) 745-751.
  53. Scott M. Whitney, Steven R. Biegalski and Bruce A. Buchholz.  Analyzing Nuclear Fuel Cycles from Isotopic Ratios of Waste Products Applicable to Measurements by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. Nuclear Science & Engineering 157 (2007) 200-209.
  54. Ratan D. Bhardwaj, Maurice A. Curtis, Kirsty L. Spalding, Bruce A. Buchholz, David Fink, Thomas Björk-Eriksson, Claes Nordborg, Henrik Druid, Peter S. Eriksson and Jonas Frisén. Neocortical neurogenesis in humans is restricted to development. PNAS 103 (2006) 12564-12568.
  55. C. Carkeet, S.R. Dueker, J. Lango, B.A. Buchholz, J.W. Miller, R. Green, B.D. Hammock, J.R. Roth, P.J. Anderson. Human vitamin B12 absorption measurement by accelerator mass spectrometry using specifically labeled 14C-cobalamin. PNAS 103 (2006) 5694-5699.
  56. D.H. Ubelaker, B.A. Buchholz and J. Stewart. Analysis of Artificial Radiocarbon in Different Skeletal and Dental Tissue Types to Evaluate Date of Death. J. Forensic Sciences 51 (2006) 484-488.
  57. G. Getachew, S.-H. Kim, B. J. Burri, P. B. Kelly, K. W. Haack, T. J. Ognibene, B. A. Buchholz, J. S. Vogel, J. Modrow, A. J. Clifford. How to convert biological carbon into graphite for AMS. Radiocarbon 48 (2006) 325-336.
  58. Douglas H. Ubelaker and Bruce A. Buchholz. Complexities in the use of Bomb-Curve Radiocarbon to determine time since death of human skeletal remains. Forensic Science Communications 8 (2006) online.
  59. Stephen R. Dueker, Michael Lamé, Yumei Lin, Andrew J. Clifford, Bruce A. Buchholz, and John S. Vogel. Traditional and accelerator mass spectrometry for quantitation of human folate pools. Trends in Food Science & Technology  16 (2005) 267-270.
  60. Kirsty L. Spalding, Bruce A. Buchholz, Henrik Druid, Lars-Eric Bergman and Jonas Frisén. Forensic Medicine: Age Written in Teeth by Nuclear Bomb Tests.  Nature 437 (2005) 333-334.
  61. K.L. Spalding, R.D. Bhardwaj, B. A. Buchholz, H. Druid, J. Frisén.  Retrospective Birth Dating of Cells. Cell  122 (2005) 133-143.
  62. H.L. Jones, G.P. McTaggart-Cowan, S.N. Rogak, W.K. Bushe,  S.R. Munshi,  and B.A. Buchholz. Source Apportionment of Particulate Matter from a Diesel Pilot-Ignited Natural Gas Fuelled Heavy Duty DI Engine.  Society of Automotive Engineers Technical Paper 2005-01-2149, SAE Trans. - Journal of Fuels and Lubricants 114 (2005) 944-954.
  63. J.H. Mack, R.W. Dibble, B.A. Buchholz, and D.L. Flowers.  The Effect of Di-Tertiary Butyl Peroxide (DTBP) additive on HCCI Combustion of Fuel Blends of Ethanol and Diethyl Ether. Society of Automotive Engineers Technical Paper 2005-01-2135, SAE Trans. - Journal of Fuels and Lubricants 114 (2005) 894-901.
  64. R. Fraer, H. Dinh, K. Proc, R. L. McCormick, K. Chandler and B. Buchholz. Operating Experience and Teardown Analysis for Engines Operated on Biodiesel Blends (B20).  Society of Automotive Engineers Technical Paper 2005-01-3641 (2005).
  65. M. Palmblad, B. A. Buchholz, D. J. Hillegonds, and J. S. Vogel. Neuroscience and Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. J. Mass Spectrometry 40 (2005) 154-159.
  66. J.H. Mack, D.L. Flowers, B.A. Buchholz, and R.W. Dibble. Investigation of HCCI Combustion of Diethyl Ether and Ethanol Mixtures Using Carbon 14 Tracing and Numerical Simulations. Proceeding of the Combustion Institute 30 (2005) 2693-2700.
  67. L.T. Vuong, B. A. Buchholz, M. W. Lame MW, and S. R.  Dueker. Phytochemical research using accelerator mass spectrometry. Nutrition Reviews 62 (2004) 375-388.
  68. Bruce A. Buchholz and Howard I Maibach. AMS Revolutionizes Absorption and Metabolism Studies. Cosmetics and Toiletries 118 (2004) 20-23.
  69. Y. M. Lin, S. R. Dueker, J. R. Follett, J. G. Fadel, A. Arjomand, P. D. Schneider, J. W. Miller, R. Green, B. A. Buchholz, J. S. Vogel, R. D. Phair, and A. J. Clifford. Quantitation of in vivo human folate metabolism. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 80 (2004) 680-691.
  70. P. Zermeno, D. K. Kurdyla, B. A. Buchholz, S. J. Heller, M. Kashgarian, and B. R. Frantz. Prevention and removal of elevated radiocarbon contamination in the LLNL/CAMS natural radiocarbon sample preparation laboratory.  Nuclear Instruments & Methods B 223-24(2004) 293-297.
  71. Bruce A. Buchholz, Charles J. Mueller, Ansis Upatnieks, Glen C. Martin, William J. Pitz, and Charles K. Westbrook.  Using Carbon-14 Isotope Tracing to Investigate Molecular Structure Effects of the Oxygenate Dibutyl Maleate on Soot Emissions from a DI Diesel Engine.  Society of Automotive Engineers Technical Paper 2004-01-1849, SAE Trans. - Journal of Fuels and Lubricants 113 (2004) 846-857.
  72. Bruce A. Buchholz, Charles J. Mueller, Glen C. Martin, Adelbert S. Cheng, Robert W. Dibble, Brian R. Frantz. Tracing Fuel Component Carbon in the Emissions From Diesel Engines. Nuclear Instruments & Methods B 223-4 (2004) 837-841.
  73. F. Yao, H.G. Mueller, A.J. Clifford, S.R. Dueker, J.R. Follett, Y. Lin, B.A. Buchholz, J.S. Vogel.  Shrinkage estimation for Functional Principal Components, with application to the population kinetics of plasma folate.  Biometrics 59 (2003) 676-685.
  74. A.S. (Ed) Cheng, Bruce A. Buchholz and Robert W. Dibble.  Isotopic Tracing of Fuel Carbon in the Emissions of a Compression-Ignition Engine Fueled with Biodiesel Blends. SAE Technical Paper 2003–01-2282, SAE Trans. - Journal of Fuels and Lubricants 112 (2003) 2015-2020.
  75. Bruce A. Buchholz, Robert W. Dibble, David Rich and Adelbert S. Cheng. Quantifying the contribution of lubrication oil carbon to particulate emissions from a diesel engine. SAE Technical Paper 2003-01-1987, SAE Trans. - Journal of Fuels and Lubricants 112 (2003) 1874-1879.
  76. John Vogel, Ted Ognibene, and Bruce Buchholz.  MS of Semistable Isotopes for Absolute Attomole Quantitation. American Biotechnology Laboratory 21 (2003) 20-24.
  77. S.L. Lemke, S.R. Dueker, J.R. Follett, Y .Lin, C. Carkeet, B.A. Buchholz, J.S. Vogel, A.J. Clifford. Absorption and retinol equivalence of beta-carotene in humans is influenced by dietary vitamin A intake. J Lipid Res. 44 (2003) 1591-600.
  78. H.G. Muller, C.L. Su, S.R. Dueker, Y.M. Lin, A. Clifford, B.A. Buchholz, J.S. Vogel.  Semiparametric modeling of labeled-cell kinetics, with application to isotope labeling of erythrocytes.  Biometrics 58 (2002) 937-945.
  79. J.S. Vogel, G.A. Keating, B.A. Buchholz.  Protein binding of isofluorophate in vivo after coexposure to multiple chemicals.  Environ. Health Perspectives 110: Suppl. 6 (2002) 1031-1036.
  80. C.M. Lu, D.W. Burton, R.L. Fitzgerald, L.J. Deftos, B.A. Buchholz, J.S. Vogel, D.A. Herold. Mass Spectrometric Immunoassay for Parathyroid Hormone-related Protein. Anal. Chem. 74 (2002) 5507-5512. DOI: 10.1021/ac020182a
  81. Sabrina J. Hickenbottom, Shawna L. Lemke, Stephen R. Dueker, Yumei Lin, Jennifer R. Follett, Colleen Carkeet, Bruce A. Buchholz, John S. Vogel and Andrew J. Clifford. Dual isotope test for assessing b-carotene cleavage to vitamin A in humans. Eur. J. Nutr. 41 (2002) 141-147.
  82. Bruce A. Buchholz, Adelbert S. Cheng, Robert W. Dibble, Charles J. Mueller and Glen C. Martin. Isotopic Tracing of Fuel Component Carbon in the Emissions from Diesel Engines. SAE Technical Paper 2002-01-1942, SAE Transactions- Journal of Fuels and Lubricants 111 (2002) 927-938.
  83. A.S. Cheng, R. W. Dibble and B. A. Buchholz.  The Effect of Oxygenates on Diesel Engine Particulate Matter. SAE Technical Paper 2002-01-1705 (2002).
  84. Bruce A. Buchholz, Adelbert S. Cheng and Robert W. Dibble. Isotopic Tracing of  Bio-Derived Carbon from Ethanol-in-Diesel Blends in the Emissions of a Diesel Engine. SAE Technical Paper 2002-01-1704 (2002).
  85. M. A. Lovell, J. D. Robertson, B. A. Buchholz, C. Xie, W. R. Markesbery. Use of bomb pulse carbon-14 to age senile plaques and neurofibrillary tangles in the Alzheimer's Disease Brain. Neurobiology of Aging 23 (2002) 179-186.
  86. J. S. Vogel, P. G. Grant, B. A. Buchholz, K. H. Dingley, and  K. W. Turteltaub. Attomole quantitation of protein separations with accelerator mass spectrometry. Electrophoresis 22 (2001) 2037-2045.
  87. J. David Robertson, Mark A. Lovell,  Bruce Buchholz, Chengsong Xie, and William R. Markesbery. Use Of Bomb Pulse Carbon-14 To Age Senile Plaques And Neurofibrillary Tangles In The Alzheimer’s Disease Brain. J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 249 (2001) 443-447.
  88. Masahiro Miyashita, Jack M. Presley, Bruce A. Buchholz, Kit S. Lam, Young Moo Lee, John S. Vogel and Bruce D. Hammock. Attomole level protein sequencing by Edman degradation coupled with accelerator mass spectrometry.  PNAS  98 (2001) 4403-4408.
  89. Guomin Shan, Wei Huang, Shirley J. Gee, Bruce A. Buchholz, John S. Vogel and Bruce D. Hammock.  Isotope Labelled Immunoassays without Radioactive Waste, PNAS  97 (2000) 2445-2449.
  90. Bruce A. Buchholz, Stewart  P. H. T. Freeman, Kurt W. Haack, John S. Vogel.  Tips and Traps in the Biological 14C AMS Prep Lab. Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 172 (2000) 404-408.
  91. Bruce A. Buchholz, Stephen R. Dueker, Yumei Lin, Andrew J. Clifford, John S. Vogel.  Methods and Applications of HPLC-AMS.   Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 172 (2000) 910-914.
  92. Stephen R. Dueker, Yumei Lin, Bruce A. Buchholz, Phillip D. Schneider, Michael W. Lamé, H. J. Segall, John S.Vogel, and Andrew J. Clifford. Long Term Kinetic Study of b-carotene using Accelerator Mass Spectrometry in an Adult Volunteer. J. Lipid Res41 (2000) 1790-1800.
  93. B. A. Buchholz, E. Fultz, K. W. Haack, J. S. Vogel, S. D. Gilman, S. Gee, B. D. Hammock, X. Hui, R. C. Wester, and H. I. Maibach.  HPLC-AMS Measurement of Atrazine Metabolites in Human Urine after Dermal Exposure, Anal. Chem. 71 (1999) 3519-3525.
  94. E. S. C. Kwok, B. A. Buchholz, J. S. Vogel, K. W. Turteltaub, and D. A. Eastmond.  Dose-Dependent Binding of ortho-Phenylphenol to protein but not DNA in the Urinary Bladder of Male F344 Rats. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 159 (1999) 18-24.
  95. B. A. Buchholz, A. Arjomand, S. R. Dueker, P. D. Schneider, A. J. Clifford, and J. S. Vogel. Intrinsic Erythrocyte Labeling and Attomole Pharmacokinetic Tracing of 14C-Folic Acid with Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, Anal. Biochem. 269 (1999) 348-352. DOI: 10.1006/abio.1999.4041
  96. S. D. Gilman, S. J. Gee, B. D. Hammock, J. S. Vogel, K. Haack, B. A. Buchholz, S. P. H. T. Freeman, R. C. Wester,  and H. I. Maibach. Analytical Performance of Accelerator Mass Spectrometry and Liquid Scintillation Couting for Detection of 14C-Labeled Atrazine Metabolites in Humine Urine, Anal. Chem. 70 (1998) 3463-3469.
  97. Jacqueline S. Bennett, Darren W. Bell, Bruce A. Buchholz, Eric S. C. Kwok, John S. Vogel, and Thomas Hellman Morton. Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) for Assaying Irreversible Covalent Modification of Aldolase by Acetoacetic Ester, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 179/180 (1998) 185-193.
  98. J. E. McAninch, A. A. Marchetti, B. A. Bergquist, N. J. Stoyer, G. J. Nimz, M. W. Caffee, R. C. Finkel, K. J. Moody, E. Sideras-Haddad, B. A. Buchholz, B. K. Esser and I. D. Proctor. Detection of 99Tc by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry:  Preliminary Investigations, J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 234 (1998) 125-129.
  99. A.J. Clifford, A. Arjomand, S. R. Dueker, P. D. Schneider, B.A. Buchholz, and J. S. Vogel.  The dynamics of folic acid metabolism in an adult given a small tracer dose of 14C-folic acid, Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 445 (1998) 239-51.
  100. Bruce A. Buchholz, Norma H. Pawley, John S. Vogel and Robert J. Mauthe, Pyrethroid Decrease in CNS from Nerve-agent Pretreatment, J. Applied Toxicol., 17 (1997) 231-234.
  101. B. A. Buchholz, J. C. Hutter and G. F. Vandegrift, Dissolution Kinetics of U3Si2Particles in Alkaline Hydrogen Peroxide, Nuc. Tech. 118 (1997) 225-232.
  102. B. A. Buchholz, H. E. Tuazon, M. D. Kaminski, L. Nuñez, S. B. Aase and G. F. Vandegrift, Optimizing the Coating Process of Organic Actinide Extractants on Magnetically Assisted Chemical Separation Particles, Sep. & Pur. Tech. 11 (1997) 211-219.
  103. B. A. Buchholz, L. Nuñez and G. F. Vandegrift, Effect of Alpha-Radiolysis on TRUEX-NPH Solvent, Sep. Sci. & Tech., 31 (1996) 2231-2243.
  104. B. A. Buchholz, L. Nuñez and G. F. Vandegrift, Radiolysis and Hydrolysis of Magnetically Assisted Chemical Separation Particles, Sep. Sci. & Tech., 31 (1996) 1933-1952.
  105. L. Nuñez, B. A. Buchholz, M. Kaminski, S. Landsberger, S. B. Aase, N. R. Brown and G. F. Vandegrift, Actinide Separation of High Level Waste Using Solvent Extractants on Magnetic Microparticles, Sep. Sci. & Tech., 31 (1996) 1393-1407.
  106. L. Nuñez, B. A. Buchholz and G. F. Vandegrift, Waste Remediation Using In Situ Magnetically Assisted Chemical Separation, Sep. Sci. & Tech., 30 (1995) 1455-1472.
  107. B. A. Buchholz and S. Landsberger, Leaching Dynamics Studies of Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator Ash, J. Air Waste Manage. Assoc., 45 (1995) 579-590.
  108. S. Landsberger and B. Buchholz, (invited) Nuclear Techniques and the Disposal of Non-Radioactive Solid Wastes, IAEA Bulletin, 35 (1993) 14-18.
  109. B. A. Buchholz and S. Landsberger, Trace Metal Analysis of Size-Fractionated Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator Fly Ash and Its Leachates, J. Environ. Sci. & Health, A28 (1993) 423-441.
  110. S. Landsberger, B. Buchholz, M. Kaminski and M. Plewa, Trace Elements in Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator Fly Ash, J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., 167 (1993) 331-340.